Today when getting my son from daycare, he planted a big kiss on a girl on the lips. My momma anxiety is freaking out, saying, “he’s too young!” and aside from that, these critters are contagious enough without contact. I don’t want him catching or passing anything more than he already will just by being there. How do I help him to understand that kisses with family are ok, but we shouldn’t be kissing other kids?
Teach consent. Did she say no did she pull away. He might have given her a kiss because he’s trying to express feelings of liking. Teach him that there are other ways to express feelings like talking, hugs or holding hands.
Teach him about consent? You could try and explain to him how he should ask before doing something like that and if someone says no then that’s perfectly fine and he should respect that? I’m not sure how old he is so I’m not sure about his level of comprehension but if hes old enough to understand maybe you could use a hypothetical situation involving him. Ask him how he wouldve felt if someone did something to him that he didnt want them to ? And say that little girl felt that way when he did that
I dont agree with that at all ^^…If that is something you do in your family then that is your decision but make sure your child knows that they never HAVE to do it. But with that being said I have no idea how you would explain not to kiss little girls at school lol I would just share and show him other approved ways of showing his friends affection.
My parents made a no kissing rule until I was 16. Lol.
Maybe say kissing is not ok from anyone but mommy and daddy, but if you want you can hold hands. He’s so young he doesn’t understand, he probably just sees you guys do it and mimics behavior. I’ve had my daughter try to kiss me a little to long and I had stop her and redirect the attention. She’s only two and, like I said, is just doing what she says.
Just teach your kid it’s ok to show affection but when it comes to kissing on the lips it should only be done with mom and dad and not with anyone else
We tell our students kissing is for only our moms and dads. If you want to hug your friend, you need to ask. So sad we’ve come to this but w e need to teach children to respect each other’s personal space and bodies.
You didn’t mention his age, but I’m guessing he’s less than 5. I recently observed a preschool class, the teachers there tell the children “ kisses for home, hugs for school.”
I’m trying to teach my 20 month old son similar as he loves other kids. Iv been getting into the habit of asking him, It may sound bonkers to some but I’m hoping by doing so he will ask others in the future. Especially when he gose to school or even as a young man. I don’t want him growing up thinking he can touch others without their consent or even others touching him without his consent.
Our children link kissing to affection. They aren’t “forcing” kisses. Thats all they know. We smother our little ones in kisses all day because we love them. Preschool/daycare is their first place getting affection from other ppl other then family. Teach him. “Hugs in school kisses at home” but don’t scold him. He doesn’t know. My children had done the same. Even mouth kissing each other. They outgrew it and would never dare kissing anyone.
oh jingies not a kiss ! Wowsers thats sure hecker of a concern !
I feel like a ton of these “fan questions” are made up. There can’t be this many hopelessly clueless parents raising kids can there? “How do I talk to my kids” like honestly? It’s your child. Are you so disconnected from them you don’t know how to communicate with them? It’s your child, if anyone knows how to handle the situation best it should be you. You know your child better than anyone. You should understand at what point they are in their ability to comprehend and understand concepts that they are at.
I work with kids as a behavior tech and we teach kissing is for family but you can hug or high five everyone else!
Not sure how old the kid is, but he may just be seeing it as a way to show he cares for someone. It’s not inappropriate unless she doesn’t consent. Teach him consent and stop making it into something sexual that he’s “too young” for.
Well it’s daycare, so he probably is too young for it to mean anything “inappropriate”. My son is three and I recently had to explain to him that kisses are for family my boy also gets along better with girls so I wouldn’t expect kissing a little girl to be anything more than him just being friendly and affectionate. This is a really good time to open a discussion on his body being his own and “stranger danger” and such. Good luck, don’t panic
by not making it a big deal
Been there with both of my kids. I had to keep saying “we keep our hands and lips to ourselves”
Young love . Our 3 year old had a girlfriend and she liked to plant a BIG one on him as a good by . I’m sure her dad was thinking it’s way too early for this
Tell him lol at school we just tell the kids that kisses are for home not school, they understand
Leave it. If you make something of it he’ll learn to believe there’s something dirty or wrong about it when all it was was an innocent childhood gesture.
You mention daycare, so I’m going to assume he’s younger than school age and say that he is mimicking the love and affection he hopefully sees at home. It’s not sexual or anything to worry about, even from a cootie aspect, and while I may start to enthusiastically encourage high fives and fist bumps for friends, I would not make a big deal about the kiss so as to not put the stigma that affection is bad in his head.
Depends on how old your child is but even so, I wouldn’t recommend it. Hugging is fine. I have trouble with a boy trying to kiss my daughter in elementary school and that’s a big no for me.
Don’t make something out of nothing… Say nothing, and this too will pass
It’s no big deal if it upsets you tell him to hug or even kiss on the cheek
We were always taught to never kiss anyone on the lips…not even family members. One never knows who could be a carrier of something. Love interests are excluded of course.
