So what would you do?? My son just turned 3. He has always loved girls toys and clothes and getting his hair done. We let him play with his sisters barbies and dress up clothes but recently he has been asking for actual dresses to wear and girls shoes and wants long hair. all of these things I would give him because he’s just young and I can see his little heart get sad when I tell him I can’t buy him a dress or the sparkly pink shoes. His dad would never allow it though and insist that I was “trying to make him gay, or a girl” he didn’t even like when I would put his hair up out of his eyes when it got long when he was younger. Idk what to do.
OMG !!! You just treasure him, he may or may not grow out of it. You let him dress how he wants. Play with the toys he wants. You be his Mama Bear and just protect him.
My boy when he was younger use to play dress up in what ever he wanted really. I have a picture of him with a bobble in, small heals and a top of my sisters as a dress. He would also play with whatever too. That being said I wouldn’t have bought him dresses and shoes to wear on the regular. I was fully aware it is just a stage. My husband wouldn’t have been comfortable with it either. He only wanted to do it till he was about 4. That being said if he got older and he still wanted these things we would have supported him. He is now nearly 13 now and thinks it’s crazy that he even wanted to wear that but each kid is different xx
My 3 almost 4 year old son is the same. He has an older sister who’s 6. She likes to paint her nails and play dress up. He loves his older sister and wants to be just like her. We let him. He will grow out of it when he starts having different friends. Let them be little and explore!
Are you two married/together?If so, good luck… and I mean that sincerely. If not, then just be supportive during your time. If you are married… I’d take some time to decide if it comes down to it whether if you’re going to protect a grown man’s feelings or a child’s happiness and well being. I hope that his dad comes around because that baby deserves all the happiness his little heart can handle
When my son was 2 I had our first girl, someone had given us lots of girl toys and clothes, but they were 2t lol so he tried the dress on. E grew up playing with all kinds of toys playing dress up as super heroes and princess. he is now 10 still plays cosplays, mostly Naruto and demon slayer but he gets out in the yard does yard work with me and still comes in and watches “girly” shows with his younger sisters. I don’t put labels on things. They’re kids. And if he has fun playing with you, maybe that’s where the connection is. If that’s not the case who cares anyway? He’s loved and that’s all that matters. Connections start early on and by giving him that connection and playing what he likes that’s what builds the relationship. That’s my own opinion and my own experience. I vote let him have fun.
Please just let him know that he is 3 … and he likes the dresses becuase kids like colourful stuff or he just likes to be involved with his sisters. My son loved dresses and now he is older in to more boy things and my doaughter what’s to always play with he brother so she is on to trucks and hats lol
My kids feelings > my husbands
Just asking sense you don’t believe in saying no and explain to him the difference but if you like telling him no what are you doing to tell him when he ask for a rifle or a butcher knife?
He’s 3 let him. My son is 7 and at 3 he loved frozen and played barbies qnd occasionally he still wants his nails painted.
I son loved girls toys abd up until last year would play dress up with dresses inside the house. He’s now 6 and very boy ish. Occasionally he likes a girly toy but the dress up he’s out grown and likes boys dress up stuff. I say let him be a child. I wouldn’t allow him to wear it out in public but at home or in the back yard sure
Oh let him play with that stuff he’s only 3. Let him be a kid
He’s 3. Just let him be a kid and let him like what he likes and worry about anything else later.
He’s 3. Let it be. Don’t force it
Tell dad to get over it it’s just a phase. my brother used to wear high heels and dresses along with me when I was about five and he was about three and he is married now with two kids so stop worrying about that. He’s not thinking of it in the way that your husband is.
Listen to dad. He’s a dad for a reason.
Oh, and before anyone comes at me for “the child’s happiness is important.” Bs bs bs BS! Their happiness matters, sure, however they would be happy shooting off fireworks at a gas stove that’s wide open and flaming too, but we’re not going to do that are we? No. Your job is to set them up for the future and to parent accordingly. For some reason this generation only gives a shit about ‘happiness’ it’s the most important thing, which is why people are failing.
Sounds like the child needs a more solid secure relationship with his father tbh. While I agree pushing opposite gender stuff on a 3 year old is not healthy. I also believe dad may play a part in the lack of modeling normal male behavior.
My nephew used to dress up put makeup on carry hand bags around when he was 3 now he’s married to a lovely girl has two kids. Don’t worry about it he will grow out of it.
