My sons friend started ignoring him

Ok so ny 12 years old son just started high school this year, all the years through the primary school he had best friend with no problem at all, they play football in a same club but different groups, his friend is in the same group with boys that are going to same high school but my son is in a different school now. They’ve been going on a bike ride during summer holidays and all this time but this few weeks I’ve noticed that his friend is ignoring my son and not responding my son’s massages but going on a bike ride with the other boys and posting on snap chat. My son told me that they are going on a bike ride a bit further and doing more of a silly things and he said few times that he doesn’t want to go but still he said that shouldn’t be the problem.My son keep texting him like what is going on,why are you ignoring me or not calling back. My son got ADHD but very well behaved and dealing with his emotions, I’m just hurting so much to see my kid like this with no answer what is the problem he’s so upset and confused. He made some new friends at his school which is great but this is his best friend from prep all the way till now. I don’t know how to talk to him and how to help him in this situation, please help and give me some advice on this


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons friend started ignoring him

tell him you never know if someone else is struggling, and sometimes they are embarrassed to talk about it. It could be a family issue at home, abuse, loss of a family member, sexual identity issues, peer pressures, or any number of things this other kid is dealing with. Sometimes you just need to give people space


I noticed that when they enter High School, sometimes kids go different ways. It’s not just kids with ADHD, this is where they spread there wings.


Wait… He’s 12 and already in high school??


Open up a discussion about friends and relationships and what a on-sided relationship looks and feels like.

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My best friend i from the age of 2 drifted apart come freshman year. It happens. We’re now back together and enjoying adulthood together.

If they’re attending different schools, it’s common to go different directions. Sometimes they grow apart. Sometimes they just see other friends far more often because they’re at school, sports, etc. It doesn’t sound like anything is wrong; it’s just kids growing up.


Leave him alone. Kids grow up and apart. He seems to be ok with his situation and is making new friends. Let him grow up.


Sounds like the friend is making bad choices and doesn’t want to include your son. Explain to your son not to obsess over it, but check in on his friend once in a while. Might be a good thing that they aren’t hanging out.


I feel like this is normal behavior. However I am sorry your son is hurting

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It’s just a part of life. His friends probably just got more interested in stuff like girls now and these young friendships do tend to grow apart. But your child is at another school and is young enough to have plenty of time to develop new friendships there.

Teach him that friends come and go and it’s a part of life.


I’m stuck at he’s 12 and in HS. Isn’t 9th grade high school and like 14-15yo? I’m confused


I would try to explain to your son that sometimes people come into our lives for a season, but seasons change. As we grow up, we tend to grow apart from people we were once close with. I would let him know that his friend may be going through something and him ignoring your son may not be anything personal, but give him space. 12 is such an awkward age and so much change is happening at that time.

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Kids are immature to say it politely. I’m actually going through this with my son. It hurts so f+©*ing bad to watch your child get hurt in any way. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice as I’m trying to navigate as well. Thank you for sharing Mama! Sending love, positive energy and :pray::blue_heart:


It happens. My son is 13 in 8th grade though. He’s had the same group of friends since kindergarten and now there all going into different groups. It’s alot different after them all coming back after covid.

Talk to that boys parents and see what happens

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This is common I was friends with the same two people until high-school (also 7th grade for me) and then we drifted apart. It worked out well though, the friends I made in 7th and 8th grade are still my best friends almost 20 years later. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Stuff like this happens and it breaks our hearts as parents. There’s something so defeating about seeing your child hurting and not being able to do anything to stop it. My daughter’s best friend through elementary and middle school decided one day that she didn’t want to talk to her or be friends anymore. Literally told her on a phone call that she needed a break from her and ended their friendship. I felt so bad, my daughter was crying and didn’t understand why she was acting that way. I brought her to work with me to get out of the house for a while bc it was her summer vacation and I got her out shopping and to dinner. Just try to talk to him and listen to him. Tell him that unfortunately things like this do happen and it’s not his fault. His friend will most likely come back around after a while. My daughter’s friend did and now they talk again but I’m very weary of their friendship now and just sort of told her to keep her guard up with that one

That’s just what happens. This is a teaching moment so help your son learn how to deal with friends growing apart, because it’s going to happen to him a lot. It happens to all of us! Just the circle of life. Make sure you praise him on trying to talk it out with them, because that is not easy and you do not want him to loose that skill. He’ll need it all his life.