That’s nothing. Maybe he likes her and he us just giving her a kiss. My kids did the same.
i just go with the if it isnt yours or your body you need to ask first
- kissing isnt gonna make him more susceptible to catching anything. If hes getting exposed it’s all over there. And 2) since you didnt put the age or say he was in school imma assume hes under 5 which means hes just too young to even understand what kissing means to begin with. So making it this huge thing is gonna make him feel like he did something wrong and he didnt. I mean seriously. It was just a sign of affection people have used since the dawn of time.
It definitely is not a sexual thing So it is a way that cold germs and other possible germs might be shared so you might want to teach some other ways of familiarity that are fun and suggest to your children how germs are shared that could make you sick or even you may give the other child your germs that you don’t even know you have. And you would not want to cause someone else to get sick either.
My first kiss was in first grade
It’s kindy… he’s still just a little tacker & it’s all harmless. If it was the teacher kissing him on the lips then you’d have something to be concerned about!
Maybe he’s mimicking what he sees at home.
We have a “family gives kisses, friends give hugs” rule. Obviously, everyone has to ask first and they have the right to say no, but that’s how we handled it after my daughter started kissing her friends in preschool when they said goodbye lmao
A boy licked my daughters face on the bus. They are three so I really don’t think much of it
Don’t panic, this is perfectly normal. They aren’t doing it sexually, they are doing it as a sign up love & friendship. They are mimicking us kissing them when we see them. Depending on how old your kid is they won’t understand the no kissing non family members.
Its not sexual at all at that age, but id still tell him thats a no no jist because eventually youll have to teach him about consent, and if you allow it now he wont understand why he cant do it later
Slow down. Your son copies what he sees at home; mom and dad kissing. Do NOT say anything to him at all - as long as he’s not getting any attention for doing this - he will stop.
For Crying out loud people Get Over It!! They’re KIDS!!!
At least it was a girl and not a boy. Don’t need any more fags running around
It’s totally innocent, no need to panic. But yes, talking about kissing for mum and dad, hugging for friends and other family, and high 5s or handshakes for everyone else, might be good lol
Well if he is in daycare I am guessing he is under 5. This is totally normal. I’d tell him hugging is okay for friends, but keep kisses for mom and dad. Tell him it could spread germs and we don’t want to get friends sick or catch anything from them. Leave it at that. You dont need to make a big deal out of it or embarrass him.
Just tell him her mommy wouldn’t like it because he doesn’t have permission. He needs permission to touch another person like that.
Hmmm, maybe an unpopular opinion but I think you need to chill out. Most bugs and viruses are airborn. He’s showing love and affection, that’s surely better than biting and fighting…
I had to tell me kinder kid that kissing is for home not for school.
my 4 year old brother kissed his friend. their little.
Nothing to worry about
Wonder what your thought would be in other cultures that use kisses as a form of hello and goodbye hes just being friendly so no need to panic… hes too young to understand the concept of gfs so hell only see a kiss to being friendly. As for illnesses, hell get it either way anyway, a kid can sneeze or cough onto a toy that he could pick up next but you also need to stop being a germ panic mother or his immune system wont get stronger
Its really normal. Little kids kiss and hug. At that age they know nothing about personal space. They see nothing wrong with a kiss or hug. That is how they express that they like someone. As far as germs… Do you go to the grocery store? Go out in public? Germs are Everywhere… You or your husband could bring germs/cold to your kiddo… He could catch a cold just going to the store with you.
So it’s not funny NOW, but my kid had a butt touching and head popping (full hand palm on the top of smaller peoples heads). Its a stage, you just have to teach him right from wrong.
Kisses with family aren’t okay either not sanitary in any way. I get it a real quick peck to mom or dad but not to all family!!
Nooo do t let your kids kiss other ppl especially around d this time, not even family, especially with that virus going around d
Oh for goodness sake…most littlies do this occasionally
Bring it to the daycares attention so that they can help reinforce that it isn’t okay when you aren’t there. It’s just a phase.
This is really cute. I’m not sure why you’re freaking out.
It’s a natural part of growing up. Haven’t we all gotten kissed or… had a “boyfriend” for a week just something kids are curious about. At least he isn’t hitting anyone.
I’d go with a simple consent talk - “hey I noticed you kissed that little girl. I’m glad you like her but just like you should keep your hands to yourself, you should also keep your other body parts to yourself without permission. Kissing is really for when you’re older, it’s a little bit different than hugging or holding hands. Ask for a hug or to hold hands next time ok buddy.” Or you know, whatever feels right for your families parameters. I wouldn’t make a big deal, but you also have a great opportunity to explain boudaries here
Speaking of! So Omg I had convo with my 6-year-old daughter today and i asked her why she didn’t give me kisses when I dropped her off at school. (I walk her all the way inside)
She said ”because there’s a no kissing kids rule and kids are not allowed to kiss or get kissed mom!”
Lol believe me when I say it was bittersweet to hear that!! Idk if teachers explain to the kids or if mine is just on top of her game but it was nice to hear her say that. Lol.
Kids catch all sorts these days, their immune system needs to get used to all these germs. For the kissing the girl it’s very cute.
