My Son's Girlfriend Decided She Doesn’t Want the Baby: Advice?

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"I have a dilemma that I need advice on. My son’s current girlfriend is pregnant she has been wanting to get pregnant for the last two years. She was super excited to find out about the baby. All of a sudden she doesn’t want the baby because my son doesn’t want any kids. My reaction was “if you don’t want any kids then wrap it up!”I told her she should keep it and I will help her with as much as I can and that if it comes down to it I would kick him out of my home so my grand baby has a stable and safe environment to grow. She hasn’t told her mom about it because she has been wanting a grandchild from her for a good while now. She has an appointment this Friday. I don’t know what to do or if I should do anything at all. I want to save my grandchild’s life."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"This is one of those sticky situations where no matter how good your intentions, your wants don’t matter. It is great that you’re offering her support but providing any pressure on her decision is unethical. Talk to her, be there for her, but at the end of the day, this choice is hers to make and she deserves support no matter what she chooses."

"Aaawwww. You sound like you really have your head on straight. Alot of moms think their sons are always right. I love to hear you would choose the child living in your home over him! Unfortunately, it’s not your choice. Being a mom is a big responsibility."

"You can’t force her to do anything. You can tell her her options and if YOU want the baby that badly, tell her you’re willing to adopt the baby. But you can’t force her to have the baby."

"It’s not your body nor choice. She’s not an incubator. Mind your business. Why are you trying to force this on her. What about your deadbeat son."

"Stay out of it, it’s really not your business, and you have no say in the matter. It’s hard on everyone, don’t make it worse."

"In the end it’s up to her. But maybe remind her that it is her choice and he shouldn’t make her feel like hers is wrong. She obviously wanted a baby so he’s most likely telling her not to have it."

"Not much you can do… just continue to express how much you want this baby and will help her. She feels alone since your son doesn’t want kids. Sorry."

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