My son with ADHD is struggling to sit still: What can I do for him?

Give him something to do with his hands, like a stress ball or fidget spinner…something he can do that doesn’t take concentration.

My nephew has the same thing. His school allows him to pace the back of the classroom quietly or quickly run 2 laps in the halls to get his wiggles out. And at home they go on nightly runs or walks as a family to help him get those wiggles out. After dinner before bedtime.

My son is ADHD and was diagnosed at the age of 3 (he is now 17) try talking to your son about meds (if this is a route you are willing to take) my son to this day will tell you he cannot think straight without his. I was always a parent who swore i would never give him meds, but after seeing the struggles he was having and the difference the meds made once the correct med and dosage was found, I’m so glad i decided to explore that option. Before meds his teaches would tell me he runs around the kids, after the meds they would comment that he was actually running and playing with the kids

Have him sit on an exercise ball in the classroom.

Same with my son . I ended up taking him off of meds completely and it was a 180. Started giving him coffee in the morning before school and after school because the other doctor recommended it to keep him focused also he was allowed to carry fidget spinner and/or gadgets. He was on Vyvanse at the time I took him off. He was so much better after that.

Sports worked well for my nephew he played everything. Helped him burn up energy.

Medicine and it may take a while to find the right one. But when he does he will be amazing in school etc. My son went from special Ed and Behavioral classes to out of both of those, getting good grades, testing above average.

Accept and love him for who he is

My son has ADHD I didn’t use any medication for him I found that therapy helps deal with his outbursts focusing issues another behavior issues associated with the ADHD can I use melatonin to help him sleep at night

Josh Ullom read the comments

If you can get him off those meds …my daughter is 36 loosing all her teeth …he needs to mediate , get him into sports something that keeps him busy. Best of luck it’s not an easy road


You just described my 8 year old boy to a T!!! He was diagnosed last week with ADHD. I was/am against meds. But when I had a teacher conference she explained to me not being able to help at all with his assessments. Writing is his biggest struggle. He is excellent in math, spelling and reading. But he is SO FAST alllll the time, he can’t remember what he even reads. Then to write sentances about a story is next to impossible. Then he is ALWAYS moving (takes an hour to eat dinner between moving and talking) and ALWAYS talking/interrupting. He just took his 4th dose (4th day) this morning. Starting on the lowest dose possible. But I want to see for myself how he is during the day. Cause I know while we wait for the bus before school, he is still running laps in the driveway waiting he is so full of energy and when he gets home, he is STILL balls to the wall. Curious if he is a little calmer during the day yet. He is on the lowest possible dose of it (2.5 mg) and i really do NOT want to move him any higher just yet.