My sons father will not help me

Husband is a jerk but please go to your doctor. Sounds like you could also have some post partum depression.


Sounds like you’re a single mom

 Why allow him to treat you like that? Throw his ass away and move on.

Was he helpful with your first born child? Did you discuss roles and expectations before getting pregnant? Has he disclosed why he is not helping?
I feel that we often assume SO will just step up and help, and when they do not help the way we expect, it causes turmoil. He may think he is helping by getting eldest ready and taking to school. Y’all need to have a conversation about roles, expectations, needs, etc.
do you have the right to feel resentful, absolutely, you have the right to feel all the emotions. If your feels become bigger than you can handle, seek help, find a parent group, therapy, mommy and me, a safe place for you to process.

Congratulations on your new blessing.


You’re not crazy, he is not being a supportive partner, they are 50% his kids! He either needs to make some big changes or you decide if you can live like that or not. I wouldn’t put up with it, my kids dad helps with everything even though he works full-time as a commercial fisherman and is our only income. Love yourself and don’t except someone that doesn’t love you just as much, there are men out there that treat their partners right.


Sounds like you need to throw his ass out w the trash. Any man that would let you do all of that work after having a C-section is nothing but trash. Get rid of him. I mean you’re doing all the work yourself right? A marriage and parenthood are supposed to be teamwork. And he supposed to pick up your slack whenever you’ve just had a C-section.

Sounds like a useless man


He ain’t gonna change, so chose wisely what’s ur next step. It will get easier cause u get use to doing everything alone but he ain’t gonna change.


Is this useless behavior something new since the second baby arrived or was he useless since the first child was born? Divorce the man and stop having kids with him.

So rather than ask others for help you went through the pain barrier instead of letting your stitches and everything else heal are you some sort of special idiot

Sounds like your a single mom already. My fiancĂ© at the time (now husband) had to make me sit down because I was going too much after my c section and he had to go back to work thankfully I had my brother and his wife at the time next door to help me 
 it was brutal and you shouldn’t be over doing it at all.

Then make him leave.

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He is lazy and irresponsible. Don’t take care of his needs once you heal up. Be figuring out how to remove yourself and your children from the situation.


You honestly don’t need that, if he is going to be ignorant and tell you that you are playing the victim! Then you honestly don’t need him if you’re having to do it all your self you may as well be on your own! Don’t put up with it! What you allow now will only continue!

Man he must be broken
 Time to throw him away!


It takes time to heal after a C-section I’d be pissed and be telling him to get the f out.


Ask him to move out and start paying child support.


Kick him to the curb. Worthless. Also please go talk to your Doctor as soon as you can as it sounds like you also have post partum depression.


If your not happy then leave

It’s not gonna get better unfortunately. That resentment is gonna build and eventually, one day, you’ll have enough and leave.


Change the locks the next time he goes out for hours


He hasn’t changed a single diaper?? Hasn’t fed his new baby at all not even once?? Oh hell no. That’s pathetic and he sounds completely careless. My opinion is begin making future arrangements and get out of there. You deserve better momma. Good luck.

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Not crazy or restful. My husband did 90% of the newborn care (including night wakings) the first two weeks after my c-section so I could rest and heal.

Your husband needs to step up.

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Tell him to get out. He took part in creating this new baby, he damn well better start contributing.

Put him on child support and leave him


Time to say goodbye. That’s not a husband


I’ve doubt with that . You’re best doing it alone . You’ve done most by yourself other than take your other child to school which if he’s leaving the house he should take him anyway. He should help in general but at this point he isn’t going to.

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U btr leave hz punk A$$!!!:roll_eyes:

Did he do the same with the other child?

You’re not crazy he should definitely help out!

i had 3 c-sections and they really messed me up for quite a while. it takes a long time to heal from them. my husband the first time was helpful apart from when we had the midwife coming and he wouldnt get up to clean the house with me so i hoovered it top to bottom myself while he lay in bed. altho i was in pain after i was ok
 second time again he was amazing apart from 1 time he and my brother were too busy playing a computer game to help me by carrying a basket of wet laundry from the washer to the dryer. something you cant do for 6 weeks after
 that day my husband and i BOTH learnt a lesson
 myself to be more patient and he to be more attentive so i wouldnt need to get frustrated and attempt things i was deffinatly advised not to do. because that day my stitches burst i was soooo lucky that it was outer stitches and not internal ones
 3rd c section my husband treated me like a queen and made sure i didnt do anything i shouldnt
 my husband is disabled by the way and he helps as much as he can
 he is showing you disrespect by not helping you out. this is his child too and he needs to step up. fathering a child and being a dad are 2 different things


Crazy, no? Emotional? Probably, you just had a baby! That is 100% expected and I’m sure you’re dealing with some baby blues, possibly even some postpartum depression, but not at fault of your own. I would also feel resentful if I were in your shoes. But the hard truth is that if he doesn’t want to help, and then shifts blame when you express how you’re feeling, you can’t force him
 BUT there could be a million things as to why he’s choosing not to and one could be that he doesn’t feel a bond with the baby.

