Since birth, he was on the nutramigin formula. So since it’s not. Milk based and he’s now 2…he refuses to drink milk. He doesn’t have milk allergies and does get calcium through cheese and yogurt. But it’s driving me nuts. All the drinks are apple juice. (literally)!!. Won’t drink water or any other liquids at all. Iv tried mixing the milk with chocolate. Strawberry. Mint…ext. Also tried adding water…skim milk…every milk known to man — even malt milk. Nothing works. He’s really skinny, and I know he’s growing well and he gets what he needs. I just would really like for him to drink milk. Any other suggestions?? Ik some kids just don’t drink milk, and that’s fine. But he will actually eat cereal with milk in it. So I’m confused. Need help
Make Oatmeal n drain the milk n see if he will drink it that way
My daughter didn’t drink milk either. Their bodies naturally tell them. I don’t think you should stress about it. Make sure he gets his calcium in other ways.
I do NOT drink any milk
My mother said I have not drank it since I was off the bottle at 1
Milk isn’t good for you
I’d just substitute yoghurt and ice cream. He’ll get plenty of vitamins & nutrients from other foods so I don’t think you have to worry.
My sister never drank milk. Chocolate milk but not white milk all her life.
Give him Haagen-Daz ice cream, he will gain weight with that and it’s good for him.
As long as he’s getting calcium in other foods, milk isnt a necessity…
Skip it. Force is never the answer…
It’s not necessary and check with his Dr to see if supplements may be.
Why do you think he needs to drink milk?
Nesquik? Any of the protein drinks? Or just hide as much of it as you can in his foods. Google calcium rich foods/drinks and get it in him that way.
And cue all the milk is cruelty to cows, people.
We weren’t meant to drink other animals milk… so it’s natural for a lot of kids. If you gradually weaken the apple juice down a little at time… too much sugar/carbs…He can’t get hungry if he’s always pumped on sugar
You can try making home made milk with raw organic cashew nuts… put a bandanna in it and a splash of vanilla and or maple syrup… or coconut milk…
Pediasure… my kids didnt drink milk either… but my son didnt like to eat either but he literally got obsessed with his pediasure …
Cows milk is for cow babies
Ask your pediatrician … because most people think they know everything and really I’d get a professional to answer this .
All you can do is come back to it always try to offer it and maybe he will start to drink it. I’ve never had a problem my kids drinking milk they started with whole milk we now drink 2%. I didn’t even add the strawberry or the chocolate in with it until way later.
My daughter stop drinking milk a few years ago she said she just didn’t like it but yet She drinks strawberry milk.
My kids pediatrician always said that nesquick chocolate powder is on it has calcium in it and vitamins if that’s only way then try it …worked for me
Stop forcing milk on the child.
Why wouldn’t you call your pediatrician why on Earth would you get on Facebook and ask a bunch of random strangers.
My brother used to be the same he’s 14 and has only just started drinking it.
He prefers it straight from the milk vat which I know is hard to come by for others…he says that milk from the shops tastes off
We used to put milk in mashed potatoes, let him have ice cream as it was a source of calcium, put Greek yoghurt in curries and cakes, made weetbix with hot milk and used to put yoghurt or milk in too (he wasn’t aware that’s what it was and still consumed it)
Talk to his dr too as they will be able to monitor his calcium levels and also give you more advice on how to sneak it into his diet or supplement him
Wishing you all the best
Don’t stress, Mumma. It is what it is. In a yr or 2 he wont like apples! Darn kids! Try to water that juice down a bit, or you’ll have a dental bill higher than cheech and chong. Have you tried avocado smoothies? Very creamy but don’t taste the avos. Google will help you there.
Why does he need to drink milk so bad ? I personally don’t like milk and I wouldn’t want anyone forcing that on me but like is it an essential for kids ?