I love that people still think you can ‘make’ someone gay
He needs three year old boys to play with. From there take baby steps.
He’s a boy. He wears boys clothes… idk what else to say. My 3 yr old thinks she’s a puppy half of the time. Am I going to feed into the habits of her wanting to be a puppy? Absolutely not lmao. It’s a phase. Kids are kids and that’s all.
As a parent it’s important to teach our children to be themselves. Let kids be kids. I hated being told you can’t do this because your a girl, its the same for clothes. I’d rather have my child happy and enjoying something they love than force them to be what society wants them to be. If my son choose to wear dresses I would defend anyone who Says he shouldn’t or makes fun of him. It’s our job to teach our kids not to listen to other people’s opinion. And be themselves.
My 3 year old has a pink stroller and a jj doll he plays with. I don’t think it makes him gay. At that age they don’t even know they just want to play. Would he have an issue if his sister wore a little construction vest or played with toy tools?
My son was the same at 3 now he’s almost 9 and very much a whole different kid now who likes his sister doing his makeup and nails from time to time but mostly out of boredom now and doesn’t want any of that stuff anymore it could be phase it might not be either way I think it’s always best to just let kids express themselves
He will probably out grow it
Let him play dress up if you’re going out in public he can change out of the “dress up” clothes I can assure you this isn’t going to make your child gay and it’s even more concerning that grown adults feel this way
My son came out loving Barbie’s and makeup. He has dresses for dress up, wigs, Barbie’s. He also has cars, super hero’s, and nerf guns. My husband and I have always supported all 3 of our boys and what they enjoy🫶
My 3 year old loves playing in his cousins and sister make up and one of his favorite things to wear is his cousins pink and white dress up cheerleading dress. One day he wore one of her actual dresses over his clothes to Walmart he still loves everything “boy” as well. He’s a child being a child. Who cares what people think. A happy confident child who can be themselves is better than a depressed child conformed to society.
Let him wear what he wants. The thing is… who decided certain colors or styles are for a certain gender? Literally it’s just clothes.
My oldest daughter is 4 and she wants to do everything her father does. She decided two years ago she wants to run an excavator like daddy and has been persistent about it. She compares a lot of what she does to him “I’m strong like daddy” “I ate all of my food like daddy” and recently she’s been laying on the ground in the iving room under her dump truck to “fix it so she can go to work”
Should I tell her no honey, that’s a boys job you need to become a nurse or a teacher because those are viewed as being a woman’s job. Absolutely not.
Maybe your son is showing that he loves and cares for you and his sister so much that he wants to be like you/her. I very much doubt that letting him bond with his sister with a doll is going to do anything to his sexual orientation.
This is definitely something you two need to discuss. It comes down to your beliefs/parenting etc. imo he’s just obviously wanting to play with things/take interests bc of his sisters. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing can “make him gay.” But again, it comes down to how you want to raise your kids, you are the parents and you both should agree on how to handle this
Kawthar Roumie Willayah Roumie I can’t deal bro , you guys comment for me please
His dad can go educate himself. I would quite happily let my son dress in what he wanted so long as I could afford to buy them. I imagine my sons donor would have a problem with it because he did when I put a hair band on to hold my sons hearing aid in, I’d tell him to go jump.
I think any 3yo…girl or boy…should play with whatever they like…children being children…they don’t care and shouldn’t have to…there’s nothing wrong happening…it’s parents putting there personal opinions onto their children…stereotyping to me…it’s not unnatural
When I was young, one of two twin boys had a botched circumcision. They decided to make the boy into a girl, including giving him hormones. Around age 5 or 6, things began to unravel. Eventually the forced girl thought they were going crazy (it was the ‘80s), and the parents told him the truth. He stopped taking the hormones and was relieved to have an answer.
No one can force a boy to be a girl or vice versa. It doesn’t work that way.
He’s three for chrissakes. 
Sounds like he’s only around his sister or girls once he starts making new friends he’ll be more interested in different things but there’s absolutely no reason why he shouldn’t play with toys that make him happy, let him be a kid. To add I grew up hearing my mom say “you can’t play with that it’s for boys” 30+ years later i still think about it and get upset.