When my husband and I had my daughter, it took him a long time to feel a connection with her (I also breastfed, so there was no room for him to feed her) But because of that, I always got up with her in the night, she’d need me anyways (and his excuse at the time was why would we both get up when she’s going to need you to eat) It was frustrating and exhausting. Eventually he did come around, but not until she was smiling/working to interact with him.

Have you expressed clearly, in a calm/relaxed atmosphere what’s going on and how you’re feeling? I’m only asking because I, myself, would react from being anxious/mad and he’d immediately shut down and defend himself. I’m not saying that you aren’t, but I wanted to offer the idea incase.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. You are doing the right thing by caring for your baby, I do wish he would see you’re struggling and step up to help more. I remember how anxious/depressed I felt after having my daughter. I ended up talking to my doctor because the amount of love/care I had for myself and everyone around me was dwindling and I knew that wasn’t how it should be. That could be an option for you too. There’s no shame in that! <3 You need to be able to take care of yourself to fully take care of your baby.

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He’s just useless by the sounds of it. Get rid of him. Clearly you don’t need him. Just make sure you get money for you children. He’s got no respect for you whatsoever :cry::cry::cry::cry:


Welcome to motherhood where a lot of it does fall on the mother.


No he should help! That’s horrible. I’m having one in a few weeks and my husband will be helping because he has to!


I think the majority of women here would chew this guy out. C sections are major surgery! It’s not enough that you carried a human for 9 months, he wants you to do all the after care? Even if you didn’t have a C section that’s bull.


Girl, my second son
 my first two boys are 19 months apart. My first son was an emergency section and my second a scheduled. My ex made me sign an AMA release form on the day after I had my second son. I wasn’t even closed yet. Went home. Had a 19 month old to care for, my newborn son who was colic ( screamed from 11pm until 6am every single night for 6 months straight ) by the time he went to sleep at 6am, my 19onth old was awake and ready for the day at 730am. I couldn’t sleep during the day bc my 19month old didn’t nap anymore. I had the house to care for, my 19month old and my newborn. Also while trying to clea my incision bc it wasn’t closed so recovery took twice as long. So I slept a total of 1 hour a night for 6 months
 my ex was gone doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Never changed my sons, never played with them. He got up ONCE at night and that ended poorly bc he was screaming at my colic new born to shut up.
My advice, tell him how it is and tell him you need help with your child. You need to heal. If he refuses, that shows you a lot more about him and you need to set strict boundaries or let his ass go

He sounds narsistic to me , you are heading to divorce , take him to court


Was he the same way when your six year old was a baby? If so, why did you think this time would be different? If not, then what has changed?

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DO NOT let him tell you you’re dramatic or you’re playing victim.
You and that baby deserve so much better and if he isn’t willingly helping you then leave.


Do not let him gaslight you and tell you that you are playing victim. He’s acting like a sperm donor, not a Dad

He is not being a responsible father or husband. I would suggest parent class with him so he can learn


Beating the double standard is a long hard battle woman are still waging. Look what President Puttin did to that maternity hospital in Ukraine. Get mad, it’s better than being sad and put your foot down. Enough is Enough. I also recommend counseling. Fighting with a husband over whose going to do the dishes or change diapers is like fighting with a sibling. Immaturity is a lot of times the problem. Lots of emotional stuff too. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hang in there. Your family needs you.

The women saying welcome to motherhood kind of break my heart. I’m a stay at home mom and my fiancĂ© still takes at least a week off of work to make sure I have the help I need while healing and the after that helps as much as possible. Even after coming home from a full time labor job it’s called being a dad and you should have to beg


He’s just plain disrespectful

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You’re not crazy. I’ve never had help in the night or with bottles or diapers. At one point I had 3 babies waking up during the night and I became so burnt out and exhausted I lost myself and went into depression. If you have to do it all on your own it is better to be on your own.

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Well I’m a single mom so after my son came home from a 9 day NICU stay in which I had a csection to deliver him and stayed in the hospital with him I did it ALL myself with NO help from anyone. Is dad working? Paying ALL the bills? If so then cut him some slack. The more you move after a csection the quicker you heal without being stiff and less likely to have complications like blood clots. Be thankful you have a partner there.


That abuseeeeeee, and he’s totally GASLIGHTING YOUUUUU! Look I was in this situation with my first born. There is NOTHING NATURAL about a father that doesn’t take care of his infant child, or help and then try to turn it back on you “claiming you’re 'playing the victim” for being exhausted and pointing out that he’s been literally no help with this baby. Girl, you NEED to put your foot down with him. The baby needs to be changed? Plop that baby right in his lap. You need a nap and he’s sitting on the couch? Guess what, put that baby down and say you’re taking a nap and that he needs to watch HIS CHILDDDDDD!

