My three year old still breastfeeds: Can I smoke ciggarettes?

My baby is almost three years old, he still breastfeeds. I’m trying to make him quit slowly. Is it alright for me to occasionally have a plain cigarette? Will it harm the baby? He eats normal food and stuff takes the bottle too.

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Not if he is still breastfeeding


I would probably stop breastfeeding him hun personally


Bottle? Should be on sippy cups and water or milk.


If smoking is deadly to you, and hazardous to a breastfeeding infant, why would it not be harmful to a 3 year old??? :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


I wouldn’t risk it you’ve been doing right thing for three years thats long enough start weening him off


If you don’t smoke now why on earth would you want to start :woman_facepalming:t2:


Use this opportunity of not smoking for 3+ years to not start up again!


Yes… They recommend waiting 3 to 4 hours after you smoke to feed


What’s a plain cigarette ?? :thinking::face_with_monocle::rofl::sunglasses:


I’d say time to wean him off the breast and a good time to give up cigarettes too!:grin:


Should have been using the sippy cup at the age of 2 then you wouldn’t have to ask this question.


Ask your doctor. You’ll just get judgements here.


You must wean your child ASAP. Once that is taken care of, then you can think of smoking.


Ditch the tit… you want him in school still sucking off the tit… kids should be introduced a cup by this time…however to each there own your the parent


You can always still put and put it in a cup to help wean him off a lil. But as long as you don’t smoke more than a few cigs a day you are fine. The concern with smoking is colic and decrease in milk supply.


3 years old definitely shouldn’t be sucking from a tit anymore :laughing:


Maybe he’s trying to wean you from cigarettes… just putting a different spin on things!


This is an odd question. Have you been smoking or did you just pick up the habit today. Why risk your health and your child’s health.


Time to get him off the breast.
But yeah it’s fine.


If you were able to quit i wouldn’t even try to start back up! My son is 24. I quit for 13 months because i was pregnant. Then i started back up and i completely regret it!

What a wonderfully supportive group of women on this group🤨


Just wait a few hours after smoking :smiling_face: and the babes will be okay ! No judgement here I get it


If you can drink and breast feed you can have a single cigarette and still breast feed. The amount of nicotine that would get to bby is soooo minimal. If that’s your comfort mom for a whatever reason have at it! :dash:


Did my comment get deleted? What’s the point of asking or responding to questions if they’re deleted?

The amount of nicotine in an occasional smoke isn’t very much…however (from a smoker) if you can avoid it…it’s not a habit you want to return too…I know many use it to aid when stressed…I regret ever going back after I quit for three years…I encourage you to find something else (sugar free lollipops maybe…) Or even a figet toy /stress ball and a “time out” from kids for ten minutes.

There is no reason a 3 year old needs to breastfeed still especially if he is eating and drinking.


A three year old belongs in pre-school not breastfeeding.


He’s 3 why in gods green earth are you still breastfeeding, and why is he still on a bottle and not a sippy cup?


Cigarettes affect the taste of breast milk.

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I was only able to breastfeed one of my kids. But after eight months. We were done. I started weaning once the teeth started showing up. Used the same ideologically for the bottle. When she bit the nipple off. She unofficially asked for the cup. I told her :flushed::smirk:

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Yes you can, breastmilk is VERY powerful


Why don’t you set down with the child over a cup of coffee and ask him what he thinks?!


I’m taking this as a joke right? You’re 3 year old s should not be breastfeed or using a bottle.


3 is a little old to be nursing yet… Maybe you should try a sippy cup especially since the need for a cigarette has clearly driven you to ask this question :roll_eyes: smhhh


If he can ask for milk, you shouldn’t breastfeed plus, smoking is bad for you and those all around including your child


This is a joke right ?


Wow … Judgy people in this group … You do you and don’t worry about others … I would just step outside and smoke though … Just my opinion

Way to go mama! Breastfeeding til 3 years old! :clap: If its a concern for you definitely talk to your pediatrician about it. I know most say its fine if you wait a couple hours after smoking before you feed again :blush: also here is a link for some super cool bottles/sippys that a friend of mine used when she moved her baby to sippy. She said it helped a lot!

Looks like not only time to ween him from breastfeeding but from nicotine too


If you were able to quit smoking for the past 4 years for heavens sake DON’T pick them up again! I smoked for 20 years and 3 out of 5 pregnancies so not judging you, just encouraging you not to start again!!


