My toddler chipped their tooth...advice?

My two year old chipped both of her front teeth today…& I am not okay. Her beautiful smile will always be beautiful but it won’t be the same. I’m also not sure what upsets me more…that it happened in general or that it was on my parents watch & neither of them even noticed. Then when I saw it, they casually mentioned that it must’ve happened when she collided with one of the dogs & fell earlier


She’ll lose that front tooth soon enough… it’s only a baby tooth lol. Happening on your parents time, an accident like that could easily happen on yours too. Not a big deal really :woman_shrugging:


Go to the dentist and they’ll fix it. It’s not a permanent tooth so there’s probably 0 nerve damage. Apparently she didn’t even bleed if they didn’t notice and she isn’t is pain if she didn’t say anything. They’ll either recommend pulling, which I wouldn’t, or fixing it. I’d choose fixing it so her teeth don’t shift funny as all her molars come.
Ages 2, 6 and 12 is when they show up.

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Take her to the dentist for x rays to make sure the roots aren’t affected. The dentist can also smooth out the sharp edges if the child will allow it. It’ll be okay!


Are they her big girl teeth? If so, no biggie ask a dentist but I would t worry about it yet. If baby teeth, who cares! They fall out anyway

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No worries…The dentist can fix it back to normal

First and foremost you need to take her to the dentist. There are nerves in our teeth and you do NOT want them exposed trust me cause it’s painful. I guarantee your parents noticed because no child who’s 2 years old is going to fall and chip a tooth without crying so they’re definitely lying to you and only way for them not to notice like they claim is if they were doing something else and not watching her.

My 4 year old broke a tooth on pizza crust, it happens. He calls it his triangle tooth. :person_shrugging: Take her to the dentist for X-rays to make sure all is okay, but it happens more than you think.


This happened to my then 18 month old. The dentists couldn’t do anything then because she was in no mood to let them try. They gave me a strip of the smoothing material they used and I just rubbed the area myself while they watched. I managed to file down the rough edge and contour it enough to make it look more normal. They gave more of the smoothing material to take home just in case we still needed it. She was still breastfeeding a couple of times a day; so it was definitely needed more for me than for her.


Ugh I’m sorry mama, my 2 yr old busted her 2 front teeth too and my oldest broke a tooth around this age. I swear I care more than they did :sob::sweat_smile: go to the dentist, but also remember they’re baby teeth and will fall out eventually. The dentist kept trying to tell me how often it really happens as I tried not to sob lol

It’s fairly common for kids to chip a tooth. But it does need to be seen by a dentist asap. Depending on how deep it broke, it could affect the nerves and roots. It can become painful quickly if it’s a deep break

There her baby teeth so when they come out she will have her adult take her to the dentist they can probably put caps on thill they fall out