My son still cries for a bottle..advice?

So my son just turned 1 but he still wakes up twice a night and cries until he gets a bottle. I want to wean him off formula but it’s already so hard still having to get up so many times after a whole year. My older son was sleeping something like 8 hours straight by this age and I just don’t know what to do. Any advice or experience or info that could help?


His 1 and still a baby. Look at again when his 2 or 3. His still a baby.


Don’t compare your children they are completely different. Baby is only one it is absolutely normal for a baby of that age to still wake in the night and also to still want milk. Go with what your needs. Do not add things to your child’s bottle. He’s still so little mama.

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Please don’t let him just cry,that is so cruel.He’s still a baby,let him have his bottle at night.Its not unusual for kids to still wake up.I agree with others,fill him up a little before bed.


Remember every child is different, maybe offer him a small sipping cup of cold water when he wakes up in the middle of the night?

By one we were doing solid foods with milk in place of formula. We did dinner, bath and then bedtime. Mine only woke up when hungry so making sure she was full at bedtime was the game changer.


Mine was breastfed at night until about eighteen months. I don’t know current advice but surely you could just give regular milk in the bottle at night before sleep? And if he’s waking because he’s hungry then perhaps consider a baby biscuit and drink as part of the night time routine? Mine was drinking out of a regular cup and having proper meals at that age.

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have you tried a sippy cup of juice at bedside at night?

Is he napping during the day? If so try one nap 1-2 hours only. The last bottle before bed make it an oz more or so to fill him up. You can also start weaning by doing regular milk during the day or every other bottle just formula til it cuts all the way out.

Geez I can see getting him off the formula, but you have to switch it slowly and taking away his bottle all at once? At 1 year old seems too early in My opinion. But my babies are 54 and 51 now. After they were one they only got half a bottle of milk at nap or bedtime. In time they weaned themselves off the bottle before they were 2.


Only just turned one maybe that’s why probably just a comfort thing and every child is different.

Sometimes the bottle is a comfort that’s how my little one was. We transitioned slowly to whole milk with sippy cups and up to 20 months had a bottle but would only get water in it at nap and bed sippy cup any other time, then one night I hid the bottles and gave the favorite sippy cup with water and yeah she would fuss but within 10 to 15 minutes relax and accept the sippy was all that would be given.

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My kids still had a bottle at that age,.we just put milk or watered down juice. Later we gave them sippy cups.

get rid of formula completely and switch to normal milk. that’s what we did with our son and he’s almost 5 now. shortly after we made that switch we also got rid of all bottles and switched to sippy cups or regular cups.


My almost 18 month old still wakes up one or two times a night for sippy. However his is just water. Pediatrician said that was fine, and just something he needs right now. He eats a TON so it’s not lack of food. He only gets one nap a day. And it’s between 12:00 and 1:30. We watered down the milk at night slowly, and just made sure to brush his teeth 3 times a day.

I carried on with the bottle until my kids were ready currently my 1 and a 1/2 year old just stopped having them nothing wrong with letting them hv that extra comfort till they are ready!! Also dinner that really full them up helps she still has a wee snack before bed and water


First off, young one, no to children are the same. Cut the time back if he’s taking a nap. Go for a lil’ walk and take his sippy cup with water. When get home give him a lil’ warm milk in sippy cup or near bedtime. It’ll just take a lil’ more patience with your second one. 🫶🏽

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Give plain water in the bottle. Only do sippy cups during the day. Eventually he will stop waking up for water


He may be waking out of hunger. Give him something more substantial at night. I had to add cereal powder to my kids last night bottle

Don’t wean. Just take completely away. Sippy cup of milk before bed. When he wakes up let him cry it out. After a couple nights he will not think about it. Same with binky if he has one.


Time to take away a nap in the evening giving a sippy cup with milk before he goes to bed switch to water only in bottle they will get rid of it real soon when he sees that’s all they’re going to be in the bottle

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Does he have a lip tie or tongue tie or any issues with snoring/drooling could be sleep apnea

Start by putting water in bottles every couple of days decrease by a couple oz … it will be rough but by the end of week mine were sleeping all night

Put water in the bottle. At 1 he doesn’t need milk in his bottle. It can be a hard habit to break.

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Give a filling snack before bed

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My children had rusk or porridge at bed time, gradually introduced then bottles were 75% formula then 50 and ,25 % then cows milk or water

Never judge one child based on another child
If your child wants a night time bottle
Give him one

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Fill him up more with solids at teatime, all kids different

We just took ours away and never gave it back!!


