My spouse never cleans up or buys things for the baby: Shouldn't he know these things?

You should buy diapers/wipes and formula in bulk.

Then have a clothes budget and ask him on payday to get that money.

My boyfriend of 9 yrs. Doesn’t automatically do anything for the 3 kids we have together. He puts forth the money and helps with the kids when he’s home.

The older they get the more men do with the kids.

Instead of complaining to him say

i need help with dishes. I’m going to pick up laundry. Can you help me

Ask for help.

i really need diapers can you go buy some please


If you’re not communicating, you’ve only got yourself to blame.


Yet another story with little or no info

Yes! Tell his dumbass. Lol unfortunately they don’t know! But be nice or it can come back to bite you in the ass. Then he’ll complain that he gets treated like shit. Lol

It’s simple… “Hey, just in case you didn’t notice, we are almost out of diapers. Could you please grab some?”
Done. Not even a big deal.


Get this Man a Chore chart/calendar reminder to make it easier on both parents. :broom::soap:
Established a Date night once a week. :couplekiss_man_woman:

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My husband is very attentive, he changes diapers and plays with her, but he still asks if she needs diapers/wipes/clothes etc. I dont get mad that he doesn’t know, cause it’s just a man thing. If I dont tell him and he doesn’t notice or ask, that’s on me, because i was aware that the baby needed these things but never mentioned it.

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not all are clueless mine actually goes and buys all of it pampers, formula, lotion he actually knows when I’m low on stuff even clothes and helps around when I put them to sleep. I consider myself very lucky. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m a SAHM and my so works. He gets paid every Friday. We both have access to the bank account the money goes in. We always talk about what we need for the house/groceries etc. on Thursday. Sometimes we decide i will go to the store and do the shopping or sometimes we wait til hes off and we go together. The point is these things should be talked about whether you bring it up or him. I dont think my SO would know half of the things we need if I didnt tell him but i still tell him and then he either agrees or doesnt and we go from there… It’s not hard for you to bring it up in just normal conversation.


No men really don’t pay attention to stuff honey but his willingness to help matters


I’m curious to know, a lot of these posts( I’m assuming most are in usa) say I have to buy he pays for nothing. Do u not have access to his money??? I have total control of money and keycards! It works well for us we both work shift work, I pay all the bills and shopping but if he is off I give them to him so he can get what we need. He also cooks cleans & washes clothes take a the kids out. We r 100% 50/50 has been this way for 16yrs😁 I’m starting to think I’m a lucky one


Some men just don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff. My husband can be this way. I have to say something for him to know. And I’m sure all you have to do is ask hey can you pick up diapers? Or do the dishes etc. No need to complain about it he probably genuinely doesn’t notice.


Don’t you know the pin to his debit card? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Men can sometimes be brain dead about stuff like that, so I’d start letting him know when things are low or needed & make sure he contributes! Good luck! :heart::pray:t2:

Men need to be told sometimes. It takes teamwork and you need to put your foot down and tell him.


He’s a man. Men are literally stupid. I’m pretty sure about 80% of us deal with this :joy: I get up with my newborn at night and he puts the blanket over his head like in those moments I want to punch him in the throat but he’s still a good dad :joy::joy:


My MIL once told me that she believed house work and child rearing were womans work and she clearly raised her two boys that way. She never made them lift a finger. She would close the door on their room until it got too bad, then would just take a trash bag to it.
She really did a disservice to them not teaching basic life skills.
after 30 years, breaking those habits is virtually impossible.
I am on forever pick up after man child mode. And it gets to me just about everyday.

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SO EASY to send a text.
Baby needs box of diapers, can of formula, & a new outfit. Include brands & sizes.

If he’s working all day & you are the one using the supplies then why would he know you are almost out?

& if you are staying with a man that doesnt contribute YOU should reevaluate your choices.


Uhm yea… you do have to tell him. Especially if your the primary care taker of baby. They can’t read minds.


