Let hm play with his sister but try to have boy toys games as well. I do not believe in this Trans crap. He is only 3 and definitely cannot be allowed to make such drastic changes as I’m a girl not a boy. You need to let him know he is a boy and his sister a girl but it’s okay to play with them they play with him. Also pray!
Your son is just not EMOTIONALLY READY for the backlash and emotional damage that he is going to endure by you allowing this. It may be what he wants but you better educate him and explain that it’s a girl thing. When he’s older and can understand it all then and only then is it acceptable. My son is 4…the emotional scarring he has from using a damn pacifier in public is ridiculous. And guess whose fault it is … Mine. He wanted it. He was so sad when I took it away. And he suffered more bc I gave it back. He’s done with it now but c’mon you gotta think ahead. We live in a cruel world. Protect your son from it until he’s old enough to go against it.
I say stop putting pressure on your son he can play and do as he wants with his sister but I would not buy him dresses and shoes when he is 3 like at three kids also wanna be dinos and batman and all kinds of things like I would not make a big deal out of the dress and shoes thing he probably only said that bc his sister wears and has those things and he probably looks up to her bc well she is his sister . I would just tell him you know we can play dress up and do thing with sister like play barbies and stuff but like I would try and redirect with wanting to buys that stuff bc one it will probably be a waste of money bc tomorrow he could wanna be a dino or cat or who knows what and two u and your husband need to work together and compromise bc it’s his son too and you both are supposed to be raising the kids together and if the dad is worried about the dress thing then maybe tell him he should make more time and spend it with his son bc it sound like your son is around you and sister way more and maybe your son needs more dad son time so he can see that being a boy isn’t so bad either and they can also wear fancy clothes like suits and stuff . I mean he is 3 he doesn’t have the concept of genders and clothes and stuff all he sees is sister and mom do and wear this and that and he wants to join bc all little kids wanna join in and like if he saw and hung out with his dad more he would want to dress and be like him kids at that age go by oh this is cool I wanna join or I wanna do it to I mean if u all wore dino suits he would want to too it’s how little ones are . So I wouldn’t even force the issues of dresses and sparkle shoes and waste the money bc tomorrow is a different day and it could be dinos or pawpatrol or spider man or Minnie mouse like who knows I know my kids are round that age and every day they like something different and then hate what they liked yesterday. Like with food and drinks and cups and plates every day is different u think u have it right and they switch it up and tell u are doing it wrong or they don’t like it anymore . I mean kids change their minds more then 5 times a day and u never know what they will be like a 1hour or 15 mins from the last time .
wearing girl’s clothes DOESN’T make a child gay
My brother wanted to do all of that at that age, he grew out of it. He just wanted to do what his big sister was doing
I have a dear friend who’s son was exactly this way. He’s a teenager now and is a great person. I wouldn’t worry with it. I understand it will be a battle with your husband but don’t worry for your son.
Gosh, he’s only 3. Make your little boy happy.
Throw the dad away and get a new one.
All jokes. Good luck girl.
Let him be him he’s not hurt anyone
Not letting your young child(ren) explore their interests because you deem them inappropriate, causes complexes and self-esteem issues. Let the young ones do what makes them happy, so they can grow up to to be who THEY are supposed to, not who YOU feel they’re supposed to be.
Seriously he looks up to his sisters. At that age I hung out with my brother had my mom cut my hair off wore his clothes if I could fit in them and tried peeing standing up. It doesn’t mean anything bad is going to happen. I dress like a girl am a girl and normal. It’s normal
It’s up to you to protect and provide for your child, even emotionally. You should support them in the way they want. Wearing “girls clothes” is harmless. Clothes and colours are for everyone.
Your husband may also need (professional) support to learn how to nurture his children properly for the long run.
Sounds like Dad is worried about how HE will look or be perceived and not his son’s happiness. It’s clothes. WGAS. He’s 3, no one cares. Usually a male will feel like it is reflected on him and will be judged…oh well…stand up for your son not worry about himself.
Introduce him to cool boys stuff, make being a boy fun . Have his dad spend more one on one time with him doing guy stuff.
You buy the boy his dress
I’m with the dad . That’s what’s wrong with the world .
Let him where dresses if he wants . If he wants a baby doll and accessories let him. If he wants barbies let him . He’s 3 . By the time he’s 4 he may not like dresses or girl toys anymore . My two girls play with cars and trucks .
This is the time to stop it if you feel you don’t want another little girl. It’s both of the parents choices sit down and talk to your husband.
Well you need to let him be himself but also give him guidance. My son has loved pink purple sparkles nail polish jewelry purses etc since he was one. He may not paint his nails or wear a dress but has a pink backpack purple Jordan’s pink teeball cleats he can express himself through art etc. we make sure to let him know that there’s no girl colors or boy colors and that he is in fact a boy. And that one day when he is older he can dress how he wants and we love him and support him but we remind him the world isn’t so kind.