From someone who has a child that is WAY too huggy and kissy, I understand the inner struggle. You want to let kids be kids, but at the same time in today’s society, everyone is offended by everything and even at such a young age some parents make a simple kiss out to be the end of the world. For mine, I have to reiterate that everyone has boundaries. What is acceptable to one person, may not be acceptable to the next. For example, while mommy loves your kisses and can’t get enough of them, they’re not for other children or adults. Always having to reinforce “personal space” as well. “You know how you loooove to kiss and hug people? Well imagine if you were the exact opposite, and it made you feel really uncomfortable to kiss and hug. Would you like it if someone did it to you without asking?” Don’t know if that helps, but hang in there. You’re doing great.
First time mom questions.
Moms who’ve had many wouldn’t post
Just go with your gut girl. Don’t always need fb to help.
We kiss to greet and as a goodbye. The child is just practicing what they’ve been taught, no malice, no ill will.
Not kissing your own kids in the mouth is a good start… yuck.
You do not say how old your son is. When my kids were little, no one would have thought anything about it. Now, so parents would consider this sexual assault (ridiculous!), You just need to explain who we kiss and hug, and who we do not. Small children really do not understand, but you just patiently keep going over that until it sinks in. Children are innocent unless someone teaches them something else.
Tell him exactly that… kisses are o.k with mommy daddy grandma and grandpa but no body else b.c we share the same germs and no one else does so we dont kiss other people because we can get sick that way… that’s how I handled it with my 6yr old who got sooo excited one day he just grabbed another kid n Kidd him it was harmless of course but in this day and time with the right parent it can become a huge issue so it’s best if taught early on it’s not o.k to kiss outside of your family I used germs bc little boys kinda understand that concept or mine do anyway
let him be a kid for God sakes woman LOL…I’m sure you’ve kissed more people than he has in his lifetime…and what a BITCH to call children that way…maybe you should keep your critter away from them…I’m sure you didn’t like me calling that to your child HUH well maybe you shouldn’t call other children that way:unamused:
Talk to him about consent. He shouldn’t be landing kisses on anyone without their consent anyway lol. As far as sickness, kids spread germs like crazy. He undoubtedly will get sick from other kids that’s almost unavoidable. They have to build up their immune system somehow lol. But overall no big deal don’t stress
At least he was showing affection and not violence. I’m sure boy girl siblings (when not fighting lol) hug n occasionally do silly kisses when little it’s natural and they’re just mimicking adults x
Children do this all the time
Daycare? I am guessing he is young…
for fuck sake ,let them be human you idiots
If I roll my eyes any harder they’ll pop outta my head . LET THESE CHILDREN BE CHILDREN FFS! Adults are eating ass but worried about a kid kissing another kid,innocently.
You should just tell him the rules and explain to him that family kisses each other but he can’t just go around kissing strangers. I’m not trying to be dramatic but letting behavior like this slide is exactly why men grow up and feel entitled to do whatever they want to women. It’s not a big deal- but definitely just be gentle and sweet and say what’s right and wrong. You don’t want him getting into a situation where he kisses another girl and she freaks out because she feels violated. and again I’m sorry if this seems dramatic but I really think these things need to be taught very young.
Super common. Just transition it from a kiss to a high five.
Let kids be kids, damn.
Holy everyone now an days are so bloody sensitive lol WOW ! most parents would think it’s adorable their kissed a girl goodbye at daycare he’s showing affection to a girl he likes. I seriously doubt he’s going to grow up feel like he is self entitled just by giving a girl a little smooch at daycare bahaha let’s be real here he’s a child. If the girl didn’t like it have a talk if she did then leave it alone! pull your sensitive little heads out of your butts and move along! He kissed his little friend at daycare BIG deal don’t be so bloody dramatic and sensitive over the little things!
Jesus…. If someone put cute hats on them both, took a picture, and posted it on FB, everyone would be to memorized by the sheer cuteness. It’s just a kiss! They’re little! Let us know if he grabs her by the _____. Until then, lighten up, Francis…
I was kissed by a boy in the coat room of our Catholic school in the first grade. Its no big deal…
Perfectly normal, innocent goodbye kisses; people’s minds go straight to the worst possible scenario . I understand your concern about germs and such, but unless your kid is washing his hands after everything he touches at daycare, or never touching anything, it’s really no worse. She coughs in her hand and touches a toy, then he touches the same toy and wipes his mouth = the same outcome. If you’re concerned about him because you really feel it’s too young, just explain that to him and tell him high fives or hugs for goodbye is ok, but not kisses. Kids understand more than we give them credit for.
You kiss him to show you care ! He kissed her because he cares ! Simple kids give what kids receive ! I’d say GO MAMA
Just tell him not to kiss anyone other than family members. Make it a high five or something instead.
Oh sweetie! The solution is to put him in a big bubble and homeschool him. Watch the movie Bubble Boy for ideas
Teach him how to blow kisses 
So what why the big deal unless you and other people make it big
“Save your lips for your mama”
When I worked at a daycare we used to tell the kids to “save their kisses for home” or for family. Also encouraged highfives instead of kisses
Imagine the amount of kisses that happens when you’re not there… clutches pearls
He was just expressing kindness leave them alone,as for germs you can catch them anywhere!! Don’t place your children in such paranoia!! They will be seeing a shrink before you know it!!!