Yes you need to tell men Everything they are clueless


My husband usually always bought a thing of diaper and wipes if he was at store because we always needed. I wouldn’t trust him to buy lotions or clothes though. I do more research and he’ll just grab whatever he sees😄

Men sometimes need a hint. Make him a list and have expectations that he will accomplish them. If he still refuses to help I can only hope he makes a great salary so you can hire help.

Yeah, you need to tell him or make a list which makes it easier for him. My husband never did but I grew up that way so didn’t bother me.

Sorry but lol he’s a man :joy::purple_heart:


Diapers formula, tell him. If he’s not doing it regularly he won’t know when they’re low.


Before you get mad, state nicely what you need him to do around the house… Let him mow, nicely, when supplies for baby get low and ask him when he can pick them up. He is not a mind reader. When you have needs, th ed attitude with which you state them makes a big difference in how they get met. If you attack first, you will get defense back. Nothing accomplished.

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My husband does what he has to do. I do have to tell him from time to time what needs to be done because he isn’t home all the time. When he is, he does “outside chores” so he doesn’t know what’s going on inside and I don’t know what’s going on outside. We do run things by each other. You can’t expect one person to know everything. As for baby/kid stuff, I do the organizing of things and I’m the one who knows what needs to be bought. If I can’t go buy it, I’ll text him and he goes get it. It’s 50/50. Shit…I don’t know if the lawnmower needs gas. That’s his shit. Same idea.

Its called communication. U fail to communicate that the baby is needing something then how is he supposed to just assumr things? I text my fiance if we need diapers, wipes etc and he goes and gets them when i tell him. As for everything else again communication is the key…seems to me u just want him to assume things :person_shrugging:

Men need to be told sometimes. My case my SO works afternoons so during the week he only fed our kids once or twice at night. I use to get upset too til I realized I use it most just saying hey hun can you do a milk run was so much easier than the argument it brought on. Every time I asked he went no problem after that. He just honestly didn’t know. They don’t pay full attention sometimes if they are not doing it most of the time.

Sorry but thats usually the mamas job to know when the baby has basic needs because she does more of that thing.

Yeah you do need to tell him, men don’t know these things, my partner checks the nappies and wipes he goes to the shops or if he is going on his way home from work he will call and ask me if we need anything

My ex-husband was this way.
I’m surprised so many people are commenting on this saying you should be the one to do these things because you’re the female.
Sometimes he may not be aware that the baby is low on these things so that’s when communication comes into play. Maybe starting a list that’s somewhere visible will help trigger him & yourself to remember to get those items. When you say that you’re the only one buying those things does that mean you’re the one paying for them? Or you’re the one having to always shop for them?
As far as the responsibilities around the house, you both live there and you shouldn’t have to ask for help every time. It’s reasonable if every once in awhile you ask if he’d do the dishes for you or vacuum the living room if he doesn’t do it on his own.
In my opinion, I think it’s fair that both of you do these things as you see them not just when asked. But I did notice that it never gets any better if every time he doesn’t help out you let it bottle up until you get upset that both of you end up fighting over the issue.
Have you tried to talk to him about the issue? Maybe if you did in a calm manor and had a conversation about it, that would help? It shouldn’t just be your job because you’re the woman and mother in the house. That’s BS in my opinion.

Get a maid. Have the things you need from the market delivered.

Question: which of you buys your husband’s things?

In defense of men, they are totally different than women. If you do not ask and point out what you need, no matter what, they don’t get it. They are a totally different animal.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I used to get upset about things, but we talked about it and came to the conclusion that communication is key. I’m a SAHM, he works. I know how many bottles worth of formula is left, he sees there is still formula. I know we’ll eun out of diapers by noon tomorrow, he sees there are diapers. It’s not that they don’t care, or that their not smart. We just take care of the babies for most of the day ourselves, so it’s more obvious to us. Now if you were asking him to stop on his way home and grab a pack of diapers and he said no it’s your job, that would be a whole different story

He he helped out more he would probably see these things. Cleaning, I had to stop completely for my hubby to realize how much i did and hes helped out ever since