Need some advice, youngest boy is 3. He’s been in daycare for a while now. Since he was 1yrs old so it’s not a new thing for him. At home, he will listen and mind me. Very stern with him and check his behavior if he gets too out of hand. But when he is in day care it’s a whole other story. He won’t listen to his teachers. Will throw and hit. Thinking of doing private sitting instead.
He’s just testing his boundaries. It’s a normal things for all toddlers to do, they’re getting their own opinions and ways they want to do things.
Because they can’t “check his behavior if he gets too out of hand”
If they don’t discipline due to certain parents not approving maybe suggest to them a 3 minute time out in a chair secluded from other kids. He’s gotta know what’s okay to do and not okay. It’s a big big world for a toddler but they still need to know right from wrong. They aren’t consistent with what you do at home because well it’s day care. They aren’t going to do everything you do.
He will get frustrated because he has to share and take turns etc . But , these things are learning life lessons . My grandaughter does some of this at daycare but then I keep her two days a week and she doesn’t because at my house she pretty much gets what she wants ( doesn’t have to share etc . ) . She is learning how to be with other friends at daycare and it is good for her ! Your child seems normal to me ! For your Benefit, my grandaughter is 2 1/2
I mean toddlers are hard work…they’re learning how to navigate their feelings (the good and the bad). You need to lead by example. What do you mean “check his behavior”? He may be mimicking your behavior at school? I don’t know though as I don’t have enough information.