My spouse says he won't take our son to church: Should I take him?

id take him anyway. i grew up catholic, and went to church with my mother. but my dad only went on special occasions. i think if its important to you. then you should have the right to atleast educate him about religion and let him make his own choices.

Im an atheist and husband is a believer. I am dead set on not bringing up my kids in the church but when they are old enough to understand and if they choose to want it then I would respect the kids wishes


I am a firm believer if no sitter take him. But don’t force it ever. Coming from a Jehovah’s witness family on my dad’s side who he stepped out of at 18 but close to his side went to meetings and was pressured all the time… Let him make his own choice his own belief. I sadly agree with your husband.

I would see why he is so opposed to the idea and go from there. Without knowing why he’s so against it it’s hard to give advice on what to do. I’m not religious but I wouldn’t say no to my son checking it out when he’s older if he is curious but I would also encourage him to learn about all the religions and not just the one.

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I would say if your son is actively seeking the information to take him but try a non denominational approach. He will still get the information without the push of a certain sector of religion. Look into VBS for the summer or see if they have a kids club.


I’m an atheist, my boyfriend is Baptist. Both of our children are young, but if either of them show interest when they are older and want to learn, then I have absolutely no issue taking them. I wouldn’t take away my child’s ability to choose, if they wish, just because my own choice is different.


I don’t believe but my husband does. If he wanted to expose our kids to that life, I would just ask that he do it when they’re old enough to choose for themselves.
…he hasn’t been too church in 15 years, so now how point would be moot to me…

Honey if you want to go to church then go! If your son wants to go take him or find someone else to take him.

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Better to take him to church than bail him out of jail.


Do what I’m doing my husband isn’t religious but I am I am having my kids baptized next month and we go to church as a family and when they are old enough to decide what they want then it’s their decision but if they decide to be apart of the church they will already have their sacraments done

I mean…what kinda church we talkin here?

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It’s your sons son’s choice not Dad’s. This is why i could never be with a non-believer. It’s sad to me that anyone would want to keep their child from something that could truly help them. Good luck.


if your son wants to go and you wanna go then take him. i loves going to church it’s a good opportunity for him to make new friends and participate in activities at his church and if he’s struggling it might really help him.

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I would not take him. I’ve never been to a church that was good for myself or my family. My views on God are different than most. I don’t believe you have to go to a church to teach/be taught spirituality. My husband was an atheist, but now it seems he wants to believe in something more, just not sure of what. (Like most of us)

We choose a faith never really understanding it to begin with or we’re born into it. I was baptised Catholic but would never…

Do your research with him and decide what sounds like something you could truly have faith in. Then learn it together. Otherwise, start by writing down what you already absolutely believe and see what aligns. If nothing does, then don’t join any church. Raise him by the morals you believe in, in your heart. They will take you further than anything else.


One: you need to see why he is so against it. This is a communication issue. Could it be because he was forced into it, had bad experiences, or is just against the religion as a whole?
Two: is your child wanting to go because you believe? Are you open to educating your child on all beliefs and letting them choose?

My family is staunchly Christian even though it’s the hypocrisy of you need to be Christian but we don’t have to go to church or actively practice. I was curious and explored other belief systems.
I don’t strictly conform to one specific path but I label myself as a pagan. My husband is agnostic, he believes there could be a higher power he just doesn’t care lol. He supports my beliefs and let’s me have my altar and buys me pretty crystals cos it makes me happy.
When my daughter started questioning, we began learning. She knew a little of Christianity from my family, and paganism from me, but we explored Hindu and Buddhism and Judaism, even the different sects of Christianity and paganism. She says she feels like my belief path seems “right” to her. I told her that was fine but encouraged her to never stop learning and if she decided another made more sense or felt right to her, it was perfectly okay.
We can’t force kids into a belief system or even a lack of one. The best thing we can do is educate them and let them decide.
I feel like this should be a conversation between you and your husband and you should both be open as our your child’s wellbeing above your own wants

He wants to go he should go

If my child asked me to take him i would take him. I am not a religious person nor do i attend church but i will not stop my son from learning about religion if he is interested.