My sons each had a doll, if they wanted to play Barbie’s I had no issue. There is no difference between boys and girls when they are little and they will find their own way as they mature. My boys are definitely not girls and are the opposite of feminine but I feel the dolls taught them compassion for all things small. It certainly has helped with raising their own children. My daughter used to dress her little brother up in little girl clothes and to be honest he was so cute he would have passed as a girl. No harm done.
His dad has an issue with it cuz he thinks he’s going to turn out “different”
I have b/g twins. My daughter will entertain herself. My son likes to have someone play with him. My daughter is more strong willed then him and stands on what she wants. Often my son will play whatever his sister wants so he doesn’t have to play alone. His general interest are building things and cars tho so I’m intentional to make play time with him doing what it is that he wants to do also.
Mamas Uncut I hope you’re going through and blocking all the homophobes.
No I wouldn’t by my 3 year old
child girl clothes …
My son was like this. I let him have girly clothes and toys if wanted. He’s nearly 8 now and he’s a bit more boyish now but definitely more on the feminine side. Embrace it.
let him be and do what HE wants, you cannot change how he feels all you can do is support him otherwise you will all regret it in the end
His dad needs to go and educate himself
I always said let them express what they want. Then they can really see if they like it. It’s better to do it at 3 then sneaking at 16 grabbing girls clothes. U can’t change who ur son is. But I understand how ur husband is scared. But it’s OK to try things it’s when we deny it that it can bring on different issues
I would put tutus I made on my nephews and had another nephew love playing with baby dolls. He isn’t gay. When boys hang with their siblings that are girls they tend to want to do things like they do. My son is autistic and everything I painted my girls nails he wanted his done then immediately wanted it taken off but he only did boy colors. He let his cousin paint his nails once because it makes her happy. He’s a sweetie and all men should be like that with girls. My son will be an amazing dad one day.
Have you tried introducing him into boy clothes and toys he might be interested in? I can definitely see dad’s frustration if he’s not introduced to the same amount of boy toys and clothes as girls stuff. But if he’s been given a chance to experience both and is just choosing to like girl stuff better there’s nothing you can do about it. Either he’ll grow out if it or grow up with it. It’s up to the dad to prove he can love his child unconditionally
Could you offer a compromise like a crowna Nd a pink sparkly caape or fairy wings or something like that?
If I was you I will try to get him out of the Things he’s doing
He’s not old enough to make a decision on what her wears.
My son is 8 and still lets his cousin put make up on him and does his nails, he was like that when he was three as well, kids don’t know the difference between their genders right now, all they know is that it’s bright and sparkly and they want it too, my son used to see me paint my nails and would want me to paint them too and I said sure why not, doesn’t mean he’s “gay” or “transgender” just means he sees something that is cool to him and he wants to try it out, there’s no point in pushing him to one thing or the other, let him experience and explore everything.
My sons dad was always saying, don’t do this or don’t do that cuz he’s a boy and blah blah blah, I can tell you right now that my son is very much into girls, but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t think getting his nails painted or hair coloured isn’t cool! Kids are aloud to experience what everyone else does, doesn’t make them this or that, their children, let them be children and let them explore. There’s no right or wrong decision here, he’s just a little fella, let him enjoy what he wants to enjoy for the time being.
I think within reason is ok. I would not allow it to be overdone.
Always put your child first. At 3, he needs you to be his voice, especially when other family members may display dislike of an action/choice. It sounds as tho it’s time for a heart to heart with his dad- no one enjoys being called a bully, but if we aren’t called out for that type of behavior than we can’t be conscious enough to change it. And if he takes the “but other kids will bully him” approach, remind him how important it is in the early years to build his confidence as high as possible- “he may be bullied by other kids, but I hope I have helped him be strong enough to know his body, his choice”.
My 6 year old plays with Barbies it doesn’t bother me. He’s his own person who can make his own choices… and if he likes girl stuff, so be it, can’t change who they are or become
Meet in the middle, allow “dress up” at home. He gets to dress how he wants in his environment. In daycare I let all the boys wear dresses. I had one dad come in unhappy, and probably shouldn’t have, but i told him you can let him do it now or he might later when he is older because he didn’t fulfill that need to role-play
Have you learned, in general, to just say no to the kids? It is an essential skill
Good thing clothes don’t have a gender. And he’s 3. And has no idea what any of it means anyway.
Let that baby dress up with his sisters and have his own stuff. Pretty sure the sisters get tired of sharing
Sounds like the husband needs therapy for his toxic masculinity
I’m sorry but I’m old school. Was raised old school and still believe that way. Raised my kids that way and am helping my daughter raise her kids that way. Girls clothes are for girls and boy clothes are for boys. Get him some cool boy toys that he enjoys. I’m with dad.