Sons feelings come first. Tell Dad to go f himself
Why is it bad? Tell dad girls dress like boys all the time and dads don’t blink an eye so let him be himself he’s 3… if dad has issues with it set up times that it’s ok like he can do it at home but when out in public he must do pants (maybe let him do pink socks out in public to minimize fits)… it’s a compromise until your child gets older
No body gets upset when little girls play with “boy” toys or “boy” clothes, why do we have to treat little boys any different, if thats all it takes to change your sexuality then maybe it’s not the toys and clothes
Just buy them for him. He’s freaking 3. What’s his dad going to do about it?? He has only sisters to look up too. My brother dressed like a girl and he’s far from gay. He no longer dresses like one either. If it causes a fight with you and his dad stand your ground. There’s nothing wrong with being supportive.
I wouldn’t go out and buy him his own dresses or girl clothes/shoes but I’d let him play with anything he wants and wear his sister’s stuff to play around the house. I’d explain to him the difference between girl clothes and boy clothes but don’t tell him any toy is for boys or for girls as that’s not true in my opinion. (Men cook and men become fathers so why can’t they play with dolls or a play kitchen? Girls can play with any toy they want and nobody cares but heaven forbid a boy plays with dolls.) Also, make sure you are giving him plenty of compliments when he is wearing his usual boy clothes as he could be thinking dresses, sparkly shoes, etc., are pretty because his sister gets told how pretty she is while wearing them.
I wouldn’t go out and buy that stuff for him personally but if he was just playing with his sisters then I wouldn’t care. Like others have said, you’re supposed to correct your child at that age and explain that those are for girls
That’s on you 2 .
You are the parents
But I see where your husband is coming from.
People are afraid to tell their children NO Be a parent, not a friend. Should he play dress up with his sisters? Yes. Should you buy him dresses NO. If your 3 year old decides the only thing he ever wants to eat is chocolate are you going to “let him be 3”or
Tell him No you have to eat dinner?
He’s 3 who cares? My 3 year old fought me to wear my 17 yr old daughters minion socks just last week I let him wear them oversized and all we weren’t going out that day anyway. He doesn’t go to school yet let him wear whatever he wants… However once it’s school time I’d strongly warn against it … Bullies still exist and honestly the schools can’t do much or they choose not to. They adopt 'anti bullying ’ policies but I’ve seen very little enforcement here in California. Clothes don’t make you ‘gay’ sorry you have a Neanderthal as a BD that is not going to make life easy.
Drop the husband and buy all the dresses
Personally, i wouldnt buy my son pretty shoes or dresses. Hes about to turn 4. I would explain that girls wear dresses. Now, he plays dress up with his girl cousins but that is different. Im not buying him special clothes. The hair i dont see why he cant grow out but i agree with your husband on the clothes and shoes
Him making a big deal out of it is only going to make your son feel shame, or want to si it more. He needs to stop making a bid deal out of some fabric and just let your son have fun.
my son at three loved to wear beads and pretty dressups, did it make him gay, not in the slightest At three he is just wanting to wear pretty things because his sisters are, nothing wrong with it at all and its usually a stage they go through
You need to accept him for who he is or he will grow up hating you all. If you accept him for who he is, he won’t have a problem opening up to you
Sounds like my cousin. He used to hide and wear his sister clothes. Wear his mom’s cover up. He grew up and now is Transgender
I’m with Dad !!!Don’t lose your son to a girl … Put him in boys activities etc
He’s around his sisters- they get pink dresses and sparkly shoes. He likely doesn’t wanna be gay or a girl and just wants to be an equal… and even if he was either of those things… as his parents you should/would still love him (hopefully). Sounds like dad is projecting.
I agree with playing with girl toys, but dont dress him and dresses and pretty shoes , he will get bullied
You protect your child at all costs! Your child’s feelings/happiness should ALWAYS come before your spouses. Hell they should come before your own! It’s clothing. Let your child express themselves. Dad wouldn’t have an issue if his daughters were dressed in “boys” clothing so why should it be any different in this situation?
Many if not most children will participate in behaviors of the other gender. These behaviors do not necessarily mean your child is transgender. They simply suggest your child is getting to know the world around him and exploring what he or she likes to do.
Behaviors that suggest gender curiosity rather than transgenderism include:
Wearing clothes of the opposite sex
Playing with toys typically associated with the opposite sex
Saying, “I wish I was a girl” or “I wish I was a boy”
Dressing up like a character of the opposite sex for Halloween
My son can play with his sister and all that but he will be wearing boy clothes until he’s 18 and out of my house
I cannot believe how many people have an issue with kids dressing up in different clothing, it’s absolutely mental I’m genuinely getting second hand embarrassment from the weird people in the comments. If your kid wants a dress and sparkly shoes, get him them. The only damage that caused will be from his fathers toxic masculinity, which when we gets older he will see that behaviour and won’t want to be around him at all.