YOUR NEEDS AND SELF WORTH ARE IMPORTANT! you have another child that see’s this too and he need to be shown to set healthy expectations and boundaries within a marriage.

Good luck.


Dump him !!!He will not change !!!


That is so sad! You’re not crazy he should want to do those thing for his wife and child!

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I definitely don’t think you are crazy! I had a C-section with my almost 6 year old, and I had a very hard time with recovery. Thank goodness my husband helped A LOT, especially the first several weeks. Did your husband watch and attend the delivery? If not, I would find a very vivid and REAL video to show him because maybe he needs a reminder that you are hormonal, exhausted mentally and physically AND recovering! I know some women may have been fine after a day or so, but I was not one of those for sure
 and I am in no way ashamed to admit that I was in pain and needed help for a while. I truly hope things get better and he starts being more understanding, helpful and supportive!!

I had to do this with my oldest 16 yrs ago her dad did nothing to help
he needs to help
I ended up falling asleep at the wheel one time bc I had 3 hrs total of sleep in 3 days luckily me and my daughter weren’t hurt

I would feel resentful! Insist he help you with his child too!


Was he the same with the 6year old after they were born

You picked a loser, get out before you waste your life trying to change a man that doesn’t give a shit.

You should be able to express that you are tired and need help and actually get support from your SO in any situation. Plain and simple.


Stay strong momma! perhaps you can get some family to help? It sucks to have to do everything on your own, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It does get better over time, hang in there!

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Absolutely not hun, your feelings are completely valid. I also has my son 7 weeks ago, via natural, and struggle with my partners help. I can’t imagine doing it all myself on top of healing from a c-section

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Everyone needs help at times in their life even him! Hopefully you or him has parents that can help?? He is being totally self-centered. You need a friend or someone he respects to talk some sense to him.


I can definitely relate to how you are feeling . When I had my second baby a boy I had another c section but unlike my firstborn I was in terrible pain after my second sons birth . My then husband was great to me but I resented him because I had a busy life and very social job where I spoke to people all day ( a barmaid ) and my firstborn was a great child / baby and he was nearly 8 when I had my second son so he was a lot more independent and could do things for himself to a point so I felt I had my whole life had changed but Nothing had changed in my then husbands life . He still got to talk to people have time for himself and I really resented him for this . I was jealous that nothing had changed for him ! I was being unreasonable but didn’t realise this but my ex was a great help to our newborn but I couldn’t see it . I had post natal depression/ disorder and this was 36 years ago and everything was out of whack . I also developed a breast abyss which was agony but it wasn’t until I passed out trying to feed baby ( my ex had got our baby out of his bassinet , changed him and brought him into me to feed him and had gone up to make a cup of hot cocoa for the both of us and this was very early hours of the morning and when my ex came back and discovered I was unconscious he immediately called an ambulance and my gynaecologist and when I woke up I was in hospital bandaged up around the left breast with a drip in my arm but the agony was gone . The reason I’m telling you this is A to make you aware of the possibility of having post natal depression / disorder and B I didn’t know it but I was very sick with that abyss slowing growing and filling the full breast and C I understand how much your life has changed and your husbands doesn’t seem to have his life changed at all and resentment sets in . Maybe talk again to your husband and tell him how you Really are feeling and make sure he Hears You that’s important so that you can stop feeling like you are alone as it’s a horrible feeling, also a footnote my ex was a Saint to me at that time but I couldn’t see it and feel free to pm me if you need to talk more and good luck you’ve got this so believe you are a great woman , mother , wife and friend :rose:

No your not in the wrong leave him if he’s not going to help i struggle with this all the time

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Lazy good for nothing bum.

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I was a single mom of twins right from their birthdate. Everyone abandoned me when I needed them the most. You learn to do it on your own. It’s hard work but not impossible. Wish I could say it got easier however that’s not always the case. I work 50 hours a week, clean, do laundry, cook, etc and get like 4 hours of sleep before I gotta repeat it again the next day. Oh and I’m married to my sons father. Might as well include him in the children category.

You definitely have 2 children. Smh that wrong and you don’t deserve it. If he didn’t want a child then he should have said it prior. I personally would kick him to the curb until he steps up. Or make it very known that you’re not going to deal with it. It’s unfair. You need to rest after having a baby. Your body needs time to recuperate. Good luck

Go away for the weekend and leave him with the kids.

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its his son as well and also HIS responsibility. When he gets home
walk out the door and go stay a night with a friend or relative and rest
he can figure it out.

He’s an ass, and you, be careful because I’m sure your hormones are running wild. Take care of yourself as well.