Well first off , congrats for making it so long for breastfeeding. Wish I was able to make it to at least a year ,

Second , feed before having a smoke , you breast milk should be fine after a few hours . That’s what I was told by my doctor. Although since it’s been 3 years I would keep that streak going and not bother with smoking , .

Wow! Why would you want to smoke?

Read up on the effects of passive smoke. I took care of a husband and wife who died from lung cancer… and never smoked once in their lives.

Maybe ask yourself why smoking is important… and can you replace it with a healthy activity. (PS ~ Vaping is also really dangerous to your health for multiple reasons. Don’t vape. And please don’t smoke.)

First things first, NO MATTER THE AGE, when you wean your babe is YOUR CHOICE and all these other assholes commenting their opinions when you should stop, should NOT affect your choices on breastfeeding. Now, when it comes to smoking, nicotine typically doesn’t leave a trace in your breast milk if you smoke at least 90 minutes before a feed or directly after. Usually it’s “best” for moms to do it after a feed that way there’s more time between feeds for the nicotine to leave your milk. I used to smoke before I got pregnant with my son and was worried I would pick it back up after birth, so I talked to my OBGYN about it all got all of my information on smoking while breastfeeding from a licensed lactation consultant. It’s your body, it’s your choice. I’d urge you not to smoke because it’s an unhealthy habit. But if having an occasional smoke is something you’re set on, talk to your PCP and maybe they can give you advice.

My nurse practitioner of like 40 years told me that breastfeeding even if you’re a smoker is better than not breastfeeding at all. Also … take this down … your gonna attract some busybodies

The scientific evidence doesn’t support the “naysayer’s”, Debby downer, poo pooing opinions here against nursing a toddler who is 3 years old. A toddler this age is receiving nearly all nutritional requirements through solid foods. Breastfeeding past age 2 is primarily for comfort and reassurance. And what on earth is wrong with that?

I can’t believe how judgemental people…other women …are being! The post didn’t ask if she should stop breastfeeding. The post asked about smoking. It would be awesome if people would limit their responses to SMOKING… not breastfeeding!! Breastfeeding, even at 3 years old, is a personal decision within her family and should be supported.


What’s a plain cigarette? Is that different to other cigs? The stuff that’s in cigs passes through to the milk, which you would have been told by your health visitor, so why ask now the child is nearly 3? Child shouldn’t be still using a bottle at this age, a silly cup is better to avoid damaging teeth growth. I’d recommend speaking to your gp/health visitor for advice

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Some advice from a respected source:


No, you should not smoke any cigarettes while breastfeeding.

In my opinion you shouldn’t ask random people on the internet advice about anything, you’re bound to get a bunch of negative comments and no answers to your question. Ask your doctor.

Nursing till whatever age the mother wants is their choice! Bottle feeding is a mother’s choice! Does your toddler nurse for only comfort? Do they drink out of anything besides a bottle ? Yes smoking is bad but that is a persons choice to do or not to do. I would think pumping before and saving to use in a bottle later if you want. :woman_shrugging:


Where do you find these participants?


Don’t smoke 2 hours before bfing or pumping. Or take a break from smoking and pump some stock pile for when you can’t wait 2 hours.

Not sure of nicotine will get passed through breast milk or not but if it does you shouldn’t go near a cigaret when yourbreast feeding. . It’s a highly addictive toxic substance

No smoking and why is he still on the breast? 3 is to old to still be breast feeding. He’s preschool age. Would you run to school to feed him? If he’s got teeth he should only be eating food and shouldn’t need a bottle either.


Wow judgy people. Very sad :sob: We don’t know their story.


I’m so bored with the perfect script of parenting advice on here!
To the person posting the question-you are amazing and doing great! We all do things as best we can, balancing life can always make us feel shame, especially when we have kids. Please don’t take on board the negative critics who have all failed their children along the way- it’s impossible not to! Not advice that you came here for, just love for another mother xx


He shouldn’t have a bottle at 3 wtf . I hope this is a troll because it’s all kinda of :crazy_face:

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It’s the “will it harm the baby” part for me​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Well done for keeping feeding… It will do them so much good.

I don’t k ow much about the smoking situation however I believe some advice includes changing clothes/washing before being with little one and waiting a while to feed. Obviously any smoke around them or feim secondary sources is not recommended but it’s good you’re trying to be as careful and educated as possible. Ignore inkind comments xxx


I wouldn’t smoke anywhere near a child and / or while breastfeeding. Presumably you’ve managed to not smoke for 3 years so seems like a perfect time to give up for good?

Baby bottles are not recommended after age 1 (I think?)


