My spouse went to a concert behind my back...advice?

I work nightshift. That being said my spouse who was supposed to be with our son decided to pawn him off at his family’s house and go to a whole concert behind my back never answered the phone not even in the am to let me know about my son and didn’t come back till the next day as if it was nothing. And is not remorseful because according to him he didn’t lie he just didn’t tell me ect, how would yall feel???


Why not just say he was going to a concert if that’s all he was doing? Lol weird he didn’t come back til the next day. Especially since he didn’t say anything at all about that.

I will not care if my husband go out with out me , specially if I work at nights, I think that spending time along or with friends ( he with his and viceversa) once in a while is cool and even healthy in a relationship, but this only works with great communication and planning.Staying out all night without having the courtesy of responding the phone to let you what was going out it’s a NOT for me .
But the worst part was taking your kid to his family without consulting you first.
As a mom I want to know where my child is all the time, something like this will cause a huge fight ( if I was on your situation) I will never trust him again with my kid because I will be wondering and worry all the time not knowing if my kid was taken to someone else place

If it was local and last minute and didn’t stay out all night I’d say it might not be too crazy. However the all night part either way is a definite red flag . I think that alone would be the fight, then address the rest. You know your relationship though, so if you feel something is off with it, it probably is. If you think it’s just a lack of planning/communication thing…you might be able to bounce back after a long discussion on what’s expected. If this is a newer relationship, it might be a red flag enough to say goodbye.

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I can definitely see potentially two sides too this. Why did he not tell you? either he is arrogant and does not care or is he too scared to communicate about going out cause it will cause drama. Not communicating where your child is going to be is not on, but on the other hand he is also the parent. In my personal experience 7 or 8 times out of 10 the relationship is one sided and controlling when someone doesn’t communicate well I. Regards to doing things for themselves.


Communication is all that was needed here and that was clearly not done. Yes parents deserve nights out but doing it secretly is suspicious, even if it was last minute he could have sent you a text letting you know what was going on.


The least he could do is tell you what’s going on and where your son is staying. And not answering and not coming back till the next day are red flags.

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Definitely red flags, something is going on

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Umm what? Nooo… there no excuse for this sorry.

The lack of communication and respect would be what does it for me, would he accept that behavior if the tables were turned? I’m assuming not, seems shady as heck and would have me wondering what else he is doing while I’m working.


The question is, would you have a problem if he went and he did tell you? If you would’ve given him an attitude that he had the opportunity to do something without you that I can understand why he his it from you

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A relationship isnt the CIA, you dont “go dark” for a day to do a covert op and then come back the next day and act as if it were “need to know”, you got a serious status check to perform on your relationship because one of its pillars (trust) is gone


I definitely won’t put up with that!! No communication no relationship! He should have told you where your son is at! He couldn’t even do that. Uh yeah no thanks. Bye bye now.

Lying by omission. Why not tell you? It’s a concert, kiddo was still safe and looked after I don’t see why he wouldn’t just tell you. I get people need individual things and to do things without their partner, totally normal and healthy to do so. But the omission and the reasoning would be my concern. Communication is the biggest part of a relationship and if that’s not happening there needs to be a convo as to why. My first thought would be who was he with, and why didn’t he tell me. Not that he went.

Lying by omission is still lying.