Im so sorry to hear that. I am a mother to a 5 year old Autistic child who is struggling with potty training. I dont have advice but I do have you in my thoughts. I hope things go better for you!
Make him clean up himself as he’s old enough (hopefully this will make him less likely to do it) also try making him go to the bathroom every hour (whether he needs to or not) this should help prevent accidents.
I would try taking him to the doctor first. If these accidents aren’t caused by a medical issue or some kind of abuse, I would make him clean his own underwear by hand.
My Daughter did the same when my son was born, with her, it turned out to be jealousy issue she was used to being the only child and when baby came she felt she was being first forgotten, so her pediatrician had us start making a bigger deal when she did use the toilet or asking to go, not a fix for everyone but it only took a couple of weeks and she stopped doing it.
My friends daughter had the same problem and it turned out to be physiological stress, underlying issues from the past.
Let him know he’s loved. But I would definitely seek professional advice. Good luck
Try taking him to a specialist and seeing if he has any type of medical issues… instead of taking things away … when I was younger I had the same problems yes I out grew it but I also have medical problems when I was younger
Set a timer, once an hour make him stop what he’s doing and go to the bathroom. Let him use his tablet while pooping so he actually sits there. When he does use the bathroom praise him like it’s the first time he’s done it. When he uses the bathroom in his pants have him do his own laundry and no electronics at all until the laundry is finished. It worked with my boy
I knew a girl who was pooing her pants right up til 8yrs old parents to fckn lazy take her to the doctor’s all they did was yell at her and call her lazy
nek minit found out there was something seriously wrong with her bowels… some parents are fckn useless if somethings not right with ya kid get them seen to …
What does he do at school?
Maybe there’s something more going on then what he’s saying or what you know of. Did this start out of the blue? Did this start once someone started hanging around more? I’m not saying that this couldn’t be medical and I’m not saying someone is hurting him in some way but you never know. You know your son better then anyone, has his behavior changed at all other then this??
I would first see if there is a mental or physical reason with doctor …then go from there. If he is struggling with a disorder it may not be his fault
Parent of 30yrs , 3 Boys. At 7 years old he is perfectly capable of making it to the bathroom, Make HIM wash his soiled underwear in the tub! If you TRULY want this behavior to STOP, let the consequence match the offense.
My now 7 year old son stopped eating when my youngest son was born. He would not eat a single thing, at all. I took him to the doctors out of concern and she said it’s probably him purposefully doing it for attention because he knows it’s one thing HE can control. After 10 days he finally gave in when we started rewarding him for specific behaviors. Maybe try a reward system for him? Every child is different. My son could care less if I take all of his toys away. If I reward him, he’s all in! Now my 12 year old daughter will do anything not to lose her belongings. They all respond differently.
My youngest son did that and we took him to the doctor and he giving a pill and told him that that would make him stop in it did and it was only a sugar pill
He could have a small bladder and an oversize colon. Take him to the doctor first, then work on the other stuff
My son is five. He stopped pooing himself when I started making him clean his underwear himself. We also made him go to the bathroom all the time.
After ruling out a medical condition or disability id do a star chart, timer, n take every item he enjoys playing with n make him earn it back, also making him clean up after himself n shower everytime unfortunately tough love to break the cycle
My nephew is 71/2 and he started pooping himself about 7 months ago. My sister said it’s because he’s lazy. Now if you ask him why he says I guess I’m lazy. He has severe ADHD. I told my niece to get him to his doctor. She says there’s nothing wrong with him. Something isn’t right. Hell poop himself and wear his underwear full of poop for days.
If it was just pee I’d say maybe a bladder issue. I have a friend with one and she still wet the bed all throughout high school. But with poo included, maybe anxiety or attention seeking. Maybe try speaking with you pediatrician and see what they recommend.