My son takes his pants entirely off to use the restroom: How can I stop this before school starts?

My son is five years old, and every time he goes to the bathroom to go do number 2 he has to take off his pants and his underwear all the way off and comes out of the bathroom comes to me for me to fix his pants for him to put his pants back on and I don’t know what to do about that bc all I could think of is when he goes to school he is going to come out of the bathroom naked in front of his classmates. I don’t know how to get him out of it. I tried talking to him. I tried punishing him. I tried talking to parents for advice, and it gets me nowhere. And I told him to only pull his pants halfway through he threw a fit and wouldn’t go to the bathroom sometimes he even takes his whole entire clothes off to go. Please, I need advice. I need to prepare him for school.


Does he have sensory issues?


Not a parent but I previously worked with ALN and many behavioural specialist google social stories for kids and adapt to situation.

My son was the same and he wouldn’t go #2 in public places because he knew he couldn’t undress. He grew out of it

He might just not like the way his pants feel only half off

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He’ll outgrow it. Most boys do this. :woman_shrugging:t2: School is the perfect place… they follow other kids. He’ll stop. Don’t worry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My son did this too, but stopped on his own about 2 weeks into preschool…

Haha…my grandson does it to… I dont know why :joy:

My son did this until he went to school and realized he didn’t have time to do it at school and he ended up stopping.

My boys both 6 and 7 both do this…so does their father…but not in public. But also may be a comfort thing so he can relax and let it pass. I guess I never really saw it a an issue for me…good luck!

Megan McGee didn’t mason do this or am i imagining it :rofl:

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I’m a teacher of primary and I have a student in class that does this and I’m not prep or yr 1. He has learnt to dress himself in the cubicle after doing his business before leaving toilet block. Has done this since start of school.

Focus on teaching the skill of self dressing for now.


Why on earth would you punish him?!?! My son did the same thing and didnt do it at school.

I will say, don’t freak out… Seriously all children change their ways when they’re in a group following other kids their size… Relax and breath momma


He might not feel that comfortable at school… It might just be a home thing

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Sensory issues? Or learnt behaviours. As historically kids are full stripped off I.e trousers, baby grow undone, nappy off etc to change and go to toilet as nappy potty training stage?

My son is almost 7 and still does this. I think its just no comfortable

Most boys do this for fear that urine will get on their clothes they eventually figure out how to manage their business while in public but will continue to strip at home my son avoids going to the rest room #2 everywhere other than home lol and he’s 11

Teach him to put on his own pants.


Do not punish him for this. It is normal for a kid his age to do this. My son did it too. Worse comes to worse, and he does it once at school, either the other kid’s laughter will stop him from doing it again or the teacher will. Sorry, hate to say it like that, but it’s the truth. I know it can be embarrassing, frustrating, annoying, but in the big scheme of things, he is just a kid and is not doing it to be defiant. Does he have a father or father figure who could maybe talk with him about this and show him the right way? My son did the same thing and even did it in public restrooms. Eventually, he stopped.

Sounds like almost every grown man out there. :joy:


My youngest son did the same,except he took off ALL of his clothes to use the restroom for #2 and would squat over the toilet while doing it. He will grow out of it, in the mean time, have him dress himself afterwards and reward him for being a “big kid”! Good luck mama:)

No advice but tbh my son was same way but did not take them off once he started school.

Well if he starts school in September you have 8 months to teach him not to do that.

This sounds like it requires more than a simple solution. My son done this for years and required a shower every time as well. He would refuse to use the restroom at school and became impacted multiple times. He had Aspergers and sensory issues, it took us awhile to figure it out.

My son is 4 and does same thing . My other son too hes 14 now and hes fine

It could be just a thing that he is used to have you been helping him with this for along time.Dont worry too much you need to help him change his way if this was a learned behavior then you just need to help with a new one.Just help him in the bathroom and wait for him and show him how this is done before he leaves the bathroom.


My grandson is 6 years old, no sensory issues, no issues whatsoever. He gets completely naked to do #2 every single time.
At this point, his “schedule” has him doing this not during school hours, but its certainly not worth a “punishment”, what is he doing wrong??!

My 13 year old son still does it at home but he stopped doing at school before he was in first husband walked in on him in the bathroom, got on to him but he said he didn’t like the feel on his legs.

