My ten year old started her period, do people still use pads?

I heard the underwear is amazing. Never had experience with it… but a few friends said it was worth the money.


How is this a question :flushed:

I cut the pads in half. A girl at her age shouldn’t he shoving anything up her nono zone. But if it’s a heavy flow you can try the flexible cups. Healthier than tampons

Definitely start with pads. I believe she’s to little for tampons (just my opinion) I got mine when I was 11 and used pads and still do. Yes I’ve used tampons but not really a fan lol.

I’m 33 wear pads. After my last child my body rejects tampons


Period undies! I bought my daughter like 12 pairs from 3 different brands and we couldn’t be happier with them. Revol is the best :ok_hand:

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Buy small packages of different kinds of pads until she decides what is comfortable for her. Also until she learns how to take care of herself tampons are a horrible idea because of toxic shock syndrome, give her at least a couple years before offering that option. Also make Eddie to teeth her to not flush the products and to wrap them with toilet paper before throwing them in the trash. Also I suggest a waterproof mattress pad.

My 13 year old still does. Not time yet

I started my period when I was 10 and I would bleed through regular pads. I had to wear a tampon and a pad and if I was lucky I wouldnt bleed through. It was awful. I’m so glad my parents were very open and didn’t complain but yea even to this day pads are the only thing that hold up…

My step daughter started hers at 9, she’s 13 now but I buy her the always teen. I believe they’re thinner and smaller?

Get her the infinity pads my daughters love them they are thin and not bulky made with the foam core was told are very comfortable

She’s too young for tampons. Pads are the a better option or those new period underwear that are available now.

I’m 24 and still use pads! Tampons are so uncomfortable for me personally

I’ve always used pads. Hate tampons. I wish Period undies were a thing when I was in my teens

My daughter started at 9 I made her a care basket I like always with wings for her you can get the light and heavy one’s

Omg don’t let her use anything at all but pads. NOTHING AT ALL should go inside her. She’s a baby.

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I started both my step daughters out on pads (they live with me and their dad). When they got older and wanted to try tampons is when they changed over.

My daughter is 15 and would only use the teen pads. Now she uses the underwear and loves them.

For a 10yo pads are the way to go or even the period undies. She will ask you when she is ready to try tampons or cups etc.

I think I was about 15 when I started using tampons because pads weren’t a great time when playing sport and running around etc.

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Start with pads. She’s too young for tampons (IMO). They have pads for tweens/teens, get those! And sanitary wipes. You can order a book on Amazon. There are quite a few!

Yes I recommend that you buy a child pads she is too young to use tampons yet

I’m 50 and still wear pads kids shouldnt wear tampons

I started at 10. Definitely start with pads. 10 is too young for tampons, imo.

My daughter started at 12. Shes 14 now and still uses pads. We use the always brand. The green 1s for day and the orange 1s for night cuz they are a bit longer and cover better for longer wear. We tried a coulpe different brands b4 we found 1s we liked

My American girl has a book called the care & keeping of you vol 1…my daughter read it age appropriate & they have a vol 2 for teen aged girls… and my 1 daughter only used the period underwear & my other uses pads. The thinner ones. They even have a teen sized ones!

I hate tampons. Always have. Started my period when I was 8, I’m 29 now. I use pads but have been considering the underwear.

I hate tampons. I only use pads. My daughter feels the same. It’s awkward walking around feeling this foreign object inside of you. And I always feel like it’s coming out when it isn’t. At 10 I think tampons are way too mature.

Definitely start with pads, tampons I think in my opinion she’s too young for. But you can always get the period undies too and trail them with her :slightly_smiling_face:

Been using pads since I got my period (14yo). I stopped using it and switched to cups just recently. I’m in my 30s now. 10yo is still a very young age for tampons imo.
Tampons are a higher risk for toxic shocks too.

I like the always infinity foam pads. I started my period at 8 and didn’t wear tampons til 12 and only cause I wanted to go to a pool party and I happened to start my period before. I practiced for a couple days and it took getting used to but eventually got it. Just let her wear pads and tell her when to change them and the different absorbencies.

Flex is new age periods!!! Gets rid of cramps! I love it so much I wish it had been around when I was younger!