It may be hard and you will have to let him cry.

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Give water
He’ll stop waking for it soon
He’s only waking cause it’s routine- break the routine

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If he’s wanting bottles give them him


please don’t compare your babies. Mine were so different. Never push little ones into a box. He has his needs. Just like anyone else. 

Slowly replace with milk. One bottle a night is okay at his age. Mine didnt give it up until after 13 months.


He just turned one? He just turned one… transition to your milk of choice my a 5-7 day period in bottles splitting the ratio until it’s all milk not formula. Then take away the bottles after giving just for the morning and bed or just for either the morning or bed. Few days of that then take it away. Add a good straw cup in w water and by the time the bottle is gone they’ll drink milk and water out of the straw cup. Gradual is best for kids like this is you think he’s dependent on it. He’s only one so you have some time it’s okay.

Why is he still on formula at 1? I put all in my kids on whole milk at 10 and 11 months old. They were also on supply cups at 6 months old. Toss the bottles out and he should be on regular food as well… a snack before bed and a drink can sometimes help them sleep through the night.


What does he eat during the day? Probably hungry. My eldest I kept on formula til 3yrs old (obviously only 1 at bedtime after age 2) because he was a very small picky eater. I knew he’d get all his body needed from that bottle that he wasn’t getting from thay food each day. And formula is far healthier than straight cows milk etc. Usually they wake because they’re hungry or cold. Try feed them more fulling foods before they go to bed. Formula also is thicker so stays in their pukus at night time longer. It’s also a comfort thing. They’re still babies at age 1. Don’t be so quick to take it off them and fir them to grow up. My other 2 weaned off them alit earlier. All kids are different

There is some really awful advice here honestly. And you shouldn’t feel pressured to follow it. Each of my 3 kids has been different. I followed their lead within reason and didn’t force huge changes suddenly. We did things gradually over time.

If he’s just turned one you don’t HAVE to push taking the bottle so quickly. And I wouldn’t suggest taking formula and the bottle at the same time. Gradually take the formula over a week or so. Mix regular whole milk (or whatever milk choice you’re going to give him) with formula. Starting at 1/4 bottle of milk and 3/4 bottle of formula and then slowly adding more milk and less formula. Once you’re done with formula then transition to using a cup as much as you can. Offer it first every time. But don’t make the bottle off limits yet. Eventually you’ll be able to completely take the bottle and it won’t matter. He’s still a baby. Don’t make yourself crazy and have him screaming crying etc.

Sleep also comes differently for lots of kids. I had one who slept through the night from the time she was born, one who didn’t sleep more than an hour until she was one, and one that is 15 months and just now starting to sleep through the night but was waking up every 2 hours for over a year. If the bottle is how you can get a little sleep don’t force taking it yet. You have time.

Also it is suggested they get formula or breast milk until they’re 1. The people trying to shame you and say “my child was done with formula at 10 months” either have outdated info, didn’t follow advice of a pediatrician or had other reasons for weaning from formula that early.

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My son’s sleep psychologist told me to gradually dilute the milk in his bottle until eventually it’s 100% water. At that point, they’ll stop asking for it.
My son didn’t even wait until it was 100% water….once it became too diluted for his preference he stopped wanting it.

My babyboy, stopt asking for a bottle after more then 2 years. I hated getting up, but i did it. Now i get more rest. I did it all and nothing helped, so i just let it. Some baby’s just need it, not for the Milk but 2 now you are there because there alone.

My daughter’s gets a sippy with water when laid down she wakes up gets a sip and back out.

Would do away with formula and if baby has teeth more solid foods than milk sippy cup with regular milk they make ones that have nipple like tops, if baby wakes up at night give baby sippy cup, also some cereal and fruit at night will fill baby up, at one still growing at fast pace, baby is still a baby so have patience no 2 kids are alike

Give him cereal at night to fill him up .

Stop giving him a bottle.

I threw them all out on their first birthday. Wr had a whole big deal event. But, They also had been on sippy cups for a while. So by the time se trashed them, they simply didn’t care.
So, sippy cups only and throw them out. Make it a big deal to not need them. Talk it up. Show them a date on a calendar. “5 days and no more bottles! You’re so big now you don’t need them!” Get a “special bag” and say you’ll be giving them to a new baby. Whatever. But until they aren’t an option, this will continue.

You’re supposed to put whole milk in their bottle when they age out of breastfeeding

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