My three year old still breastfeeds: Can I smoke ciggarettes?

No you shouldn’t breast feed and smoke


No I definitely would not smoke if you’re still breast-feeding. It gets all into your skin and everything it’s disgusting

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You shouldn’t smoke with a child in the home whether they breast feed or not. There’s so much research linking parents who smoke to medical problems in children even if the parents don’t smoke in the home or in direct presence of the children.


Why does he take a bottle at 3? Idc about the breast feeding but that’s horrible for his teeth. And personally if you haven’t smoked for 4 years essentially at this point (assuming you quit while pregnant) why start again?


Do what you want, Obviously have for quite some time now!

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Should be using a sippy cup at that age, doesn’t matter if breastfeeding or bottle feeding


Hold up!?! Your 3 year old breastfeeds and takes a bottle?! Wtf. Seriously :neutral_face: it’s not harming “the baby” it’s a TODDLER who should be just fine on table food unless medical issues exist. Yikes.


Maybe you should see a counselor.


Bring in NICU when I smoked occasionally, I had to have a smoking jacket. Wash my hands, face etc.


Your 3 year old doesn’t need nicotine. Stop breastfeeding or smoke, not both.


I’ve smoked while I breastfed. I had a smoking sweater and I would wash up after a cigarette. I also timed it out, I’d put baby down for a nap and then smoke. I


I would wait until he’s off the boob and if you want to wean him off just put little dabs of mustard on it lol

Wow everyone on here so judgemental damn

Some people are social smokers or enjoy a cigarette when they drink and there’s nothing wrong with it. Yes it’s a bad habit if it becomes a habit. I’m willing to bet half of you saying no it’s bad will say the opposite if she asked about weed

  1. No reason to continue to breastfeed… 2. Why is a 3 year old taking a bottle? 3. Cigarettes are bad for your health… why pick up a nasty habit like that

You have to ask yourself if it’s really worth it to expose your kid to it when you haven’t been

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omg she didn’t ask if she could blow it in his face.


Believe me, if you don’t smoke now, do not start! There’s no such thing as plain ciggs and they are all bad.


I smoked while breastfeeding my first. She now has asthma. I don’t recommend.

Hey, don’t diss a mother because her child take a bottle still. My 2 and a half year old autistic daughter is terrified of straws and doesn’t understand how to use a cup, so she still she uses a sippy cup. If you don’t know the whole story, than don’t judge.
I also couldn’t get her to drink anything but breast milk for 16 months. We tried every type of milk if we could think of but she just wants having it.
This is a mom group, we aren’t suppose to judge one another, simply help one another.


Different sense, but my mom smoked with 3/4 kids. She quit partly through her pregnancy with my baby brother. Out of all of us kids, he’s the ONLY one who had asthma issues. Not sure if it’s similar, but :woman_shrugging:

No. It’s actually worse than drinking.


For everyone railing her for this having a child who drinks milk from a bottle… My son’s autistic, he ‘wanted’ a bottle until a certain age. Literally wouldnt engage. He felt like milk should go in bottles and juice in cuppies. My kids are almost, 5 & 7 and I still have bottles in my cupboard with a cut off nipple. Just in case.


Yes it’ll harm him. I’d stop breastfeeding. Also I would avoid taking up smoking. It’s pretty addictive and causes a lot of Health issues for not only you but anyone you come in contact with.


If you aren’t smoking then don’t start…


I could care less about the bottle, Mama will wean that when the time is right for them. Nobody knows the circumstances. As for breastfeeding your 2 year old, thats amazing and keep it us as long as you want :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My daughter is 2 and I still nurse :two_hearts: As for smoking my personal opinion is that it’s disgusting weather you have children or not but to each their own. I definitely wouldn’t smoke especially if child is that close to my body. You have not smoked in so long I would just do your best not to start again. But again all that is my opinion. I wish you luck on your decision.


And as a matter of fact, if you look it up on La Leche websites, KellyMom, etc they all say the benefits of breastfeeding FAR outweigh the risks of smoking.


If you don’t smoke you shouldn’t start. It’s an awful habit and so hard to quit. But I will say you can still breastfeed and smoke cigarettes. I’m sure he isn’t nursing all the time and breastfeeding is still the best option even if you smoke.


What baby? You have a newborn too? Personally by 3 the child should be weaned… that’s just too old. Then you have nothing to worry about :woman_shrugging:


If you are so desperate to smoke then quit breastfeeding, your toddler is eating normal food now so doesn’t need breast milk. Also ditch the bottle and use a beaker for the sake of your child’s teeth.


She doesn’t need to stop breastfeeding because he’s 3, wow.
I personally did not have nicotine or barely even caffeine when I breastfed. Its not just about your milk, it’s your clothes as well. The occasional one if you change your clothing/wash after if not breastfeeding immediately should be ok but if you’ve managed all this time, hold on a little longer til child weans as it won’t be long now.