My grandson is 5, & he wants to wear cowboy boots and his jean jacket like his Pap one day, & my high heel clogs & sparkly dress the next.
He wants long hair like me & his mom one day & slicked back hair like his grandpa the next.
He plays with barbies & babies when hes with his girl cousin & he plays cars, trucks & dinosaurs when with his boy cousins.
Time to leave our small children alone & let them HAVE FUN & BE KIDS! & sounds as if its time for Dad to grow up…
3 years old and telling you what to do???
I would tread lightly with dad on this. Dad obviously isn’t comfortable with this and having dad lash out emotionally and verbally towards you in front of the children or directly towards your son will be more damaging than saying no would be.
He’s 3 and just curious about the world. My oldest daughter at that age wanted to dress and act like a boy because all the children in her life were boys. She just wanted to fit in.
I tried a middle of the road approach and dressed her in stuff that was gender neutral and didn’t girly her up.
She eventually outgrew this and was wearing makeup and painted fingernails by age 12.
I would regularly explain to her (as a young child) that she is a girl and our society has preset ideas on how boys and girls should dress and that anyone daring to be different will have to deal with a lot of disapproval.
This is a lot for little minds to take in. Communicate is the key.
I would also try communicating with the dad too. He needs to come to the realization that colors of clothes don’t define gender. Playing with dolls or wearing face paint doesn’t either.
Not having a good relationship with his parents will cause him mental issues. Wearing a dress for a little while at home will not.
My youngest son had everything but clothes passed down to him from his older sister. He rode in a carseat that was pink with flowers and drank from pink bottles. He had pink blankets and pink baby toys. They were 20 months apart and we decided to just use her stuff because the color doesn’t matter anyway. Thankfully, my husband is secure in his masculinity and isn’t allergic to pink and doesn’t believe that colors and toys will shape the mind of a child.
Our daughter plays with boy toys. She loves dinosaurs and bugs. She hates dresses because she can’t move freely in them. Our pink baby boy is now 8 and couldn’t care less what others think about his choices. He is all boy in behavior and is a wild stallion in the making, lol
But, he loves llamas. It’s hard to find a llama that isn’t girly for some reason. He found a pink and purple glitter llama at a store a couple of years ago and had to have it. So, I bought it. He took this to school for show and tell. I prepared him for the likelihood that one or more children would say to him “that’s a girl toy”. He was prepared to calmly say “there’s no such thing as girl or boy toys. Only toys”. And, this happened and he was prepared with an appropriate response. He was able to shut down the child that had been conditioned to believe that colors are gender assigned.
So, I encourage you to communicate with your son and his father. Be open minded about the reality of things and encourage them to do the same.
Clothing doesn’t belong to one gender. Support your child and don’t let dad make your child feel less than.
Don’t think you really want my opinion.
You let that child wear whatever they want. You can’t turn anyone gay. If dad can’t educate himself then I’d be filing for divorce. He may or may not be gay. If he is then would he really not accept him? We don’t mold children into who we want them to be. We raise them to be their authentic and unique selves.
Lexy, your daughters never ask for pants?
This is just sad. Firstly him wanting to be a nurturer (playing with dolls) will only help create a potential future good father and understanding adult. Secondly it’s CLORHES let mectell you if your child is meant to be gay or trans stopping him from doing this WONT stop that. Just more for him to unpack later in life. I’m not saying that’s the case I’m saying if!
I really wish people would stop procreating with bigots
I’m with the dad on this one. No way your 3 year old should be wearing a dress, make up or high heels for that matter🤦♀️
The dad has just as much say, your son is 3 and will get over it. Explain to him that he is a BOY… not a GIRL!!!
Throw the whole husband away. His behavior is so toxic, gross and disturbing.
You need to have a real conversation with yourself about whether you want to be married to a homophobe
Kids really don’t care whether it’s girls or boys at that age, he just sees it as colourful and fun, maybe get his dad a nice colourful gay pink top and it might cheer him up too
What has this world come too
Ooh yeah this generation of parents
Where we let children pick their own sex before they can even tie their own shoes
Good grief. “Childs happiness”. Is the child playing dress up? Who cares. Or are you encouraging your child to be the daughter you wished he was. Differences. poor kids these days.
So fun fact…you can’t make a kid gay or anything else. If he decides when he’s older that he’s gay there is nothing you did to cause it and his dad will have to deal. I have 3 boys ranging in age from 4 to 17. They all went through phases where they liked traditionally girl stuff. Some of it they still like. My 17 year old was probably the most into that stuff. He asked Santa for a princess castle at 3. He got it. The boy is as straight as they get and has zero confusion about his sexuality. Even washed dishes at a gay bar for two years. Still not gay because he wasn’t born that way. If he was I would love him just the same and he knows it. Make sure your son always knows it too. That’s what matters.
