Hi guys could you post please anonymous? My son is 2 and a half has no words yet I’m waiting for an appointment for development check and assessment but I could be waiting a long time; anyways he gets so angry when I even slightly raise my voice to point out when he’s doing wrong he’ll sit banging his head off floors or walls he gets bad outbursts of shaking with temper and clenches his fist I’m just wondering if anyone has been through this with there child this happens every day and sometimes he does it just sitting down by himself it’s such a struggle he’s so fussy with food, and sometimes it’s a struggle to get him to eat I’m at a loss how I can help or if I’m doing the right things for him has anyone else has this with there kids how do you help them.
This happened with my son and it was because he could not communicate. I know its hard, but be stern but try not raising your voice. Turns out my son is OCD and has problems with loud noises. Good luck. We started teaching him sign language and it helped him learn to speak as well.
We also made a safe room for when he throws a fit. It was a space for him to go to calm down. I know hes only 2 but as he gets older the safe space really helped.
My son didnt speak until he was 3 due to hearing and sensory issues. He would, and still does, get SO mad because he has trouble communicating. I taught him sign language, used a picture board and said “show me” alot!! He would take my hand and take me to what he wanted . It’s still a guessing game sometimes with what he wants. If he got totally out of control I put him in his bed until he could show me what he wanted. Hea 4.5 now and still sometimes goes totally berserk trying to communicate and it’s still the same rule. Its what works for us. He needs that space to just calm down. And now he will tell me “momma I’m done”. Keep in mind a communication isn’t a comprehension problem. He can understand show me, take me there, point to the picture, sign it, help me find it, etc etc