My son learned how to open child locks: Advice?

My Son is 19 months old and learned how to open cabinet child safety locks! Does anyone have any advice on how how to either deter your child from opening them or a type of lock that would be harder to open? Thank everyone!


We use these they can only be opened with the magnet and keep the magnet out of reach. The ones we have also have an on off switch so if they’re out for a few hours and I’m cooking I can turn them off.


They make one that you have to squeeze 3 different things to get it open, works great for my 2 year old! They’re through safety first

I’m not sure what kind you have but I’ve seen some that require a “key” to open. They have tons on amazon. Good luck

The magnetic ones are good. Just put the magnetic key out of reach and he won’t be able to open them.


I use hair elastics. My kids are 3&1 and have yet to figure it out lol


My son figured out everything besides hair ties, and military boot bands.


In my opinion the more you try to lock them out the more they will try, I have two kids and once my second one arrived I gave up on locking stuff . She was just diagnosed at 5 with ADHD but when she was a baby I had to watch her like a hawk when it came to fridge or cat litter box either than that she was completely fine

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I have only one cabinet that my 20 month old great grandson trys to get into, I tried everything finally I had to put a zip tie on it, needless to say when I been something out it I need sissors to open it but, hey whatever works

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i used to tell my kids there was a mouse in there and they never tried again

I use these for my kitchen cabinets. My 4yo and 19month old can’t open them

Leave your cleaning supplies in a high cabinet. I put my dishwasher pods on the countertop.

Put my chemicals in a high cabinet in a caddy to access them when needed.


You cannot child proof the world… Teach them NO… and maybe (if you aren’t opposed to true parenting) pop his hand when he reaches for something.

I never child proofed… My kids were taught only touch what was theirs. My four yr old still asks permission before touching something…


When my kids were little i would make one cabnet they could get into. Put plastic bowels and and lids in there then it seemed like they never bothered the others ones


I just put all my cleaning supplies/harmful things up high out of reach and let my kids play with the pots and pans 🤷


Just be sure to keep all knives and sharp objects out of reach

My cupboards has round knobs so I just used elastic bands, but some kids are just to smart for their parents so you need better locks lol

Swat him on his butt and tell him NO.

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Use magnet locks. They lock from the inside and you need a magnet key to unlock them.


We have the magnetic locks

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I use the magnetic ones they work amazing!

My 11 month old already opens them and my daughter, now 2.5 started opening them at around 10 mo this so I gave up

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Man nothing works with my kids it didn’t matter because once they saw you use it once or twice they would figure out how to do it so they would either stack chairs stacked boxes stack furniture they would move my furniture around to open stuff that they were locked out of so I just gave up on it honestly and made sure that I keep a better eye on I know what they’re doing and where they are at all times

And to be honest out there if somebody pay me to test those I guarantee a lot of them would fail LOL

Put all poisons up high. I gave in. Left cupboards empty & let them play in it. Once the novelty wore off they lost interest & i was able to my cupboards again.

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I have magnetic ones that open with a wand. Use those, put the wand up high

Good luck. We have resorted to duck tape :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Hair ties work. Only thing my daughter never figured out.


His going to be a carpenter lol god bless

I use hair ties because we have knobs. Its worked and he is 2 years old.

I keep all the bad things he can get into (knives, cleaning supplies, plastic bags, and other hazards) up where he cant reach them like above the sink or on the top shelf of a closet.

My boy is 17 months and has pulled every one I’ve got off, with brute force as they are just stick on ones, so I have put baby gates up to stop him going in the kitchen and laundry, only close them if I need to do anything while hes awake, where he wont have my full attention, other times I just tell him just looking, no touching and he usually listens :sweat_smile:

We have these my daughter is 3 she can put it on BUT she sure cant take it off

Buy a different style

You can get the magnets locks and they can’t opened it

Time to start teaching him seriously, Explain to him, Teach him, Show him, Bring the good out of him, He has a clever brain that WANTS to start learning.

My daughter did that. I never figured out how to stop it. I tried all the tips but she was just stubborn. I ended up just having to move everuthing dangerous to someplace she couldnt reach. My daughter in law tried something i didnt tho with her kids. She has a cabinet with some pans and bowls and stuff she lets the kids play in and they leave the rest alone

Need a picture of the type of cabinets that you are trying to lock and I can recommend a few idea’s

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All I will say is good luck :joy::rofl::ok_hand::+1::rofl::joy: nothing will stop him now lol


Put the lock on a door he can play in- lol idk. I asked the same question when mine were smaller. Why does it always got to be the ones they can’t hve. Depending on the door/you can try those baby clips . - inserted photo below.

We used rubber bands. Could put them tight enough so they couldn’t get them off. Sometimes too tight, I couldn’t get them off either lol.


Mine cant be opened unless I use the right kind of magnet.
Check this out at
Eco-Baby Child Safety Magnetic Cabinet and Drawer Locks for Proofing Kitchen 12 Pack Child Latches

I used old shoe strings…

I am using a robot dino he is afraid of :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Smack his hand, tell him no…he’s almost 2. He knows what no means.


Water sprey bottle every time he tries to open sprey him lol

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Give him his own safe cupboards with stuff he can play with cake tins Tupperware

Give him a light tap on his hand hes almost.2 years.old and bluntly say no he knows what no means

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A slap in his hand an it’s over the old fashioned way not to hard just a little Pat ,

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Good luck! My son did that all. Reenforce the word NO and then put him in time out. That’s what I had to do.