My daughter loved milk in her bottle but when I took her off the bottle no longer did she drink milk! Not ever water went in her cereal so water and apple juice was all she ever had she’s 29 now and now makes food with almond milk but still doesn’t like milk your son should be ok and get calcium in other foods
same son doesn’t eat cheese or anything with milk in it.i don’t stress about it.i give him what he wants to eat.i tried forcing him before and he vomits which showed me.he just doesn’t like milk!
Tell him not to drink it and he will lol
He is smart
Awful stuff he dosnt need it
How about milkshake or ice cream ? It may help get him to like in other forms? Put in cereal n try ?
My 4 year old doesn’t like milk very well either… My pediatrician suggested pediasure and she loves the different flavors only when she decides to drink them…
I never liked milk as a small child or as I got older , still don’t. It tastes thick in my mouth and I don’t like the taste.
And that Almond milk is soooo nasty. It’s thick too
Why would u want to force it? If child doesn’t want milk he/she clearly just doesn’t like it… Loads of kids even adults don’t drink milk but will take it in cereal.
Milk is not for humans…its for calves. We were meant to drink breast milk until a certsin age…stop forcing this on him. Besides maybe it just tastes bad
He doesn’t need to drink milk.
We like it with vanilla extract. As long as he eats dairy products & the doctor says he’s healthy, don’t sweat it. Orange juice & butter has calcium added. Good luck.
My oldest son is 5. He just started drinking milk and not formula. He is on the lower end of the weight scale and has a sensory processing disorder. We have tried milk, white, chocolate and strawberry. We started with danimals drinkable yogurts, and as he started Kindergarten this fall he has drank milk. We tried soy milk, almond and cashew milk as well.
Give it time. Taste buds change as well as how our body responds to textures.
Milk is for baby not for people. It is also allowed to contain a certain percentage of puss
. Maybe your child is just smart
I also have a child that refuses cows milk. My first 4 craved it so I found it odd that my 5th child would refuse cows milk. She was tested for allergies which were negative. I just accept that she will not drink it and that’s ok. We do plant based protein “milk” and plant based "burger’s " that are meatless and you wouldn’t even know. I water down the plant base vanilla milk as it is thick and she takes that in her cereal along with meal drinks. I think many people are having more issues with cows milk and this option seems to work along with soymilk, rice milk and almond milk, goat’s milk.
I’m hearing as of recently milk isn’t very good for us or even a necessity in our diet… if such is true then no need to force it. Almond milk is really good though and I’ve never been a fan of milk unless in cereal or oatmeal. I find it’s thinner and doesn’t make me feel as heavy after drinking a glass. Best of luck!
Give him choices that doesn’t involve sugar. You let kids have what they want, they’ll walk on you. Take away that juice. Take the initiative. You’re the mother.
Organics Soy or rice especially if hes didn’t drink milk based formula my daughter drank plant based formula and now she drinks soy and rice
Try some pediasure if you are worried about nutrients…my son is 3 and loves milk and he’s still skinny and tall. He gets that from his daddy. Every kid is different. And my son also refuses to eat most things and won’t touch pedia anything lol if he’s a good eater though I wouldn’t stress too much momma
Let it go. He doesn’t need it. And, remove the juice. If you want him to drink water make that the only option.
Rice puddings junkets
He’s not a baby cow and he understands this.
My mum was same from a baby difbt like breastmilk… Formula… Cows. They ended up giving her sugar water as a baby which resulted in 8 teeth taken out by the time she was 5… I think just don’t push. It or worry about it… He gets calcium so it doesn’t matter to much x
I hated milk. Still do. You can find other ways to get vitamin D. Good luck!
My kid wont drink Milk. Never has, hes 12
I’m 25 and I still don’t drink milk. Never have liked it, ever. But you give me dairy products and I’ll eat it or drink it. Just not straight milk
As long as he’s eating cheese, eggs and vegetables then it’s all covered. I have a six year old granddaughter who is the same way. Her 10 year old brother drinks it by the gallon!