Some of you are very clearly uneducated and rude​:sleeping::yawning_face:

WHO recommended to feed to 2 years and beyond.
Breast are made to feed children.
It’s absolutely none of your business what age she feeds HER child to.
We are in the middle of a pandemic, she’s giving her child the best she can & anti body’s.
Breast feeding & smoking is STILL safer then formula fed and smoking.
Yes you can feed and smoke though not ideal, make sure you wear a smoking jacket, smoke outside away from the child, wash your hands and teeth when you come in, possibly change clothes, some evidence suggests waiting 30-90 minuets after having a fag to feed your child to let toxins pass out your body… you breath toxins out for about half hour afterwards too.


‘What 3 is way to old to be breastfeeding???’

-said all the uneducated stupid humans.


Some of these comments are actually disgusting. Shows how ignorant and uneducated people are about breastfeeding. 3 is not to old, health professionals recommend breastfeeding until ATLEAST 2 years old. Going past that point only has more benefits to baby. Also weaning a baby off breast milk can be extremely hard, it isn’t a case of just stopping you have to reduce the feeds slowly and go off what baby wants not what you want, actually can’t believe people are trying to Mum shame her for making it past 3 years of breastfeeding, that’s amazing!


Well done for making it to 3 breastfeeding:) if you’ve lasted this long without smoking personally I’d do my best to make another 3 years no cigarettes. However if you do smoke do it after a feed, change clothes or wear a long coat wash hands after.

Well done mumma for giving your baby natural human milk!! Ignore the out of touch outdated people saying time to give up breast. You and baby wean from bresst when you are ready as is natural. There are still many benefits to you and baby if people bothered to do research instead of being ignorant. Not much help on ciggy front sorry, good luck though mumma and keep boobing! #normalisebreastfeeding


I love how all the negative bitches aren’t replying back when people have corrected them.

I see a whole lot of KARENS on this thread.


You do what you feel you need to do hun. These comments are awful :frowning: smoking and breast feeding isn’t idea at all but I am a smoker and I’m still breastfeeding my 2 year old. I smoke outside and have what I call a smoking jacket which I wear that comes off when I come back inside. At 2 years old she’s only feeding for naps and comfort so not much at all. If you have gone so long without a cigarette could you keep going? It’s so healthy not to smoke and seems like you have been doing well. What’s made you feel like you need to start up again.
If you want to you can just ask yourself if it’s worth it after all this time without one. X

Colette Goode some of these comments!!!:flushed::flushed:

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Omg 3 is far too old for him to be breastfed, you should stop and give him a cup of expressed milk from an animal instead :roll_eyes:

See how dumb some of you be looking…


I mean hate to be the odd one out but I smoke and still breast feed my 2.5 year old. The comments on here are shocking and have come from mothers who probably didn’t even attempt to breast feed. FYI smoking filthy habit just don’t do it around your kid in the house and wash your hands etc. For those of you struggling to understand extended breast feeding… for the most part it’s a choice but in others we have small dictators that absolutely are not ready to give up their mum dummies. Which at an extended age they use for comfort more than food/drink. It takes patience to still be breast feeding especially with muggy comments like you lots :joy::joy:

I’d say most of these saying it’s wrong to breastfeed and 3 year old are still drinking breastmilk from a whole other species!!

How is it normal for a old Karen to drink milk from a cows tit but wrong for a mother to naturally nourish their child through their own milk?!?

To the OP. I’ve started smoking while breastfeeding. No it’s not ideal. Not smoking would be better. But the benefits outweigh the risks. Just make sure you’re not smoking around the little one and change your clothes/layers after having a cigarette XXX


Whilst smoking is not ideal for health of you and those around you due to the chemicals in cigarettes and toxins it is ultimately your choice. 3 years not smoking is a huge achievement as it’s very addictive so well done you but it seems a huge shame to re start considering how well you are doing. maybe continue on this new smoke free path and find some other coping mechanisms if you are particularly struggling at the moment. i won’t bombard you with more links as i have nothing different to share. What i will say though is my god be kind people we do not know what this poster is dealing with in her personal life that has caused her to consider smoking again. And also breastfeeding a 3 year old is also totally NORMAL xxx

Beastfeeding is the most natural thing a mother can do.
Kudos to you OP for doing it for 3 years! What an achievement💙


Well done mama for getting to 3 years! Breastfeeding and smoking is safer than formula feeding and smoking :slight_smile:


Hey momma! Well done for feeding for 3 years! Great job.
Smoking while feeding is a tricky 1 for a number of reasons. Firstly the nicotine passes through the milk. Secondly you’ve got second and third hand smoke. Smoke on your clothes, hair, skin, breath. Changing your clothes and showering won’t get rid of this. Only time smoke free will.