Dad needs some help. I get it. I do. But he’s 3. You can’t just turn someone gay. I’d get everybody in therapy and help dad understand it’s a phase. My son went thru wanting me to do his nails when I did mine and he’d call my lipstick chapstick.
He’s now 22. A Marine. Planning marriage with his gf. He loves cars and working on them.
Letting a 3yr old be 3 is being a good parent. Dresses and such will more than likely be a phase. Nobody cares outside of dad.
My son is 7 and loves pink and rainbows and glitter. Also loves dinosaurs and video games. While i dont buy him dresses, if he wants a pink top or something with unicorns and glitter i will buy it. Let him wear what he wants. Its not going to make him gay but let him express what he wants to dress like. My son had nail polish on last week and a kid at school made fun of him. He stood up to the kid and said i like what i like. You dont have to. Never been more proud of him.
I have a 8 year old boy , a 7 year old boy & a 4 year old boy. My 10 year old does their makeup occasionally when she’s really bored and she will talk them into it and it’s honestly nothing girly either she tries to make them look like superhero’s. And cats etc. they haven’t dressed up in a good couple year’s. All my boys are very much boyish. Down from hunting , fishing , nerf guns, hot wheels , football etc. but you will also catch them playing with my daughter & niece and they will play with them with baby dolls here and there. As well as my daughter plays with nerf guns and likes too fish , hot wheels, etc. they are children. Let them be kids and have imagination, I personally don’t see a problem with boys playing with girl toys or girls with boy toys. Etc. I have pulled my boy’s hair up. Because they all had curly hair and I loved it.
It sounds like you’re not making him BE anything. He already IS. He’s possibly gay or trans or possibly just wants to dress in drag. Whatever the reason, loving support is the way forward and often three year olds are just trying out stuff to find out who they are and soon get bored. His Dad needs to grow up and realise it’s not 1980 anymore. Maybe get him to hear some of the heartbreaking stories from Drag Race, or watch There’s Something About Jamie which is about a boy that loves drag but isn’t trans (Documentary or Musical). You do know what you should do -youre just scared to.
We’re a pretty liberal home, but I really don’t see the problem with any of this stuff. I also just think connection with your children is always the most important thing when making parenting decisions(beyond extremes, like if one spouse doesn’t want to co-sleep, I don’t think you should, etc.) but this isn’t parenting. This is really just about the dad’s personal insecurities about how other people are going to view him as a parent, rather than your son’s emotional well-being.
Kids just like to express themselves and explore stuff. When you prohibit it, it just glamorizes it. If your child is gay or trans or likes to cross dress, etc. and you reject them (really in ANY way) they will simply find a way to be themselves without you. People act like it’s the parent who gets to choose whether they disown their children, but a child will disown the hell out of their parent for something like this. Does your husband want to see his grandkids? Do you? Things to consider. He’s not going to grow up and thank him one day for not allowing him to be himself. That’s not how this is going to work out for him. He will easily find validation for cutting off parents who rejected him. He will always search for love, and will hopefully find it somewhere else, but what if he doesn’t? That’s a lot of damage to be responsible for.
Also, it’s 2024. This kid is going to be an adult in 20 years and right now will be history, and there is going to be a right and wrong side to that history. I’m sure my kid will think a lot of things about me when they grow up, but they hopefully won’t think I’m an ignorant, intolerant jerk.
I’d think about what this will look like with your future adult kid. And decide how you want that relationship to look.
YOUR SON IS NOT A FEMALE. He does not belong with these clothing items what is wrong with you
I was an all female family but i was a tom boy. I spent more time with my cousin who was near my age, playing cowboys and indians, boxing, scrumping and the like. I preferred meccanno and printing sets to dolls and prams too. I discovered boys later than some, about 17, and that was it! Let him do what he likes. If he does carry on preferring female stuff, it’s not the end of the world!
These comments are so sad.
Do you know why he wants to wear a dress? Because he’s a kid. That’s it. There’s no deeper meaning behind it.
My daughter LOVES dinosaurs, monster trucks, hot wheels, etc. She’s a tomb boy. She has worn the same green dinosaur boots for months. Boy boots. I got them from the BOY SECTION. I do not give a flying f if they’re for boys. She wanted them. I bought them. She loves them.
