My son refuses to go to school...advice?

What about online school? He’s probably getting bullied or something

My son had just started Gr2 when covid hit and we went in to the hard lockdown. He refused point blank to go back to school once they reopened which was at the start of Gr3, although it was every 2nd day that he attended. He started seeing a psychologist then due to separation anxiety from me. That didn’t work, so we took him to a psychiatrist who booked him off from school for the terms 3 & 4, however I home schooled during this time. He started seeing a play therapist in T3 and she was amazing with him. When he started Gr4, I focused on his emotional wellbeing and told him he doesn’t need to pass the term, but just go to school everyday. Needless to say he failed, but he went to school. Since then he has been diagnosed with ADHD and separation anxiety. I have learnt his triggers and make sure to avoid them. He is on meds and so am I.
So mommy, if you know the reason, I advise that you get a professional to see and diagnose your kiddie. He could be feeding off your emotions, so see a dr yourself. Speak to the Principal, put methods in place to help your child. And remember anxiety does not allow for logical thought and they do not hear you when you try to reason with them. They only know fight,flight or freeze.
My son is now in Gr6, 11yrs, we have speed wobbles and I just let it be. It is a tough road but just persevere.
I wish you all the best

They actually have lockdown programs you can send him too and id for sure do that.

Your post is missing waaaaay too much info.

Somewhere extremely boring would be a laundromat. Just watching the dryers go round and round

How old is he because that matters in this situation? I stopped going to school my sophomore year because I literally wanted to off myself, kids were so mean. My absences caused my dad to go to court with the school, and I got EXPELLED for absences! Thank God, they ended up putting me through their “alternative school program” which I went to the school PART time; and did school online with a couple kids and 2 teachers. Although THIS was only an option for high school aged kids. If he’s that miserable dude then find another option. There’s homeschooling, private school, online school. IMO I wouldn’t want to my force my kid if it was mental health related. The sucde rate in kids nowadays is astronomical. Get him to see a therapist too. Obviously something’s going on.

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Every kid wants to eat, have privileges, rewards and a Life. If this doesn’t work kid needs psychological help

Throw a tantrum ? Oh lord u ain’t even say his age. Girl u better toughen up. Ion see how y’all let kids run y’all household. I wish my child would tell me they ain’t going school like are u okay?

Probably bringing him to therapy.

Not enough information to suggest anything. His age? And you know why he won’t go? Why? That could be helpful for suggestions. I don’t understand that you are looking to bring him somewhere and that you’ll be there with him. Very confusing situation without a lot of context.

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You don’t give your child’s age, so it is hard to know what to suggest. As the mother of a school refuser myself, you have my sympathy. She watched a lot of “educational” programmes on TV and read a lot. It turned out my daughter had ADHD and autism, but she didn’t find out until she was in her 30s. Good luck.

You said you know “why” and don’t explain- age - and few more questions. To even address this you would need to explain more to truly receive any sound advice, sweetie.

Is moving him to another school an option? If not possible home schooling

My Mom’s brother was a logger. He put me to work logging when I was about 13.
12 to 15 hour days six days aweek. I was miserable.
School sounded pretty good after a couple months of that.!!

My son would refuse school due to bullying. When I found out about it , I addressed the situation with the school and all parties were involved . I had no clue this was going on ! After that incident , I was assured by the school, by the bus aid and the boys parents that this wouldn’t occur again . Ofcourse I kept an extra eye out but after addressing it, I realized how much happier he was to go to school now. Just try to look at every scenario possible. Good luck :heart:

I’ve been fighting with my 17 yr old all year, and it’s her senior year… you have 3 months left… stop effing around!!! I’m not getting a truancy fine because of you. She still doesn’t care. Can ground her from her phone, going to friends, friends coming over. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

How old is your child? Maybe make him super bored at home and keep bragging how cool school is and such activities they do at school and only schools does these activities. Tell him they do painting, go for outing and have so much surprises fr kids who attend everyday. Then you can go to the teacher and explain your situation and ask her as a special favour to do something special for him that’s if his still in kindergarten

I’m having same drama with my daughter and have been since she was in kindergarten. I’m currently going through court because she refuses to go. It’s very hard and frustrating. U can only do wat u can do at the end of the day.

What location?
Busy schools is a great alternative school and can get h a job

You will have to make him go to school (or alternate school) or homeschool. Otherwise the state will get involved. If you have to homeschool then make homeschooling like school. Morning get up and get ready for the day routine and no electronics or toys (unless it’s part of the lesson) until the day’s lesson are completed.
I agree with many other comments on not enough content to make informed suggestions.