I had bffs in high school myself and ow a few act like they have no clue who I am. It happens…it sucks…but they are not true friends…find new ones…one day they will crawl back, and that’s when you don’t respond.

Kids can be cruel sometimes

Young friendships rarely last the lifetime, they’ve drifted found new friends and have changed course rhats part of life and while its sad it teaches resilience and understanding and adaption , nothing in life remains the same.

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Maybe you could ask the parents if you could talk to them, without your son knowing…just to get some answers…

Sadly it’s one of the stepping stones in life we all have to go through no matter which side we are on. Just let him know he is loved and explain it to him in a way where he knows he is not to blame and not to take it personal. It is his friend’s choices or issues however you want to look at it


Only reason i stopped being friends with certain people was because I fell into the wrong crowd and was off doing bad girl shit. Maybe, take it as a blessing, tell your son to find another friend; someone who’s also like him

Hes 12 & in high school?


Sometimes this is a blessing in disguise.

My friends switched around in middle/high school.

At some point…
I had to decide between 3 forks in the road.

I had 2 friends that started hanging around more of a “mean girls” club.

So, I made my own road with a kind friend with no drama and we were very supportive of each other.

Sometimes these divisions can literally save a life.

Could be your son’s life.

Are there any school clubs or sports, hobbies that your son is interested in?

Also, he could join classes, hobbies or sports in your city.

If so…maybe suggest he join some, where he will meet a new kind loyal friend.

Plus, he will meet kids that he has common interests with.

He could ask a nice boy in class without a big friend group if they like to bike ride?

I LIVED on my bike and so did my new best friend.

I initiated meeting her.

We just hung out after school, road bikes and were pretty much inseparable after that.

I’m excited for your son to meet a new friend that he can count on and that they’ll be good for each other.

Cheers! :kissing_heart:

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Are you still friends with people you knew when you were in Primary School? How about from High School? I know I’m not. Friends come and go in life. Explain this situation to your son and that there is always new opportunities to make new friends.


They grow away from each while trying to find themselves


The new group of friends most likely said the the friend that your son won’t do the silly things and is boring ( or something along those lines ) so he stopped inviting him …. Maybe for the best if there up to no good.

I still got my friends from school and hopefully he comes around and it’s just the friend exploring new avenues give it time

Don’t let him go, please, this person is no longer his friend, you can still speak to people an keep your distance, do not stay silent, he should be with like minded people, to be safe, shoulda, woulda, coulda, don’t let this be you, so you can sleep in peace. Encourage him to drop this person.


I’d let them work it out. The last thing your son needs is to get teased because his MaMa got involved. The other kid is exploring life right now and that doesn’t always include old friends. Have him invite his new friends over or plan a outing for them so they can hang out a bit to tighten their new friendship and maybe he won’t be so sad about the old friend :woman_shrugging:t3:


Make sure he knows friends come and go’true friends do not’nor do they hurt you.I worry so many kids are bullied and I would probably keep an open conversation with him…

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This is the age where kids experiment & go through SO many changes. Sadly, friendships come and go like the weather at this stage. Tell him some friends get closer, some get more distant, some friends disappear and others come into your life. Very difficult life lesson, very tough to see your son shattered, but it’s part of life.

Call the mom and see if you can suss out what’s happening, and why the boy is pulling away; maybe you can cushion the blow by getting your son to find other people in his life, though losing a long-time friend friend is tough for anyone. Remind him you (& dad if he’s in the picture) will always love him, no matter what.

Make sure he has the opportunity to make friends in activities outside of school too, and if he’s really struggling, therapy is the answer. Lots of growth as he enters puberty, so lots of extra love. Sometimes going for a walk, especially after dark someplace safe, is a great way to talk to preteens, or while you’re doing a craft or activity like a puzzle together, where you don’t have to make eye contact.