Period undies are great if you get a decent brand. There is 2 of us so far that use modibodi. I got my daughter the heavy/overnight ones and some light/regular ones. I’m glad I bought more of the heavier ones because she needs them. Poor thing has had a period every month since starting 6 months ago. They are heavy during day and night and go up to 10 days is the longest so far. She also has autism so these have been a lifesaver for the both of us.

I pefer tampons but definitely wouldn’t give my 12yr old them yet. She asked what to do if she has her period during swim week for gym. I told her she can tell teacher to call me if need be but she’ll have to make the class up whatever. I have bought quite a few pads for her to try, she has a heavier flow than me. She likes the CVS long thin with wings I think like level 3s.
There are definitely puberty books even at your local library.

Libra has a girls sized

My daughter started with pads, then switched to a disk after a few months. She likes the disk because you only have to change it every 12 hours and it’s much more comfortable than tampons or pads

More uses the fex foam pads.

Whatever you decide to do, please buy her some period underwear. :raised_hands:

Use the cotton pads more comfortable and keep a fresh pair of clothing in case she has accident and buy her dark underwear

I was 10 when I got mine. I still wear pads. Seldom used tampons, one bad experience and I’ll never use them again.

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Not all! There are so many options now that I wish i had as a teen. Period underwear is actually pretty awesome and really easy for any age.

Show her all the options and let her pick what she’s comfortable with. My mom made me start with pads and I immediately hated them

Of course they do. Lol

We really like pads with wings. We prefer Always but we have been know to use other brands in a pinch. A few years ago we actually found a teen starter kit at target. Heating pads are amazing for cramps we also use Midol. Kudos to you for reaching out and asking so you can help your daughter through a challenging time in a young lady’s life.


This book has been really helpful! My little one is 10 and started hers this year. Long, thin pads with wings during the day and thicker ones at night. She HATES them and has been asking to learn about tampons so that’ll be our next step. Just wanted to wait for her to decide that on her own time.


My daughter is 13 going to be 14 and she got her period at 11 and still wears pads shes just not comfortable with the idea of tampons yet and thats ok


You got all the good advice from everyone. In the last few decades, more kids seem to be getting their periods earlier. I remember my now-grown daughter had a friend who got her period at 8! It’s a freaky feeling for both mama and child. But you find your way and get through it. Most important is that both of you get comfortable about it and both are happy with the decisions you make.

I remember I cried when I first tried a tampon…a friend was telling me that it was only natural and wouldn’t hurt…I felt like I was pushing a rock up my ‘you know what’ it was devastating for me and I still remember it to this day (I’m 55) I’d say pads cuz they have so many options nowadays…I know they have different size tampons but she is more than likely not sure what to use when just starting out. Good luck

My daughter uses the pads for teens. She is also 10 and started hers at 9.

U by kotex has a teen pad. I personally didn’t use tampons until I was 13 (2 months from being 14). Now at 27, I alternate between pads, tampons, & the Flex cup. I prefer the cup over the disks. Flex has a tab & it’s awesome. Right now they have 15% off

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My 11yr old uses pads for her daily use while on her period but when she has a soccer game or a practice she likes tampons.
My 16yr old uses both just depends on what she’s in the mood for.

just show her yourself … how to put a pad on and how to dispose of it properly …

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Tampons are horrible, definitely not good for a 10 year old. Pads are still available. Kotex is great.


Great idea to teach her about puberty so she can understand what and why it’s happening. I would buy like 2 boxes of each type and try them at home to see what she prefers. It can be stressful for her to stand in the pad isle when she doesn’t really know what she is looking at. A small squirt bottle would be helpful to stay cleanly. Something I recently learned and wish someone would have told me years ago.

Tampons are horrible. Im almost 30 and started wearing pads again. Tell her, it doesnt matter. No one can see what she wears!!! Its ok!


Get period underwear

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Talk to your Doctor!!!

My mom talked to me about it. And showed me how to use a pad and explained how to use a tampon.
I didn’t start my period until I was 13.
I wore pads for 2 years until I felt comfortable wearing a tampon.
But remember, tampons cause TSS! And not to wear them for too long or over night.

My 12 year old uses pads and period panties

I started using pads.

Pads for the start, explain to her how to use tampons. my mom never taught me, my sister did. It would be much better to have her mom explain someone to her that is personal like that❤️

Why wouldn’t people still wear pads? :unamused:


Never use tampons on younger girls they will think they can leave it in as long as they are bleeding and it can cause sever infection and even death
My daughter just started and we went to the store and got her teen pads yes they make teen pads they are thin and more comfortable for their smaller bodies and I showed my daughter how to use them and how to wrap the old pad in the plastic from the new pad she puts on


Get Kotex long super thin.