Ask him why he’s so against them going. Maybe there is more to his strong beliefs against going to church. I definitely wouldn’t do it behind his back but I would also have a conversation about it. It wouldn’t just be he says no and I say yes so the child is going. Doing it behind his back though can lead to all kinds of problems and issues that can affect not just you but the kids as well. There should be a discussion between all involved. That’s of course my opinion

My daughter is six. My partner is Norseman and I’m an non-believer. I’ve always told my daughter that I will support her and any decision in her life. There was a short time that she believed in God and I offered to take her to Sunday school and I taught her a little bit about the religion. I believe that that’s an individual’s choice regardless of their age.

Seen more damage done to people by going to church than not going to church. Respect the father and teach your son at home if he is interested in learning about religion.


My husband and I discussed our beliefs and religious traditions BEFORE WE GOT MARRIED AND BEFORE WE HAD CHILDREN TOGETHER… I understand sometimes things change, people change, beliefs change… in that case, you need to compromise… he is your husband, you had a child TOGETHER. Neither one of you have more say so than the other. If the child wants to learn religion, talk to your husband, let him know that he is not expected to go, but child wants to learn… make a compromise and together you guys can figure out what is best for the child.


Maybe start at home and not just straight to church I know for me as a child the fun activities that Church’s would do had played a big role in why I was going also it scared me I thought I was going to burn in hell if I didn’t go to church depending on the age I’d say start teaching them at them at home not somewhere that could possibly damage them
FYI I’m an atheist I just think everyone should have a choice

My daughter has her own choice to go to church or not, I don’t go, her dad doesn’t go, but his family does and she goes with once in a while.

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No one has the right to keep you away from God! You go take ur kids. Start something for them. Tell your husband how u feel. You shouldnt have to keep it a secret, after all, you aren’t supposed to. Its like denying him in front of others. Just do what u feel is right and good for u and ur kids. Dont keep it a secret, put ur foot down.

I’m not religious at all. Neither is my boyfriend. But if our kids want to learn about it or want to visit one I would still go with them and see where it goes!

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1, it should be the child’s decision. Neither parent should force their beliefs.
2. If your child is struggling with life, he needs to go to a professional who can actually help him deal with whatever he’s going through. Therapist, psychologist, etc


My daughter is 4 and belongs to a Christian church. She loves to go to church with her great grandma. She loves the singing but I don’t think she understands what church is actually about because she’s in the kids area playing while the adults are doing their thing. I grew up with no religion. I believe there is something out there much more powerful but I don’t get into it because its not for me. I could never tell my kid she couldn’t go to church. If she wants to go, more power to her. I’m hoping she sticks with it as she gets older but if not, oh well. That’s her choice. It should always be up to the child when it comes to this sort of thing.

I’m a Christian Baptist my husband is agnostic. He repects my beliefs and I respect his. We havd a 16 yr old daughter and 12 yr old son. We been together for 21 years. My son took to the vacation bible school and my daughter didn’t. You have to teach them that there are many religious beliefs in the world all over the world. You teach bible stories but you also teach Science. As they grow older they decide for themselves. Give your kid knowledge and teach faith. I personally dont see harm in taking him you shouldn’t have to hide it. I do see something wrong with your man not wanting him to experience it. My daughtervstopped going when the field trips for the boys were to video game museum and girls had to go to spa she wanted to be able to go to the video game museum… they wouldnt allow it so she stopped going. And thats ok with me.

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I don’t think I would allow my kids to go to church. As a pagan mom I would feel I failed my children if they wanted to go to church.

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I think you both need to sit down and find out what YOUR SON wants. Despite either of your opinions, it’s his decision. If HE wants to go to church, he should be allowed. I’m not religious, I think churches are bullshit. But if my kid wanted to check it out, I’d support him despite my religious views. You two are the adults. Don’t push him one way or another. Sit down as a family and let your boy tell you what he wants. If his dad doesn’t want to go, don’t make him. But he needs to stop being childish and controlling and let his son make some of his own decisions

Allow children to find their faith if that’s what they need. As much as I am against forcing a set religion I’m also against denying a child religion. I say give it a go.

Expose him to church and let your child decide

Take him to church. And may God bless your efforts.

No one in my family is very religious but when I was about 8 my mom asked me if I wanted to go to church. I said yes, and regardless of her beliefs she made it to where I went every Sunday. The church bus picked me up and took me home. I believe it’s about what your son wants, if he is making the decision to want to go to church than there should be a way for him to attend even if he is dropped off and picked up (if he’s old enough.) obviously just my opinion

As someone who had this issue as a teenager, wondering about life, religions and such. My mother took me to different places giving me the choice with my own experience, we even met with the pastor/preacher at a few who instead of overly pushing their views instead gave me a few books to look at to see if they would help my questions.