If he’s with kids much older than him at school be vigilant for bullies also. You’ll both get through this! And who knows, with things so volatile, maybe this friend will circle back to him in due time.


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Some times friends grow apart. Mayhap this child is developing new interests. I know it’s a very difficult situation. Hugs to you and him

I feel so sad for you… I had to go through stuff like this with all my kids when they were young and sadly it’s just a part of growing up… No matter how much it hurts they will get over it and all you can do is be there for them show them than no matter who comes and goes mama is their best friend and that they will always loved by you… Show them that no matter what or who you loose families stick together and always help each other through… Maybe you could organise an activity with him to cheer him up or take him out to his fave place to eat so he feels special because you made effort and you care

When a child truly knows they can always fall back on their family and are loved no matter what their peers do or say they are much more equipped to cope with the cruel things in life… My kids are all at uni now so I’m having to help them with adult struggles from time to time but they’ve learned that if they can’t count on anyone else they can always count on me and I know I can always count on my mama too :100:

I hope he feels better soon
Much love :heart:

Have him go to therapy for one because it will help with his emotional state as he resolves it with his friend. Therapy is also a good resource for coping mechanisms and helping work out a resolution.

It’s completely normal especially becoming a teenager and entering new phases of your life. Outgrowing people is expected.

Your 12yr old started high school?

Its tough when friends grow apart. Please teach him that sometimes this happens with friends and that its not his fault that his friend just has different interests than him now. Tell him to stop messaging him bc the no response just makes him feel worse and let the friend come around if he chooses. If not he’ll eventually make a new best friend. Being a kid is tough especially when things like this happen.


12 in high school? Isn’t 12 middle school? Friends come ang go. Its part of life.


They probably just grew apart. And unfortunately there isn’t much we can say to help. I had a best friend from like 3rd grade all the way up to high school. Went to the same school until we graduated but grew apart in the summer before starting freshman year. He will be ok. Sometimes friends fall into the wrong crowd or he may come back. Teens are always doing that lol


I just think of all the things going on in the world right now I wouldn’t let my kid go. The bullying that kids are doing so naturally these days is scary and it’s not worth it when you already know the tone that is set. Protect your baby

their kids this is what they do, let them resolve it

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17415 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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The basic thing here is that sometimes friends grow apart. Sometimes its completely mutual. Sometimes it’s not…sometimes it’s Where one has sort of grown out of the friendship while the other person hasn’t.
Those types of feelings are hard for adults to explain in terms of friendships…I imagine it’s nearly impossible for a 12 year old.
I think this can also be exacerbated by them no longer being in school together.
This other child is trying to foster friendships that he has inside school to make school life more enjoyable.
The other kids may just not know your son and sometimes that makes interactions awkward.

Encourage your child to nurture the new friendships rather than holding on so tightly to the old.
Explain that sometimes this happens… It’s not that he did anything or that his friend “hates” him this just happens sometimes as people grow up, mature, and things in life change for them.


Unfortunately being that age and going to a different school it’s not uncommon for friendships to fade or change. Like you said he’s made new friends I know he misses his best friend but I’m sure in no time at all he will have another best friend :blush:

This age friends will fade and new ones will come. It sounds to me your kids friend may be doing some stuff your son knows is wrong… It may just be best. Good time to explain to him it’s not always our fault we loss friends but sometimes they are being removed from our lives for a reason… Pray with him about it and ask the Lord to bring new healthy friends into his life.

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I’m so sorry. Friendships change and grow or fade at that age, especially when schools are different. There’s not much you can say to comfort your son. I would try to keep him busy and provide opportunities for him to meet with other kids to have activities. I have a feeling he will develop new friendships and the old best friend will gradually not be such a source of discomfort for him. Do you have a church you attend? Church groups for teens and pre-teens are great ways to make lasting friendships.

When I was this age, many of my good friends went to a different high school than I did. I missed them, but joined some new clubs at my new school and made new friends. Throughout life things change and we need to learn to be ready for new adventures. It’s important to encourage your son to cultivate new friendships. Also, don’t blame his childhood friend for making new friends. It’s normal.

People grow and change and develop different interests. Encourage the relationships hes building with the new friends.