He’ll stop when he goes :joy: to school. He’ll follow other children, and see he doesn’t have to take off clothes. They will tell/teach him…


Let his dad take him to the toilet an show him what to do he will copy his dad try it good luck ,


My son still does it. He is 31.

My son is 4 and goes perfectly fine at day care. Also gets himself dressed for outside on his own with little help but at home it’s a fight just to get him to do anything on his own. You may be surprised but he might do it at home as attention seeking and out and about normally. Might I add my son also hates having his pants half on to use the potty lol

My sister used to do that. I remember her coming out of a Pizza Hut bathroom naked yelling for my mom. :joy::joy::joy:

I get your concern. But there are some adults that have the same bathroom ritual.

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I never thought I would hear this from someone else. My oldest son was like this as a kid and now two of his boys are the same way. We could never figure out why he would do it as child, he would always say that it didn’t feel right. Now with our two grandsons doing it we’re seeing it all over again. As your son gets older maybe he’ll grow out of it…

Almost every male in my family uses the restroom the same way…I think it’s a comfort thing :woman_shrugging:t5:

My boys were the same way. They out grow it

Agree he will out grow…

I had a bf that would do that. But he would only poop at home and took a shower directly after.

He wont wanna run out naked at school.
Its not something that deserves a punishment.
But reward him everytime he doesn’t take them off. And reward him when he puts his pants on himself. If its buttons he has issues with then get him pants that have elastic waistbands. And practice with buttons.

Practice in public places.


I feel ya!! Mine is 11 and still does it. Drives me nuts! But he never goes at school. He holds it until he comes home and then off with ALL of his clothes just to use the bathroom!! I hope he will eventually grow out of that habit!

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Tell him he is a big guy now, so he needs to put his clothes back on before coming out. When he does this make a big deal of it. Make him proud.


I say just let him pee and poo how he’s comfortable.


It’s a boy thing haaaa mine does it too!!! As long as he can get them back on himself it’s not a huge deal!!

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Tell him it’s illegal to undress publicly and he could face jail time​:eyes::joy::joy:


It’s not uncommon, total comfort makes it easier to go. Just remind him daily that he has to put his pants back on when in school since you can’t be there to help him

My oldest is 12 and still does this. Weirdest shit ever.

My Grandson does the same thing at home and here at grandmas. He doesn’t use the restroom at school. Somehow he manages to hold it all day.

Just teach him how to get them back on by himself. He will be fine when school starts. I like getting naked to potty sometimes myself. :grinning:

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Maybe start taking him to places with a public bathroom and teach him how to go when he is not at home.?

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Have you tried putting shoes on him? It’s hard to get your pants over your shoes

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Don’t help him tell him to do it himself like a big boy Because if he does that at school he’ll get laughed at and the teachers won’t help him that he should only have them half way down if he can’t fix it himself.

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My son was the same. I worried about the same thing too. The teachers help and also being around other kids motivated him to want to be a big boy and be more independent. It will be okay.

Don’t fix his pants. Tell him everytime that this is how everybody is going to see him because he takes them off eventually he will have that… yeah, mom’s right moment…


What’s the problem so do I sometimes

My son is 6 and practically lives in his underwear in the house lol, he does the same thing when he goes to the toilet and I worried about the same thing, I asked him what he does at school when he goes for no.2, his reply " I don’t do a poo at school" :joy::joy::joy::joy: don’t worry about it, he’ll learn eventually, in his own time, I honestly think mine is scared he’ll fall down and just wants more stability when he sits lol

Very common don’t stress

Mine used to do it till about 5 or 6 didnt make it am issue and it stopped on his own but he never uses the washroom at school either so its never been an issue

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He will grow out of this,just takes time…lol…my middle son did the same thing except he got totally naked to :poop:…lol and I mean it was every time.

You could just lett him get dressed himself @5yrs old? The length of time it will take to get dressed himself should deter him from undressing. ‘Fixing’ his clothes for him is holding him back. You are also allowing him to use this to get your attention. Tell him the truth… the children will laugh at him if he does that at school. No child would want to be laughed at?? This should help too! Its called tough love mum🙂 Good luck x

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My son is like that. He never did it at school, just home.

I had a stool for the kids to get on the toilet when they were doing on their own and it seemed to work better that they could set their feet on that it didn’t have to worry about their pants falling off their legs

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