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I use pads and tampons. I started out with pads and I’m really glad I did.

My daughter uses the period underwear and togs. They are amazing. Modibodi are really nicely made and she has had no issues with smell or leakage

My 10 year old has just gotten her period and there is no way I’d let her use tampons, we used pads and I’ve just shown her how to put them on and dispose of them


Not sure what country you are but we have these in Australia, specifically designed for younger girls

I’ve never worn tampons as well, pads are so much better and safer


Ok I got my 12 year old the period panties how do they work and is there any type of infection that can form

I mean…they’re everywhere in the femine hygiene aisles so…yeah, people still use them? That’s all I use (personal choice) and even on my heavy days, the ultra thin overnights work just fine. As she’s only 10, she’d probably not be too comfortable with internal protection just yet. Also look into the period panties… Better for the environment, easier to remember, they also come in sleep shorts…perfect for a young girl learning her body.

Young girls aren’t really good candidates for tampons/cups right away, because A). It can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for them. B). They don’t know their body/flow just yet and what works best for them, and C). They aren’t the best at personal responsibility. They may forget to remove them regularly, which can be dangerous. Just teach her to dispose of the pads properly, and make sure to pack her a little go bag to keep in her backpack for school. Communication is key, keep an open dialog

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My daughter really like the always teen ones

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I prefer pads. Tampons don’t agree with me.

Always has a brand called tweets that are better when they first start out.

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If she got her period then yeah she’s literally going through puberty. Of course girls still use pads. Now there are also cups and panties, too. Lots more options now. But anything that is inserted requires a girl to be really comfortable with her body which is less common especially at age 10.


Use pads while she’s young, I’m sure she’ll let you know when she’s curious about other types of hygiene products. Pads are the safest way to go.

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Pads not maxie and wipes .

Mine do. The always maxis are really absorbent and not visible at all. I let them decide when they feel ready to wear tampons, or do any of the other ones they got now.
Idk about videos but there are books at the library. Maybe call ahead and ask them to collect a few and have ready so it can be discreet bc that age is so so shy

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Teach her how to use tampons

I prefer pads. I would NEVER EVER EVVVEEERRRR give a 10 year old a tampon.


They’re not mature at that age and play still and can easily forget about it & get TSS!! Highly recommend pads for a child so young


Always wore pads daughter too

Definitely start with pads it’s hard enough dealing with the situation anyway why make it harder

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I used pads as a teen but now I use Thinx. I think they make a brand for tweens and teens called Thinx Btwn.

They sell them so I assume ppl still use them.

Of course… she doesnt have to follow suit on what everyone else is doing… pad for a ten year old who just started seems like a good idea to me! Good luck mama.

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I recommend the brand L. its chlorine free and for every product they sell, they supply women in need.

Start her off w pads

I think it should be up to her at what she is comfortable with.

I’d like to give the recommendation of the period panties they sell now. I use them because I toss and turn and ALWAYS wake up looking like I got murdered but those period panties have helped so much.


No stores don’t sell them


Period undies are way easier for little ones :slight_smile:

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Also recommend books “The Care and Keeping of You”—two versions for younger & older girls. Online & bookstores & American Girl stores.

Better figure out how her flow is before going to the store and buying any pads. Don’t want her feeling like she has a diaper on. Always makes a good thin pad.

My daughter started at this age and used these. They are made for younger girls. As they get older they use the teen ones which my daughter is still using at 14. I showed her how to put it on a pair of underwear.


I would definitely start her out with pads and period panties until she gets the hang of things. I honestly wouldn’t advise tampons or anything like that while she’s this young.


Start her with pads. Tampons can be dangerous and painful for a girl so young.


I feel like this maybe a question from a Dad. LOL


Yes we still use them lol of we didn’t they go outta business quickly but no shame hun. Just make her emergency kits so in the event it happens while at school she’d have pads, chocolates , and thermo mentralstraul heated thingy in the same isle near the heated pads for shoulders and such. Goes on the underwhers and helps relieve cramps with heat :yellow_heart:

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I can’t use tampons so yes.

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I’m 32 and I use pads, tampons hurt me.