Shame on y’all.
My 3rd son was like this now he’s 11 and wouldn’t be seen dead in girl stuff let your boy enjoy what he likes. I never bought girls clothes for my son and I would try to persued him to wear boys clothes but there were times he’d go out in his sisters clothes and he was so genuinely happy he also had his own buggy to push his toys in etc. At school his reception teacher even took stilettos in for him to wear with the princess dresses but by about 7/8 he grew out of it. He still likes girly colours and plays with his sisters alot but when it comes to clothes he prefers his tracky bottoms and hoodies and would now choose football over dancing. Let your son express himself
U can’t “make” anyone gay smh
For anyone saying dresses were made for girls…
And for the record, if you arent ok with someone telling a boy they have to wear a dress because thats forcing them to wear clothes they arent comfortable with and trying to foce them to be someone they’re not, but you are ok with telling a boy who wants a dress that they have to wear pants and t-shirts because they are a boy, you are a hypocrite. In both scenarios a child is expressing who they are and what they like and being forced to not be themselves, the only difference is when you tell a boy they cant wear a dress its because you are to worried about strangers thoughts and opinions, even more so then your child self worth and confidence.
He’s 3… HES JUST THREE!!! I am sorry but society is really messed up! I have a 3 year old, he yes can play with baby dolls I don’t mind that, it will show him responsibility and teach him how to be gentle around babies. in my eyes baby dolls aren’t just for girls. as they say boys who play with baby dolls will be a great dad in the future. But to allow him to believe that’s it’s “okay” to wear girls clothing , hair done, make up etc at the age 3!!! Are u kidding me! What is wrong with this world??? Things like this makes me so angry that parents think it’s okay with all this pan sexual , trans sexual, etc it’s not cool and I don’t think any parent should be teaching their 3 year old son child that’s okay! Honestly at any age that the children is under 18!
You let your child do what makes your child happy and if the father can’t accept him then, to put it nicely, who gives a F!
I mean we didn’t necessarily let our son go out dressed in princess dresses but there is always fancy dress at home that he’d change into with the heels to match, his nails were done in blue most of the time. That was when he was toddler to age 4. We let him push his sisters pink pram outside too along with playing with barbies. He’s 5 now,6 in march and loves “boy things” more so now but always has. Like football, nerf guns, superheros.
But we let him explore. 🩷
I would let my son wear his sisters dress at that age but I wouldn’t buy him dresses and stuff.
If dad don’t like it stop it.
Let him. Your child’s happiness is more important.
Sounds like dad is very insecure and if he thinks this is how people turn out gay he needs to do some research
Support your son.
My son is grown now in fact he’s 60 yrs old and when he was little he had a pink dolls pram he wheeled everywhere I think it’s all part of growing up he’s now a biker as been since he was old enough to own a bike let kids be kids there was no discrimination in them day’s when my kids
Where younger girls had footballs toy cars etc they have grown up to be great men and women Iam proud of them all
My boy is 6 and really a boy who loves army & train Toys BUT hé Only wants to wear pink and unicorns. I am so glad my husband thinks its okay. Everyone around is inclusing his friends at school loves to see him in it. It makes him his beautifull happy boy. If we would not allow it he would be so unhappy to wear the clothes his twin brother wears
Clothes are clothes. They have no gender.
My daughter is the sameway she wants only boy clothes , she is 5 her dad can’t stand it . I let her buy a blue button up shirt her smile was everything . It’s very hard to except but i want her to be happy .
This thread really is enlightening me to how most mothers are creating weak, feminine boys
Find some helpful articles/podcasts/studies from reputable experts for Dad to go over so he stops overreacting.
Also, I’d get him in play groups, day care, Gymboree or just put him in the Smalland at IKEA—anything where he has other boys to play with just so he has other little ones with whom he can interact to see there are kids different from his sisters. Also good for normalizing a diversity of folks if you live in a diverse area.
Just something I seen and thought I’d share for OP about the long hair part of the question.
Quick question would he feel the same if your daughter wanted boys clothes? I doubt it somehow, if he can support your daughter to be all she wants to be then the same applies to his son! YMO
It’s sad to see such bigotry towards a THREE YEAR OLD
It’s our job as parents to teach and correct our kids and let them know that sister wears this because she is a girl. You wear these because you are a boy… it’s not bad to correct your child…
I’m sorry - “trying to make him gay”?!?!?!
I’m freaking speechless - he’s 3-years old!!!