Nutramigen is still milk. The proteins are just broken down to make it easier to digest. You can see if they have a toddler version or give him plant based milks.
my 22 month old is the same, her dr reccomded putting carnation breakfast essentials packets in her milk, I get the French vanilla flavor and she loves it. you could also try pediasure
No worries if he gets calcium elsewhere
Water is the best thing you can give your kiddo. Juice is loaded with sugar and has a lot less nutrients than fruit. You could even dilute the juice with water and gradually increase the water until you are plain water. Milk is not necessary in our diets. There are many other ways to get calcium and vitamin D. Good luck to you mama.
It sounds like he’s getting what he needs. Ask his doctor to be sure, but it probably isn’t a big deal. When my son was two, all he wanted was milk. I worried that he should be eating more. He’s now 23 and very healthy.
First of all listen to your kid. He should be able to at least choose what he likes as long as hes healthy. Hes learning himself his tastes and his body. Hes not a baby cow, he doesnt NEED milk so give him a break. Also maybe he’s just pushing boundaries… Id try telling him he’s not allowed to drink milk. Then see if he changes his tune in a day or week lol also…try other milks. Coconut, almond, rice are all deliciousness and healthy.
You may also eventually find he is in fact allergic/intolerant or at last sensitive to cows milk. Mine refused it at that age too…a few years later he was borderline intolerant. He “had the flu” literally everytime he had to poop. He didn’t know it consiously, but his body knew and he knew how to hear his body talk to him. You could also just wait it out…most kids’ tastebuds change on the hour. Be patient, hes learning.
He doesn’t have to drink milk. It’s not particularly beneficial unless it’s whole milk, organic, and straight from a cow…and even then it’s better suited for calves than humans. It’s also quite high in sugar and actually nothing like actual does milk if you buy it in a store.
If he doesnt like it, what’s the big deal?
You don’t need milk. It’s breast milk for baby cows. Your child will be just fine without it.
My son didn’t either, but did drink almond milk. He grew just fine as he ate very well.
He doesnt need milk. Common misconception.
I dont reccomend Pedisure didnt help my son n horrible ingriedents
Your son doesn’t “need” milk. My 19mo doesn’t drink anything but water and very rarely 100% juice. Stop trying to force him to drink milk if he doesn’t want it. Also, your child NEEDS water, not juice.
Stop giving him juice. Its the sugar he is wanting. Only serve milk and water. If you want start progressively watering down the juice to wean him off the sugar. But you are really just going to have to put your foot down.
Try almond milk or just toddler formula pediasure
I wouldn’t worry about him not drinking milk, but I would slowly ween him off the apple juice.
Try lactose free or soy
Mine doesn’t like milk either! Our dr. said that if he’s still eating yogurt regularly, which he does… it’s ok.
Milk is horrible anyways. Don’t worry about it.
Give him almond milk. Cows milk is not meant for humans. Ever see what it does to a calf?
My kid doesn’t drink milk either.
Sometimes I feel like these questions are just a joke or for the shock value🤦♀️. Your son doesn’t have to drink milk, talk to your doctor about his diet and ask if they are concerned, if not then you shouldn’t be either. Water his apple juice down, he’ll drink it.
If you want him to get more calcium green veggies!
I don’t like plain milk either. I never have. It has to have chocolate in it for me lol My daughter was a big juice drinker when she was really young.
Stop the apple juice very bad for his teeth.
We grandson was on the same formula and is the same way, he is 5 now.
I wouldn’t worry as he’s eating yogurt and cheese. I’d be concerned about the amount of apple juice. I’d start watering it down
My 2 year old likes milk but he just started throwing it up for some reason, he was always on lactose free milk so I tried regular still nope. What I do is mix maybe 2 oz of apple juice and the rest water and he drinks it just fine. (He will rarely drink just water) I was also told they don’t need milk that they get what they need from other sources. Also from what I’ve seen Honest juice has the lowest sugar content in it
I dont like milk personally. I will drink almond milk, cashew milk, etc. But I dont like the flavor of cow’s milk. I WILL eat cereal with cows milk but I dump the milk when I’m done with the cereal. My advise is just keep giving him cheese and yogurt, if he’s super thin try pediasure, it’s like a shake with protein in it. But I personally wouldn’t force it.