I’m an atheist. Her dad is Mormon. I don’t go to church but one day she asked if we could go. I felt so out of place :laughing: but I took her. Wasn’t her thing so we never went back.

Take your kid. He’ll eventually figure out what he wants to do.

Just go with your son on your own. It’s your life not your husband’s. If your son wants to go it’s his life and choice. That’s why it’s called America it’s free. If you are in America. So I say if your son wants to go and you want to go then go. If your husband has an issue with it well then he can have his issue.

We are a non church going family. I’ve been to church multiple times, I would go with my aunt. My daughter is baptized and if she wants to pursue religion of any kind then I will encourage it

We are not religious by any means but our community is very religious so my daughter has seen/heard a ton and expressed some interest. We’ve always told her we will take her if she wants to go or she could possibly go with a friends family if she wanted. But me and her dad both AGREED she could go if she wanted. It can definitely cause some major problems in your marriage if you take him after your husband said he doesn’t want it to happen but I see no real harm in your son going to church if you guys can agree. There has to be a compromise somewhere, your husband needs to start acting a bit more like an adult and he needs to be more willing to work this out and find a solution

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If your KID wants to go I say , you go . It’s up to the child what they want to believe and keeping it from him now might make him a little resentful in the future .

I see no harm in letting him go. Girl, stand your ground. He needs to learn to compromise. I’m Christian and have been to church all my life. My kids have gone with me, my parents or friends. I never forced them when they didn’t want to go, either. My husband isn’t a believer. He has never told me I couldn’t take my kids. I’ve never forced him into my beliefs. You or your child going to church isn’t harming your husband in anyway. He’s being an ass. I mean, most parents would want their kids to have some kind of positive place for their kids to go. Your son is searching for something. Don’t stop him from finding what he’s looking for. But you also shouldn’t have to do it in secret.

My fiancé is religious. I am definitely not at all. I’ll be damned if either view is FORCED upon my kids. However I picked church myself as a child and ended up someone who doesn’t believe as an adult.

Ley him experience it! Theres nothing wrong with it! Personally, I would tell dad to piss in his hat! :woman_shrugging:

I don’t get it. If both of you are interested you can take him to church without husband.

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K, hubby and I are religious. We have 3 kids. 2 in there teens and one that will be there soon enough.

Once our kids hit 10 esh ( might have been a little older.) we let them make the choice to go or not go up to them.
So I’d be asking your child what he wants to do.

Growing up we were made to go to church. Iv seen first had what making your kids go to church does. Thinking back to even in youth group. I can’t think of many that are active in the church. I’m not saying that the reason is because their families made them go… (because I just don’t know) just that not many go.

Bottom line is I don’t recommend forcing any child to go to church Especially if they are voicing that they have no interest in religion or church. It could very easily drive them away from both, and the likely hood of them wanting anything to do with it once there on there own, and of legal age is not great. So your going to need to talk to your child and find out what he wants to do.

Marriage is not the end of trying new things nor is intended to be a relationship where you’re told what to do. Just go if thats what you want. Maybe explore different churches, or just a youth service and send your son there. They typically meet mid week. But above all always be honest. Both with yourself and your spouse.

If the kid is expressing interest, then take him. Discuss openly and honestly his questions so he can make an informed decision. Our jobs are to guide them just as much as it is to teach them.

I was not raised religious at all. I choose not to go to church but allow my kids to go when they want. We live in a small town and they go to Sunday school when they want. They are not super into it but they had questions after both my parents died. I have no problem with people who are religious but don’t push it on me.

Sounds like a control freak

If your son wants to go, take him. If he likes it, let him go. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t have to go.

Dont be so narrow minded to expect your kids to beljeve or feel sqme wqs as you do yourself. We raise kids to make good decisions and be independant… Not clones of ourselves. Its no different than saying i dont like lettuce so my kids cannot like lettuce.

I do not go to church. I haven’t gone to a church since I was 16 and while I did attend church I NEVER had a good experience and yes…I attended multiple different churches/denominations. I will NEVER step foot inside another church as long as I live because all I’ve ever experienced is fear-mongering. With that being said…my husband is atheist and has offered to take my 7 year old son because he wants to go.

This decision should be left to your son…not either of you.

It’s up to your son. Ask him.

Wasn’t this issue discussed before having a child?? No excuses.