My son was into glittery everything and princess dresses when he was that age, he just wanted to be like his sister. He’s ten and likes girls, keeps talking about what he wants in a woman and how many kids he wants. So I can definitely it didn’t make him gay. He’s been practicing on being a gentleman to prepare for dating .
I see no downside to allowing him to be happy except for dad’s hurt feelings. Suicide rate among transgender pre-teens and teens is incredibly high. Your son needs unconditional love, not testosterone management.
Let the child explore what he likes and find himself. I’ve been painting my sons nails since he started asking at 3 and he’s gonna be 6 now and still joins in on nail time with me and his sister. They’re little human beings who should be allowed to explore things about themselves freely, happily and without judgment. How else are they supposed to find out who they are and who they’d like to be? It doesn’t make him “gay” (oooh the gay soooo dangerous ) and more fathers should be okay with their sons doing what they want and seeing what they like. I mean aren’t we as parents supposed to do better than our parents did?
Your fault for buying girl stuff suggest boy stuff instead of
My son was the 4th kid, he was the only boy with 3 older sisters. I have so many pictures & videos of him in his sister’s shoes & clothes. Got all the stupid comments “he’s gonna be gay” & so on. He outgrew it. It’s completely normal when all he was around was girl stuff. The girls shoes outnumbered the boys, the clothes, toys, everything. So to him it wasn’t a gender thing, it was literally just normal. Now he has a bunch of his own stuff & doesn’t even mess with anything of his sisters. His room is full of paw patrol, Spiderman, guns & trucks. I think at their age, it’s seriously just innocent. Grown ups make it a bigger deal just because they think “its wrong” “gonna make them gay” & so on, when in their little minds it’s literally just a piece of clothing, just a pair of shoes & just fun toys.
You can’t catch the gays. He just wants to be like his big sisters. Let him. No lack of girl clothes or girl toys ever prevented anyone from being gay, so he’s just ignorant and anyone telling you it’s gay is too.
3 year Olds don’t know what they want. However letting him do that. Will eventually cast doubt on his sexuallity
He will think he is gay right must be. Then he will be running for a gender change at age 6 and then once he’s a teenager he will be full of regret
Man of course young kids will play with girl things. Nothing wrong with that
But wanting to dress him up like Cinderella is a problem and your opening up your kid to have lots of issues
When my youngest son was a toddler he was only ever with his older sister while big brother was in school. He would play dress up with her, let her dress him up with crowns and glitter, he didn’t see a problem as he was less than 2 yrs old. He was just playing. When he was 2 he wanted to wear her sparkly pink ugg boots everywhere! She didn’t care and would share. I also didn’t care because he was 2. My ex husband(their dad) would make sly remarks like “boy take those off you’re not no girl” and laugh. It was light hearted but low-key their dad hated it and would tell me to make sure he stops before he goes to school. I didnt have to do anything since he was a toddler and by the time he was 4 he had ventured into his crocs stage lol and he loved trucks and dinosaurs. He is now 6 and has 2 sisters one older, one younger, and they play family, play with baby dolls, dress up(not in dresses anymore but like firemen and stuff) and hes 100% all boy. Built like a brick shit house. The same boy who threw a fit to wear sparkly boots will now throw hands over legos. Lol they grow up. It will be okay. I don’t think I’d buy him dresses to wear “out” but he can play dress up at home and wear them light up purple sky paw patrol shoes if he wishes. Toddler hair and older kid hair is different also. Toddlers have sweet baby hair and curls you don’t wanna cut off. But hair cuts are a milestone they must reach eventually so they trust the process and enjoy the hair cuts since they’ll need them for life. It’s important they like the experience. Hes still too little for “major decisions” like “being gay or being a girl” so those shouldn’t even be brought up in conversation tbh. Foster his creativity while also making sure he understands he’s a boy every chance you get. He is at the stage of learning who he is compared to other people around him. He only sees girls he’s gonna act like you and sisters. This is the copying stage. It’s normal but don’t let it get to the point where you’re pushing a toddler to become a girl. Very important you understand he is not thinking that critically about this. He just thinks girls clothes are cooler than boys, and he ain’t wrong . As a mom of both boys and girls, boy clothes are lame and while they might look handsome dressed up like tiny businessmen in a suit, it’s not as fun to a small child as twirling in an Elsa dress is. Their thought process doesn’t go much farther than that though. Your husband sounds like a joy at parties
. Tell him to simmer down and keep comments like that to himself before he gives his kid a complex he carries for life.
My now 13 year old at the age of 10 was letting his little sister do his hair. She’d paint his nails. At the time she didn’t have a sister until I took in 2 awesome girls. So she played dress up with her brother. Just last year his step sister who was 17 had him dressed up with makeup, hair clips, dresses, bras and high heels just goofing off. He has a girlfriend. He isn’t gay.