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Whatever goes inside you, is also going inside your child. Why is a 3 year old still on the bottle too?


Any cigarette residue (there is always some) is bad for and harmful to a human, with children being especially vulnerable. Not to mention, you are teaching your child that it’s ok to smoke. Is that the future you want for him?


A plain cigarette? :joy:


Great time to stop smoking because 2nd hand smoke is harmful too.


the smoke that gets on you skin and clothes exposes them to second hand smoke as well. We have a patient (I work in a private practice) who was diagnosed with lung cancer and never smoked but his wife smokes heavily. That was a wake up call for me. I am no longer a smoke (cigarette free for almost a year :partying_face:) but if I were I think that would’ve been then mail
In the coffin for me. If you do smoke your occasional cigarette wash your hands and change your clothes before hand but know the baby is getting nicotine either way.

PS: sorry a lot of people are so
Quick to judge. Do
what youths k is best Mama! Only
You know what’s best for your kiddo. Speaking of the breastfeeding still…


Don’t be selfish, stop breastfeeding, 3 is eating full meals and getting all the nutrients they need without breast milk


FFS NO! DO Not smoke ANYTHING if you are still nursing!!!


Nothing wrong with the breast feeding part I’m just annoyed with the “plain cigarette” part


If you only want one occasionally you aren’t suffering from addiction and if that is the case do yourself and your child a favor and just don’t …


Smoking while breastfeeding transmits the chemicals in your cigarette to you breast milk. A child of the age of 3 should not be on a bottle due to choking hazards and can cause dental problems as well. Not judging just stating facts. Next time just search the info, you’d get less criticism and judgements.

give him a cup to drink from if you are off cig. stay that way

Nicotine decreases breast milk supply

So funny how rude some of you are. I’d love to see you say that to her face, half of you wouldn’t dare. Got to love social media for making it possible for people everywhere to disrespect and put down one another for absolutely no reason at all. Just because your behind a screen. SMH.


What’s a plain cigarette?


I smoked and breastfed both my kids are fine


When children’s aid society was helping me with my first, they told me to smoke after feeding her and to wash hands and face and to change clothes. She’s healthy and smart :slight_smile:

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Nothing wrong with it! :blush:

If you have to ask, prob best to just not

Feed him, smoke, don’t feed again until 2 hours later


He still takes a bottle too…?


I wouldn’t smoke anyways. Second hand smoke can cause childhood cancer.

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To be honest, if you don’t smoke then don’t start. Trust me I hate that I do. But you’re gonna do what you wanna do and occasionally probably won’t hurt anything.


Surely this question is taking the piss.

What’s a plain cigarette :joy:


Second hand smoke is just as damaging as the mother smoking and the risk of burning the child while breastfeeding while smoking.

Wean the baby and then smoke…do not risk it. I am a smoker and formula fed my children for this reason, along with other reasons…but do not risk passing on the nicotine and chemicals to your baby.

You should not be smoking when a child is involved. 2nd hand smoke is more lethal than 1st hand smoke. Cigarette smoke toxins linger in your clothing hair, furniture drapes. You should stop smoking for everyone’s health.


Why even start a habit like that? There’s no logic here! You value your child’s health but not your own? Yikes!


I think thats too old.


I think everybody needs to settle down. Just answer the question and move along no need to be so judgemental. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Wow so many judgemental women out here :flushed:


Don’t smoke
Don’t breast feed
Throw the bottle .


Smoke away it will dry you out hence no more breast feeding

I was told by my WIC woman that you can smoke but maybe feed kid firstz then smoke, and then wait 45 mins after smoking before feeding kid again.


I think the law here is that you can’t smoke around the child or in the vehicle with the child.

Damn… I think everyone read this as “be judgmental and give unsolicited advice that has nothing to do with the question I actually asked” :roll_eyes:

These comments are wild

Have a “smokers Jersey”.

Wear it whenever you smoke, take it off when you’re finished, wash hands n face.


Inevitably at the end of the day it’s your choice in your choice alone but cigarettes are disgustingly nasty they are filled full of chemicals that are passed through your body through secretions.
Your best bet is to wean your child and then unfortunately if you want to smoke smoke then but if you can resist the urge you are adding years to your life so that you can be here for your child just take it in consideration.


The fact that some of you care more about her breastfeeding until 3 instead of smoking is giving me a migraine


I just finally weaned my son at almost 3, but would’ve kept going if I had to. Don’t let mom’s shame you for doing what’s best for you and your child. It’s better than forcing your kid to drink milk that wasn’t even designed for them. The world weaning average is 4 years old. Some countries breastfeed till their up to 7 years old. People need to get out of their closed minded bubbles and worry about themselves.


