My son will not drink milk: Any advice?

Neither of my kids did either. They’re 27 and 20 now. Not a huge deal.

Iv tried almond…carnation… nutramigin for toddlers…like literally everything known to man. He’s seeing that its white and thinks it’s all milk. Juice ik is bad. But it’s all he will drink. I’m just worried about him not gaining the weight he should be. So yes I’m very concerned. He’s my 5th baby and NVR had milk issues with the rest. Idk I’m such a worry some kinda mom.

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And yes maybe he don’t need it. But it still makes me feel like he’s not getting what he needs without the milk

There are so many studies suggesting that children of that age do not need milk if he has a balanced diet than water is sufficient! Cut the juice and don’t give him anything but water


I think the OP hit the nail on the head when she said “I” really want him to drink milk. Parents need to stop! He is his own soul, his own individual self… your wants shouldn’t enter this particular equation.


Almond milk? It’s high in calcium

Milk is gross. I don’t like it, I never have liked it, but I do like it in cereal :woman_shrugging:t3:

He doesn’t need milk. It’s not a necessity! You are the adult! Don’t buy juice.


Don’t need tons of milk a day, but really dont need apple juice or any juice at all. Eat fruit for that.

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He will get calcium other ways. My granddaughter’s pediatrician said don’t worry about it. So i didn’t. She’s healthy and has played extreme sports for 12 years. No sprains or broken bones. Excellent oral hygiene.

My son is the same, I supplemented with yoghurt and cheeses. He’s nearly 14 now and rarely drinks any kind of milk. We’ve had no broken bones yet… touch wood.

Put mainly water and put only a lil bit of juice. As for milk not alot of children like milk. If ur concerned try pediasure

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Try 2% milk with choc or another flavor. I and my son were the same way. 2% is actually better for their teeth.

Stop giving him juice cold turkey. He shouldn’t have been hooked on that in the first place. My daughter went from formula to almond milk straight to water by the time she was 1. All she drinks is water and nothing else. You need to put your foot down as others have said since you are the parent. He’ll drink eventually because his thirst will overcome his stubbornness. You have to be consistent and show him you drinking it too so he gets encouraged by your behaviors. He doesn’t even really need milk especially since you give him calcium via other foods.


As long as he is getting his calcium from other sources then he should be fine but it’s not good that he drink so much juice, it is loaded with sugar and should be limited greatly. Most kids like to drink what the adults are drinking so if you drink water through the day then maybe you can get him too cause really that is much better than all the juice.

My oldest daughter was on that formula, she was the same way with milk. I finally got her to drink it by doing half milk and half formula then slowly doing more milk till no formula was in it. Also helped to warm the milk. That much juice is really bad though, esp for the teeth!

My daughter was the same way…no milk, only apple juice, super skinny, but healthy. She used to hold her cup up to the light, and if she couldn’t see through it, she wouldn’t even attempt a taste. Used to drive me nuts. Lol. One day, around age 5, she just started asking for milk. She’s almost 12 now, and still loves it. So weird.

My children’s pediatrician said not to worry, as lonh as their eating their dairy they will be fine!

My soon to be 3 yr old, has never drank a glass of milk and she’s healthy as can be!

Try almond milk with your little one. It has 50% more calcium than cows milk and is way better for her!

Take away the juice and crappy sugary drinks. If he’s thirsty he will end up drinking water.


If your that worried about it you can add powdered Nestle strawberry flavor mix in his milk just don’t let him see you mixing it up


Neutrameigen has a toddler formula. I thinks it’s good up to 4 years old

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No 2 year old should have apple juice that often. All you’re doing is rotting his teeth.
Hes gotten used to the sugary drink of course he chooses that over a healthy option.


Stop worrying. If your child is growing and gaining even if they are skinny dont worry. He is his own person. And will grow in his own time. I would slowly cut the apple juice by mixing it with water more and more. Plenty of babies drink no milk at all and are perfectly happy and healthy. No child NEEDS dairy products…

My kids didn’t drink milk at that age either. They just didn’t like it. I wouldn’t worry too much. My teenagers are bigger than I am. It didn’t hurt their growth at all.

Wouldn’t worry about the milk at all! As long as they are getting calcium elsewhere. I would however cut out apple juice. Dilute it with a ton of water to get them drinking water. Or just cut it out all together and they will start drinking water. Could put fresh fruit in the water- my kids love that or ice cubes lol

My daughter gets her milk in through food and only drinks water, she’s almost two. She’s fine with labs and everything else

I water down my daughters juice she doesn’t notice thankfully.

Have you tried almond milk? And then theres those milks that come pre bottled for kids forgot what they are called. And with the juice you need to stop giving it to him. Whenever I gave my kids juice it was always half water half juice and even with doing that they would refuse water so every now and then when they get like that again I always gotta cut the juice out completely for awhile. He will get thirsty enough to drink it eventually

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We use a little nesquick. Adds a little flavor and some extra vitamins :tipping_hand_woman: my daughter wont drink just regular milk either

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I’ll cut the juice. And try other methods. Thanks Mama’s. If he don’t do milk. Then I guess that’s that :hugs:

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Milk is bad for you anyway. Try almond milk.


Almond milk or coconut milk might work but I know when I was a kid I hated drinking milk because of the slimy texture it would leave in my throat. Even if I drank water or something afterwards id still feel it.

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You can also get vanilla formula :person_shrugging: might work

Almond milk is really good!! Even the unsweetened one.

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That’s too much juice. If he refuses water, then at least cut the apple juice with 50% water. As far as the milk goes, have you tried almond or coconut? If he’s eating cheese and yogurt, he doesn’t need milk every day. Milk is not as great for you as some people think.

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I only offer water or milk, juice is a once in awhile thing… 18, 16, 8 and 2.5 all prefer water over anything else! My 16 year old only drinks milk if its in cereal, he’s always been like that!
If they have a sweet option of course that’s what they are going to go for!

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Try soy milk or other plant based milk.

It sounds like he’s probably getting everything he needs. As long as he is growing, I wouldn’t stress. His doctor should be able to ease your mind.

Milk is good for the bones

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Talk to his pediatrician.

Why the concern over milk? At his age, he no longer needs milk’s fat, and calcium comes from other things as well, including some vegetables.

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Cook with milk like porridge mashed potatoes add milk too ur soup to make it more creamy homemade Popsicles with will home made alfredo sause with milk there’s so many things u can cook and add milk to the kids food

He doesnt need milk… Cows milk is for baby cows…

Could he be lacoste intoratle? Sorry spelled that wrong.