My toddler doesn't like meat...advice?

My almost two year old has never liked meat of any kind. Dinner time is really stressful. I make sure she gets her daily protein through dairy, eggs, nuts & seeds & banza pasta etc but I’m wondering if it will pass?


My almost 3 yr old has lived on chicken nuggets for the last 9 months and is only now starting to try other meat or food that isnt cheese and yogurt.

What i found helped was letting him take food off my plate if he wanted to, tryinf to make meat fun so using cocktail sausages or getting him to help me make sausage rolls. Also he loves tomato sauce so covering meat in that helps to atleast have him have a taste

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Your toddler is already telling you he/ she is a vegetarian.


My oldest wouldn’t eat meat until she was 7. My 4 year old is coming around to it, slowly.

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My 4 year old really only likes chicken, won’t touch pork and only eats beef if it’s in something like spaghetti. :person_shrugging: My oldest was the same way and grew out of it, for some it’s just a phase, others it could be a texture thing or the taste in general. Offer often but don’t force the issue. I’m the same way as my 4 year old for the most part, for me it’s a texture thing. Keep doing what you’re doing, but offer little bites here and there and see if things change.

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It’ll pass. My daughter didn’t eat meat for the first 3 years of her life lol she hated it. Shes 4 and she’s just now eating chicken

They don’t need meat really as long as they are getting protein through other sources and a nice varied diet :slightly_smiling_face:

When my daughter was young she only liked chicken nuggets in terms of meat. Beef, pork, turkey. Wouldn’t even try it. When she was around 6ish she tried steak and loved it! She’s 11 now and in the past couple of years she’s tried hamburger and turkey and liked both of those. It is probably just a phase and will pass as she gets older. Remember mama fed is best.

It passed with my son just kept offering…to an extent he’s still picky about meats but eats and loves certain ones but I’m also picky about the meats I’ll eat i don’t like fatty or tough…

It will but put it on there plate what ever you are eating along with the things you know they will eat

My daughter was the same way. She’s eventually grew out of it. She’s 13 today and lovessss meat.

It does mine was like that until she hit 4. Just keep offering her different meats. At that age she would only eat salami so she got salami almost every night with other things

Yes. My son didn’t eat meat thill he was 12. Now it’s just about all he’ll eat

Mix it with something else and don’t tell him what it is.

Mine didn’t wanna touch his food till he was 3-4 he’s 7 now and eats steak hamburger chicken fish I think it will pass

It will probably pass. One of my grandsons hated meat. We made him eat one piece of meat pizza before he got cheese pizza. When he was maybe 8 he started eating it on his own. He’s almost 23 and very healthy.

Also make sure you are giving whole milk in the sippy cup. Extra protein and calories.

My middle kid is same, at her 10 year old check up doctor said she is very low in iron and made her understand what kind food is high in iron. Now she eats meat, but if there’s chicken and beef she will prefer chicken. She is very picky with meat

U.S. meat is so adulterated your kid is better off, and so is the environment. Quinoa and tofu are other good sources of protein. I love the Moosewood cookbooks, Amazing Grains, and Lean, Luscious and Meatless for great vegetarian recipes the family will enjoy. Keep introducing foods as tastes can change all the time.