It’s Oky to say NO sometimes.
Let your little boy experiment with
Girly stuff
It doesn’t mean he will be gay (nothing wrong with that)
And it doesn’t mean he will become a girl(nothing wrong with changing gender)
Your husband needs to stop
Living in the box
And step into the world
Let them be. My son wanted to be bat girl at 4. I asked the teacher what’s up? She said everyone wants to be Batman he wants to be in the play…
His Dad needs to adjust his thinking, he is sending the wrong message to his son, SO SAD .
My son used to play with my shoes and make up and also used to admire girls wearing pretty clothes and shoes etc, but it doesn’t mean he was gay or would become gay. He is now 8 year’s old and a total boy! Still gives me compliments when I’m dressed up etc, and yes my husband also had a problem with that but I told him the kid is growing and learning and eventually hubby let it go, but him asking for actual dresses and sparkly shoes is something else. Perhaps u need to remind him that he is a boy and not a girl but he can play with his sister and her toys as that’s not an issue. But I think there should also be boundaries cause if u encourage him then he will be confused about who or what he actually is
His dad,needs to educate his self.Both of my son’s wore pink/wear pink(my almost 22yo son,says real men wear pink and,he’s a marine)They let their sister do their nails.My 16yo,can walk better in heals then most women and,loves to paint nails.It sounds like it’s just a phase bc he sees his sisters so it so he probably figures,why can’t I?He’s 3.It doesn’t mean he’s going to be gay and when he grows up and is,what’s dad going to do?Disown him?
Assuming you two are together, I would personally tell him he takes his lead or he can leave. As long as it is his idea and not someone forcing feminine things upon him, telling him he is wrong for what he likes and thinking you’re “making him gay” is teaching your child he has to hide who he is and that his dads love is conditional. Thats not fair to your child. Now I will say if he is only exposed to his sisters and other girls and haven’t spent any time with boys his age I would suggest finding a way to have him socialize with other boys. Will that make him decided he likes trucks, dirt and masculine clothes? Maybe, maybe not. But if he has been socialized in a well rounded manner you know he has seen all his options and whatever he chooses to enjoy is all him, whether he gravitates more towards feminine or masculine.
Also he may want sparkle dresses, tutus and nail polish now and decide on his own he wants clothes from the boys section, toy trucks and power tools in 2 years. Or vice versa. You never know. But one thing he will always remember and feel is how his parents treated him. You both can be his biggest support and give him unconditional love, or yall can be his first bullies in life telling him the things he likes is wrong and he isn’t good enough unless he conforms and acts “normal.” Your choice. Even if his dad doesn’t agree, if you allow him to basically bully your son to make him “straight” or “manly” and you stay with him while he does that, you are just as bad.
No, I agree with dad. Little sparkly dresses are for girls and not boys. Literally supposed to teach a child right from wrong not encourage the behavior. Sad the adults coming after us are going to be pretty screwed up. Atleast dad is trying.
Leave the creepy dumbass and let your child be a child… who sexualizes a baby
My little boy had long hair and I used to put it up. He has a baby doll He used to carry every where when he was about 3 my grandad asked if he was a girl my wee boy answered for himself and said " no I’m a daddy ". He loved playing dress up and with his sisters dolls house but that was the toys he had access to. We bough him his own dress up costumes and huge fire house and he never played with his sisters dresses or house after that. Kept the baby doll till he was around 5 and is verry much a boy boy now. I’m all for letting kids be kids but would never let my boy decide to ware girls cloths at 3. If he wishes to put a dress on when he’s a grown man then that’s his choice but just now I’m the parent and believe he should dress as his gender till he learns who he is and what he wants in life.
There is nothing wrong with your son wanting these things. He is a child and had a mind of his own. My daughter at that age only wanted cargo shorts and tank tops and only played with cars and trucks. There was nothing wrong with that. Kids explore those things. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with them. It’s so stupid to gender label toys for either boys or girls. It’s healthy for kids to explore and play. There’s nothing wrong with that. You have to decide what’s more important. A dads feelings or the happiness of your child. Plain and simple.
I encourage you to listen to your son. And tell your husband that sexuality is in genetic makeup, not in environment. Whether your son is gay or straight you are going to love him. Ask your husband if he feels the same.
He’s a child for goodness sake, doesn’t mean he will grow up gay, ( so what if he does he’s still your son )
It’s called dress up . Not going to hurt anybody or anything