So sad
you had MAJOR surgery and even if you had delivered your baby vaginally you need and deserve to have help
he seems like a very selfish person
I wish people would really find out the personality of the people they decide to marry and/or live with before they have children with them
he seems to be in the twilight zone and is very immature!..good luck to you moving forward hun
I feel for you!

Wow, you certainly married a POS, probably a nice guy on the surface, but not really a good guy at all. I don’t understand why women are so quick to fall in love/get married, but slow to find out what they need to know about a potential partner in life. Waiting till you’re married/have kids to find out things like this or who/what your guy is – is really sad. Best advice, do the best you can, see if family will help. Perhaps call his mother and ask if she could come help for a few weeks. I wouldn’t have any more kids with this guy if I was you, I know that.

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He needs grow up an accept his responsibility’s also

No sweetheart you aren’t crazy!
If you feel like you’re alone when you aren’t on your own then he needs to go!

Get him to sit down and talk aboit it again and turn the tables around on him and ask him how he would feel if he was in your shoes and if he would feel overwhelmed or stressed doing it everyday all day without help.

Leave him!!! This was my son’s dad and he almost killed me in front of our son at 3 almost 4 months old. Not saying you’ll have the same experience I pray you don’t but I know how bad it can get & you need to protect yourself & that baby.

He’s a douche. He’s probably always been unhelpful and a jerk to you. Having a child isn’t going to change that. Some guys are not going to help so unless you can have conversations where you are not gaslit his going to keep doing stuff like his. The “best” is if you have. A partner who purposely messes things up and acts so stupid and foolish that he wants you to take over so he doesn’t have to help at all. Tell him what you need and want. You are going to remember how he abandoned you when you needed him most for a long time. You have a right be upset. Having kids doesn’t change every aspect of the a man’s life. It does for Moms.

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I had one like that :roll_eyes:

Hell nah . Pick up and leave or throw that garbage to the curb


Keep calm, take his money and hire someone to help you at least twice a week with the kids/cleaning. If he complains prepare yourself to get a better life without abuse! You don’t need this type of relationship.


Unless he’s helping you financially then I’d leave because what’s the point of having him around if he does nothing.


Hire a maid & take it out of his going out money. If he’s not going to physically help, he can financially help :person_shrugging:


Why have another kid with him is my question


If ya doing everything on ya own 
what’s the point of having a partner?? Fuck him off da lazy cunt

I mean my husband fell 30ft through a roof one week before my csection. If someone with multiple broken bones tried to help as best as he can, idc what your man’s excuse is.


He needs “baby lessons” and at least he takes care of older child. He shouldnt be allowed to go out until he trades you for one night as soon as you are able! Just saying!


Oh jeezuz NOOO your not just being crazy or emotional!! He’s a FKN SLACKER!! He’s being an inconsiderate jerk!! Your BOTH parents so he should BE A PARENT and DO the WORK. This isn’t the 1800’s when only the women raised the kids and did ALL the housework and all the “female duties”. You have a partner to be a PARTNER, someone who shares in all things. He really needs a wake up call or figure out what he really wants b cause it’s clear he’s not invested in your family or YOU. be strong and put your foot down and if it comes down to it, you CAN make it on your own! Your basically doing it alone right now so if he was removed from the picture it wouldn’t be that big of a loss!

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You are stronger than you think. You can do this on your own. Either accept the fact that this guy isn’t going to help you and do it yourself, or leave.

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Did he even help with the first one?

You’re a single mother already. Make it official


No, he needs to help you. That’s ehy the Teo of you are married, so you can help each other out!!

I can relate to this a Ton. Realized I was doing 95%+ of all the work with being with him and I was miserable. Came to realize that I might as well do 100%of the work solo and that my child deserved to have at least one happy parent and I’d be damned if it wasn’t me. Been happy ever since.

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He doesn’t work? Wth

I was a lucky stay at give mama wirh no c sections.Our 2 Nd daughter had colic for 8 months I got no sleep plus a 2 yr old daughter.One night the baby was really crying and our 2 yr old daughter was also in my leg at 1:30 AM my husband woke up hit the basinette said can’t you shut that baby up?I was in tears
Next morning I talked to him about a divorce if this was his behavior.He apologized and then started helping me more.I also had friends that would take the baby here and there so I could sleep a few hours.Its hard having a new baby plus surgery your husband needs to help you Mama.Surgery plus pregnancy hormones is so hard.Have a good talk with him or get some help you’re NOT being unreasonable !:revolving_hearts:

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Leave and go to someone who will help you, sister, mother, friend .

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Yep I had exactly this. Left that pos and am WAY happier

I would be starting to discuss divorce. If he truly cares he will do what he can to change that outcome, and if he doesn’t, not worth staying will just make u more stressed

Tell him that you dare him to do 24 hrs! That will show him everything you go thru everyday!

You are not crazy he needs to step up