Wow so many perfect judges I mean women .

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Its not going to hurt him. Just wash your hands after and don’t smoke often. Also, get that baby off your boob. Sippy cup :cup_with_straw: asap.

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If you stopped smoking and have made it this long, then why start again? Please for your health and your child’s don’t smoke cigarettes. Lung cancer is not a pleasant thing to watch someone go through. Survival from it is rare.


I wouldn’t want to expose any of my children to second hand smoke.
Your child has no choice.

Nursing or no nursing.


Youve gone 3 years, why go back… JS


Just stop breastfeeding


Maybe you should ask this question in a breastfeeding support group , I feel like you would get more facts and less judgment :heart:


Please try to release yourself from nicotine. It’s killing you and your family. To answer your question… no


Hey . Don’t quit breastfeeding. They’re saying breast milk can help keep covid away and or lessen the symptoms! Best thing for your 3 year old old right now .


Probably wont hurt em…but if you haven’t smoked in 3 years why go back now? It might not kill you now but dont you wanna live healthy to see your kids graduate college and find good careers and have grandchildren? Without having medical problems that tear your kids away from their own future because they have to worry about yours? You wanna be on a ventilator while your kids taking their sats? Couldnt make it to their wedding cuz your emphysema or your heart disease wont allow you to leave the house anymore? Smoking causes a lot more than cancer, Seriously…my wakeup call was a cab driver, he had his voice box removed and had to push on his throat to talk through that little machine thing…I looked at my then baby and thought what if I couldnt sing to her anymore?..these are all the thoughts I had when I quit and what keeps me from going back 2 years later…my youngest will be 3 in march…I want to see her grow up and i want her to have the least trauma doing so, and me battling my health problems because of cigarettes would be pretty traumatic so i quit. Dont let a weak moment control your life.


I can’t fathom the almost 3 yr old on a breast or a bottle. Then to make matters worse smoking while doing so meaning you’re passing chemicals and crap to that child.

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His needs over yours! Yes very toxic to both

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Ive smoked for 15years.
I have 4 boys.
Healthy and seriously too full of life :rofl:
I have like said above a “ciggi jumper”
I don’t smoke around baby, inside our home or vehicles.
My breast milk never done him any harm. It’s the inhaling of second hand smoke thats the real damage. But the breast milk is ok :ok_hand:
I see a lot of get that kid off the breast.
He is eating and bottles and that’s fine. Breastfeeding is also fine :ok_hand::ok_hand: not only are they getting a more nutrient filled diet they are getting comfort. For some, breastfeeding is like a teddy. A place of comfort and safety.
For anyone to say outright deny that child the breast :-1::-1: boooo.


Obviously she KNOWS cigarettes are not the best choice that’s why she’s asking for advice!!! She never asked for any of you to criticize the facts about smoking.
She knows it’s not ideal. Stop judging others focus on your own wrongdoings. Sometimes a Mama just needs a dang cigarettes :smoking: lol


Im curious ,what qualifies as a “plain” cigarette ? :face_with_monocle:


Honestly, it isn’t safe in terms of the second and third hand effects it can have. You can smoke outside and wash your hands, but it’ll still be in your breath, skin, and even your clothes. Which will all be around your toddler, when he nurses.
That being said, youve already been without for almost 4years (assuming you didnt smoke whilst pregnant). Maybe try chewing gum to keep the urge at bay.


Nicotine remains in breast milk for 3 hours. If you have to smoke do it right after he nurses.

“Plain cigarette”


Omg what’s wrong with you?


Girl smoke you a cigarette. These “moms” on these pages are judgmental asf!! It’s okay!!


How have you been breastfeeding for three years and still been smoking!? If you haven’t, then where are these random cravings coming from? Gross. Don’t smoke, and put your child’s needs first


If you’ve gone 3 years without smoking, you’ve pretty much kicked the habit! Why start it up again?


No don’t smoke will breastfeeding. If you want to smoke. Then stop breastfeeding… Which being 3 he should be drinking from cup instead


I breastfed while smoking i figured it was no where near as bad as the percocets my dr had me on while breastfeeding


I would just cut the kid off now. Sounds like you earned that cigarette!


Why are you breastfeeding a 3 year old


As a person that grew up with 2 smoking parents, I can tell you they caused me many health issues, I had constant ear infections, constant sinus infections, tonsillitis, and strep throat, on top of that I have severe asthma. Smoking around your kids is bad, breast feeding or not.


You breastfeed as long as you want he is YOUR child!!! You smoke that cigarette and not worry. I promise it will not hurt him! These moms :woman_facepalming:t3: I mean these so called “ Perfect “ moms ( smh) act like your smoking meth or something.