If you are desperate for that nicotine fix, consider vaping or nicotine replacement products as these are the lesser of 2 evils!

Good luck and once again great job momma!!

Well done mummy for still breastfeeding… I managed to last 18 months… I gave up smoking when I was pregnant 4 years ago… please don’t start back up you been amazing to go this long… also if your in about the different kind of smoking then there is other alternatives cakes etc :slightly_smiling_face:… second hand smoke is bad for our children’s lungs lovely xx


Sounds like people really don’t understand how breastfeeding works.
No wonder U.K. and the US has some of the worst rates of breastfeeding in the world.
You will horrified to know that in Mongolia it is encouraged til nearly 8 years?
Opinion ls invalid, she asked for help :roll_eyes:


I fed both my children till nearly 3 years old. *probably not the best advice but I smoked with both. (Just wanted you to know you’re not on youre own :revolving_hearts:)

The people saying a child who goes to preschool can’t breastfeed are ridiculous! My child is at nursery 3 full days a week but still feeds a lot when she’s with me.

If a mother wants to breast feed her child at 3 years old! She is entitled to. It’s HER child! All you small minded people have clearly only had formula as a baby! A breast feeding journey can last for as long as you choose it to! Not to mention it’s also a comfort for the little one! If you don’t like it! Don’t comment!


WELL DONE :clap:t3: FOR BREASTFEEDING FOR SO LONG & GIVING YOUR CHILD THE ABSOLUTE BEST , this is amazing!! (P.s I wouldn’t even bother start smoking , save your money mama!!)

Well done for getting to 3 years mumma. I wouldn’t smoke personally 3 years is a long time to want to start again. Is there any reason why you wanted to start again?


Don’t ruin your breastfeeding journey by starting smoking again if you have gone without for so long :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow. Well done for feeding for 3 years. You’re a super star :star_struck: for all the uneducated ppl on here, WHO suggests to breastfeed for 2 years and many countries encourage mothers to breastfeed for as long as nature allows. Nature allows a child to feed from their mother until they are 6-7 years old when they loose their milk teeth!!
In terms of smoking, i get its super stressful times at the min and cigarettes are a way to cope for many people however, it can pass through your milk and 2nd and 3rd hand smoke isnt good for childrens lungs. I echo other advice given here to consider e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement. Good luck and well done super mamma :muscle::star_struck::kissing_heart::heart:


Yes you can smoke a cig and BFed your three year old.

Shame on all these people who are shaming you for still nursing.

Natural weaning age is like 5 hence baby teeth. Look it up on the WHO and leave this woman alone


Basically you have to take a shower and freshen everything up.
One cigarette still smells awful and baby takes all that in.


I wouldn’t recommend smoking period.


He should be off the bottle . Its bad for his teeth


That I’m not entirely sure about, And I really wouldnt smoke around a child. Second hand smoke causes health problems too! Quit!!!


No, wait till babe is done nursing.

congratulations on making it almost 3 years! You’re awesome!


The bottle should have been gone like 2 years ago…


I learned from the NICU that there is harm from thirdhand cigarette smoke they call it, and as long as you are still holding, and breastfeeding it also does harm not to mention the nicotine hes consuming.


Nicotine is a stimulant, im not sure how much is excreted in BM… but even the smallest amount could potentially cause sleep/behavioral issues.


Yes, you can smoke. Obviously not around your baby. I would be sure to wash your hands/face after smoking and rinse your mouth out. Also put a long sleeve robe or jacket on that you can take off when you’re done.

You’ve obviously not been smoking for at least 3 years so why start now? Don’t start that bad habit.


If you haven’t smoked up until now why start? I’m a smoker and I don’t recommend it as a habit it’s disgusting expensive and bad for you.


Why would you start smoking after not smoking for three years??


Why would you WANT to start AGAIN!!!


I smoked with both my boys and breastfed them both. My youngest takes formula now. But they’re both perfectly fine. Have a cigarette or talk to a doctor cause obviously everyone here is gonna tell you to quit. And I know it’s not as easy as everyone seems to think it is. And as for a bottle my son is almost 2.5 and just got off the bottle. His teeth ARE FINE. No one come at me negatively I will not tolerate it and will not answer. That being said goodluck mama!