If the parent won’t discipline their own child especially on my house when they’re putting hands on my child they’re not welcome there. A three year old is more than capable of understanding consequences to hitting and bad behavior to an extent.
Take shit into my own hands n if they don’t like it, they can take themselves and their demon outta our lives
Stop putting your child in harms way and if they ask why you don’t come around then tell them.
Tell them to take there child home, tell he can behave.
This is all I’ll say, if your child’s at my house I will be watching your child like my own, that means when your child’s mean. They sit in time out just like the rest of the kids. I’ll look at you in your face while I’m doing it to, if you don’t discipline your child after I sit there with you and your child does something mean or dangerous, then I’ll do it myself and will put your kid in the corner for you. If you don’t like it, tough shit. Some people are more laid back with things like that, almost seems like they’re lazy. Typically they need shown how to do it, have you tried helping her maybe? Asking her as a friend where she’s struggling in her parenthood with her child? It could be something she’s just having a hard time keeping under control
So don’t make your child play with that child. That simple.
Nothing? Dont visit or have them over if thats what happens.
My father always told guests who would bring their children to our home if you do not correct your child I will, he never had to correct anyone’s child. They looked after their kids. They knew he would Correct their child if they did not. I would tell your friend, I’m tired of your child hitting my child and snatching their toys. If in the future you do not correct your child and stop them from this behavior in my home then I will Or you have the option of not coming but this is going on far too long.
Ask her to please deal with it. Just like that. You will see how she deals with it after asking her to, and if it’s not dealt with or a good attempt at least, stop having them around long enough to have problems. Keep interactions brief so you can avoid the chaos.
I stopped meeting parents like that…will try to meet as “adults only” kinda thing or not at all…not my job to parent other kids.
I have a friend that her child is like this. I barely hang out with her anymore as my 2 children complains about her child she is really mean she steal toys and shout if she didnt get what she wants and so sad the child lies as well… so in my own opinion just stay away from those circle.
I would stop going around there tbh that behaviour is not acceptable, or try talking to her saying if your child can’t be nice or play nice with my child the we refuse to come around anymore stand your ground.
The question should be: Why do I allow my kid to play with another kid who likes to hit other children?
I’d leave you. 1 it says your SO if this is your SOcand you’re referring to their child as an IT then you have a problem and the child is acting out picking up on your emotions feelings etc towards said child. If its just a close friend, then let them parent their child. Talk to the parent about said child, but honestly I cant get past the part you referred to someone else’s child as an IT…good luck.
I taught my kid not to hit 1st but if you get hit then you have permission to punch back. Some kids only learn from experience.
I dont let nobody kids come tomorrow my house. It’s what u allow that child to do. Now a days parents need be more strict on kids
You can’t b touching or correcting someone else’s child just stop play dates for awhile . It’s only a 3 yr old .
Do nothing! Her parenting is her business. Just Keep your child away from them.
Have a talk with the other mom.If she isn’t willing to discipline her child it’s time for children to be defriended until the three year old outgrows. The disturbing behavior. She seems to be grooming a future bully an might not outgrow it. For the sake of your child. It’s obvious it is affecting your child already.
Discipline starts WAY before 3 years old!!
Just cut them off. Geez.