My toddler hates brushing her!

I need suggestions. My almost 3 year old daughter does not like to brush her teeth what can I do to help motivate her I’ve tried different character toothbrushes ones she’s pick out and she just won’t let me brush them.

Let her do it herself. Give her the tooth brush and tell her to copy what you do and do your best to give details and clear examples. It’s not going to be perfect right away but something is better than nothing at this point it sounds like. She will catch on. Do it with her every time

I bought my kids the color changing toothpaste along with the rechargeable Oral-B Disney character toothbrush’s they came with 4 or 5 different character changeable stickers so they can change them whenever. It’s seems to be helping so far. With my youngest 2 or 3 times a week I will help her brush her teeth to make sure she is getting a good cleaning by herself. When I help if she tells me no I tell her I have to check for loose teeth with the toothbrush to see if it’s close to time for the tooth fairy to make a visit.

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I’m always morbid but truthful.
I told my toddler if he didn’t brush his teeth they’ll turn brown and fall out. :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


You could purchase some of these special teeth cleaning lollipops, they are actually yummy. Also let her watch you brush your own teeth and tell her how nice your mouth feels. I used to let my baby brush my teeth, but of course I redid it again later. If she believes she’s helping you, she should eventually brush her own teeth.

Tell him about the bacteria that poops in his mouth and that’s why his breath smells if he doesn’t brush them out… I mean it’s true :woman_shrugging:

… Show him pictures of meth heads off Google and tell him that’s what happens if he don’t brush his teeth :woman_shrugging: