My son will not poop on the potty...advice?

Someone please send help. My youngest son is closer to 4. He will not poop on the potty. He will pee all day long and has been since 2 years. He will poop his pants 4 times a day. I can’t take it anymore. What can I do. He knows he’s doing it. And just doesn’t care. I’m loosing my mind


What does the pediatrician say?

I had a similar problem with 2 of my 5 sons. It was infuriating.

One day I was so upset, I took my son into the bathroom, stood him in the bathtub, handed him a wet washcloth and told him to clean himself up. He didn’t want to touch the mess and absolutely threw a fit.

I held fast and insisted he had to clean himself up - that he was a big boy and should be using the toilet. Lots of tears, but I held fast. For the next several days - every time he had an accident, I did the same thing. I still encouraged him to use the toilet often.

He got the message within a week. It worked very quickly with the second child as well.


He cleans all messes including himself and pants. Stick to it. Might be alot of crying to start but his mess he can clean it. Keep encouraging the potty and try rewards as well. Good luck.


Following, currently in the same boat as you. My son runs to my room or his room and poops on the floor, but not the potty yet he pees on it daily. I let him run around naked, and even bought him his own little potty but nothing. He poops and then blames the dog saying mommy daisy poop :rofl::rofl:

Once I explained to my child that she could not be flushed down she sat long enough to use it. Give child a book or tablet as they sit long enough to finish

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Put him in regular underwear and then when he poops have him wash them out. That’s how I got mine to and he’s an adult now.And it will still take patience.


I read somewhere to let them run around naked. That kids don’t like pooping on the floor, so that may sway him to use the toilet. Worth a shot.


My son is 5.5yrs old and using the toilet to pee but still won’t poop either. I’m hoping over the summer to change that

We had a hard time too. I noticed what time she goes number 2 usually and then brought her to the bathroom during that time until she went and then I made it a huge ass deal when she did go then you realize he will be going just because he’s use to it
Patience for sure… it’s frustrating you got this! Don’t be too hard on yourself

My kid didn’t like the water splashing him when he’d poop so I just let him use his potty chair to poop because he’d refuse and get constipated from not going. It eventually didn’t bother him after a while

My son did the same thing. Our pediatrician said when he’s ready he will. So we just dealt with it til on day he didn’t. Not everyone will follow this or agree, but it worked for our kiddos.

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An hour after eating sit him on the toilet and don’t let him get up without pooping. Give him a bottle of water to encourage bowl movement during and after the meal.

We bought those quarter gumball machine prizes and every time she went in the potty she got to pull out a prize. Whatever they like will motivate them.


My son was the same way. He would hold his poop until he couldn’t and then just pooped his underwear no matter what I did. I just kept him in pull-ups and had him keep peeing on the potty and tried convincing him to sit on the potty in his pull-up when he would poop to get used to the sitting feeling. He finally did when he was ready. I was just sick of throwing underwear and pants away because I couldn’t handle all the mess. My daughter is the same way this time around. I just keep positively promoting what they do and keep buying the pull-ups :woman_shrugging:t3: I like the target brand ones as they are cheaper and durable. It isn’t worth your sanity trust me

Put him on the pot and leave him their till he goes. Sounds cruel but we had to do that with my brother.


Get the kids seat so he can use the toilet

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Make him clean his own poop up and maybe he will realize it’s gross and start using the toilet

Try make a game out of it. Reward the good discipline the negative


I had one like this for my kids 30+ yrs ago
And also for my grand kids
They all loved them
And toilet training became easier

My son had the exact same issue. He wouldn’t/couldn’t wipe himself and would do that. I explained that if he would sit on the potty, I would wipe him, and it worked.

Following. My son will be 4 last day in August and he’s the same way except he won’t pee or poo in the potty. He just will in his diaper.

I agree since he’s 4 he needs to clean himself he won’t like it. Hold to it.
You’ve probably tried it but positive reinforcement, negative consequences. It’s truly how they learn at that age.

Also a toileting schedule may work. You go try on the toilet every 1-2 hours


A friend of mine had the same issue with her twin boys. She went on a girls weekend so Dad would take them outside and use the water hose to clean them up. It worked!


One of my granddaughters was like that. My daughter bought her big girl pants and told her that’s it. She could poo all she wanted but no way was she wearing diapers anymore. She would be going to school with poo pants. She was just lazy

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Try putting him on the toilet backwards facing the tank give him dry erase markers let him draw on the lid we also did sticker reward had a chart when pooped they pick the sticker and put it on themselves my son has autism and severe adhd so pooping on the toilet took longer good luck!

My son wouldn’t poop on the potty at first either. It turns out it’s bc I was going in the bathroom with him. He needs privacy to poop :joy: which is ironic considering kids have no idea what privacy is when it comes to moms using the bathroom :joy::joy:

Four time a day is a lot. Take him to the doctor something might be going on.

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Make him clean himself…

Still young and for some reason pooping on potty is more difficult, unless there’s a developmental concern wouldn’t worry

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Briana Sands just helpful info

Make him clean his messes. If he is defiant then use corporal punishment he’s old enough to know better. Put him in diapers and withhold the toilet if he complains tell him you are old enough to know better if you can pee in the toilet then you can do both. You are the parent not him. Set firm boundaries immediately