My son’s dad and I have been together since we were teenagers. We share a four-year-old son. We got married & separated three years ago. We decided to make things work, but his family hates me and makes my life impossible. They are always judging & criticizing me. They always talk bad about me. We both made mistakes, but it seems like what he did goes unseen & I am the bad one. I try to be understanding respectful. It is so hard when they are always saying nasty things to him about me, but it just seems like it will never work with his family always getting in the way. Has anyone ever gone through this? Does it get better? Should I just stop trying and let things go?
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I. don’t know what to tell u because I had the best in laws that God could put on this earth and I still love them very much and they still love me very much
My in-laws hated me too. Your SO should say something to them to defend you.
Stop trying. Fuck his family. They wanna call attention to ur bullshit but not his?! Nope sorry. Y’all can kiss my ass! I’m out! (And then u exit stage left)