Milk isn’t a need in the diet so I wouldn’t stress about it. As long as he is getting calcium from other sources, he’s good!
I would definitely slow down on the apple juice though, & water it down at least! My one girl loved (still does) her juice and I had to do half water half juice. It’s basically pure sugar!
Nutramagen has a toddler formula. My son is 2 and is currently on it we switched to their toddler one from their infant formula. His pedi said he can be on it up until 3years old
Cookies and milk works for my son, good luck!
You can try supplementing with a multivitamin! And as for the juice, my kiddo is a big juice drinker (he’s 4 now) and if I have to I just do mainly water and a splash of juice! Good luck!
My son was the same way, my Doctor told me to give him a couple of Tums a day. Yes they are safe. I asked several Doctors.
If he likes peanut butter. Then do celery and peanut butter. Celery is good for the bones.
Well eating cereal with milk in it is a start…don’t worry to much he is just not a milk lover that’s all
My son is 5 and is exactly the same way. He was too on the nutrimigen formula. He is healthy and eats a wide variety of foods and eats more than enough dairy so the dr said not to worry about it. As long as your son gets enough in yogurt, cheese etc it’s totally fine.
Noveltine i think thats what its called … Thats what we gave my son he wouldnt drink white milk but wpuld drink chocolate milk and that has vitamins
Maybe try getting Carnation breakfast drink powder that you have to mix with milk and try that they make different flavors of it you could try and it’s full of vitamins and protein too. Or mix a pack of hot chocolate in with the cold milk. Both of those taste tons better than regular syrups or powders. I hate milk and that’s the way I force myself to drink it.
I breastfed my son for 18months, he never took a bottle. He is now 8 yrs old & has never liked milk. We have tried every brand & flavor, wont do it. Even eats his cereal dry. Doesnt eat yogurt & not huge fan of cheese. Hes small, but healthy. His doc is not worried & just prescribed him a 1 a day vitamin D pill.
Try pediasure grow and gain. And quit giving him the option of juice
Try veggies with calcium
Not drinking milk isn’t a big deal as long as he’s getting the proper nutrients from other aspects of his diet. Drinking ONLY apple juice is a problem. Humans need water and lots of it. Talk to your pediatrician and make a plan to ween him off the juice and get him used to drinking water. There are actually some conditions that make the taste of most tap water unpalatable. Try different bottled waters or even infused water.
He’ll be fine. Nutramigin is sweet and that could be part of the problem, but he may never like milk - not a problem.
He doesn’t need milk
There’s more calcium in veggies than in milk. There’s also kid pediasure and ensure. So many options!
Cow’s milk is not necessary at any age
Also too much juice can be really really bad because they naturally are full of sugars, maybe try diluting it with water
Water if he wants something water is it. The acids in the juice will become a problem.
My girl is the same way. Her dr said if she’s getting calcium and nutrients through other foods then she’s fine. She’s growing fine. She does drink water though bit that’s because I won’t give her the option for anything else. She gets juice for breakfast and dinner (sometimes lunch to) and then eat the rest of the dau.
There are so many ways to get nutrients into children other than highly processed, hormone filled dairy milk. You never, ever start out giving any child full juice, koolaid, milk, or any other drink… you start by watering it down and slowly increase to a 50/50 around age 3. No child needs that much processed sugar and can really lead to bad eating habits because all they want is sugary stuff. Do some research it sounds like you have a lot of retraining to do. Once you start the sugar and processed food and drink train, the harder it is to get children to eat or drink anything else. Good luck!