He has obviously been allowed to be in control of his situation to his own detriment. Parents pay a high price for allowing this to happen. As a teacher, it was hard to watch.

Send him to the police department for the day. Because if he keeps missing school he will end up on truancy probation anyways. Might as well go ahead and show him what that’s like. I’m not understanding why you’re not making him go even if he’s refusing it. You are the parent. Too many children running adults these days.

I think it’s time to pull your child out of the school and homeschool its sounds like there’s abuse happening (bullying). You need to protect your child but he also needs to learn so it’s time to homeschool or private school and find him a better therapist that also does play therapy to make him more comfortable and open.

Have you found the reason why?

If he’s that unhappy move him school fresh start

I’ve taught my 14 year old to cook we done stuff in the garden in good weather get him to look up recipes get him to write it down we also work out wat we have at home and wat need to get we go shopping together I give him money and he goes and buys wat is on his list if he gets stuck he’ll come and find me as I’ll do the shopping I need to at the same time follow the recipes even the measurements and put the recipe in to a folder take pictures during and when finished also in the garden you can experiment with growing we done growing from seeds and left over ends like lettuce toms carrets onion potatoes we also brought plants herbs and done experiments with cuttings from plants

Tell him let’s go for a drive then take him to school simple ! Carry him to the car if you have to ! Kids today think everything should be given and not earned

Bring him to school. It’s not optional. If he’s school aged he needs to be in school

If brick & mortar school is so bad that your child is refusing to go & you know why, then why are you not putting him into online homeschool???

It is your responsibility to foster his safety first, mentally & physically, & his education second, so do what is best for him & get his education in a way he is safe & able to learn… If you have time to sit at the library or somewhere to make him miserable, you can foster his safety & wellbeing & create a HAPPY environment for an education education online, at home.

We need more info to offer good advice? What’s his age? Is he neurodivergent? What is his issue with school? Is he in therapy?

U really don’t give much detail or info on the specifics though

U either need 2 try harder or home school something needs 2 be done immediately or ur going to be hit with truancy which is serious could result in fines & possible jail time we went through this with my daughter as a teenager & was in front of a dj alot

I had dealt with this myself. My son was diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. We used the “Love and Logic” method. It took a while to finally get him to go to school… we were always late… but he finally got there. In about 3rd or 4th grade he was very defiant. He had a high school level of manipulation, though. He’s very, very smart. Basically, I removed all electronics and took all controllers away(gaming and TV remotes), made sure he didn’t sleep instead, and he had a box of things he was allowed to play with. These consisted of puzzles, learning games, flash cards, coloring books, reading books and Rubix cubes or infinity cubes. He was always looking for a power struggle. I would tell him that he had a choice. You can go to school and get one or two privileges back after school, or he could spend the day in silence with his box of learning toys. He would scream, cry, argue, tell me that he hated me… but I would calmly remind him that he had a choice. When I stopped reacting to his disrespectful words, he started to realize that going to school was more stimulating. It took a couple months. And then he also was prescribed a mood stabilizer to help him cope with mornings. I also had an amazing therapist that I spoke with almost daily when he’d go through this.

I hope you find what works for you. I feel for you, and I know how extremely hard it is to deal with… especially getting letters from the school saying that they will hold you in contempt for academic neglect, even though you’re trying EVERYTHING. Hang in there. You are not a failure. :heart:

This is insane to me. Why is he even given a choice? How is he refusing to go? You’re the parent. You put his lil butt in the car (or on the bus) and take him to school. School is mandatory. Like it or not, you have to go.

How old is the child ?Provide with more information that way person can offer necessary help

School refusal can also result in them being taken away and put into foster care depending on age

For everyone saying things like you are the parent make him go…I’d like to remind you that as parents we absolutely have ZERO ability to force our kids to go to school or do anything for that matter that they don’t want to do. Back in the day you would just get physically punished for such behavior, that doesn’t fly these days and it’s also highly ineffective in the long term. At the end of the day if the kid won’t go the kid won’t go, let the truancy department handle it. The state I live in will eventually press charges and as long as parents are able to show they have tried everything then the student ends up being held accountable by the courts…this is where my personal situation is heading as we are on week 3 of refusal. All I can offer idea wise is to get him some lame volunteer time somewhere like mucking stalls at a farm or something. I wish you luck…know you are not alone.

You didn’t give us much info to work with