My toddler is a picky eater: Advice?

So, my son just turned 2. He is an extremely picky eater. His meals are exactly waffles, grilled cheese, fried eggplants, and pizza. nothing else. What he does around new foods is… he has to smell it, and lick it to see if it’s the texture of his choosing. drink wise- only milk and water. hates all juices. Even my mil is upset he won’t eat pasta! (imagine that growing up in an italian family) But here’s the thing. He stayed over my relatives One night only. (which is what i’m thinking he got this habit from). He’s obsessed with chocolate and cookies. It’s like as if they gave up on trying to feed him and just stuffed all that down his throat. I can’t even eat chocolate or any chips around him… otherwise he goes on a rampage screaming for it. I’m hoping this is some “stage” most mothers tell me… “oh they’ll grow out of it…” or if i’m stuck giving carbs for my kid. Any advice?


Sounds like a sensory processing disorder. Have you had him evaulated for anything like that?? Is he hitting milestones? Ect


Hating juice is a good thing as its just pure sugar but I’d probably get him checked for sensory processing disorder, it could just be a phase though too.


I’d check with the pediatrician for any digestive, sensory, allergy, autism spectrum disorders or other issues. If there are no medical issues, keep introducing new foods (they can hate something this week & love it next and vice versa). One child I knew who was super picky wouldn’t eat grapes but begged for pickled okra :woman_shrugging:. Try to get him to eat as many fruits, vegetables & lean proteins as he will tolerate. And no worries, all parents have secret stashes of treats they save for once in a while when their kids are sleeping​:wink::chocolate_bar:.


when he gets hungry he will eat what you put in front of him. stop catering to him. let him miss a couple of meals an he will eat.


I agree with the other comments try that first and if there is nothing wrong just take it all away and put it up in room and wait for him to sleep lol

Check with your doctor see is he can get an feeding evaluation. There are other things besides Autism that cause texture issues with food. May need feeding therapy. No big deal just get the evaluation don’t worry about other things now just fix what you see first if they want other test cross that bridge when you come to it. One step at a time ok Mom.

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Hating juice is literally no big deal. Not good for anyone anyway. As long as he is doing well and is growing healthy theres no issue with what he is and is not eating. Maybe get some kids gummies vitamins to make sure he has what he needs. Have u tried smoothies? Maybe a strawberry and banana one? Is something and its yummy. U can put a little plain greek yogurt in it and maybe a little protine powder thats safe for kids, or some vitamin D drops (its flavorless so you cant tell its there). People will be quick to say to get him tested for some kind of disorder. He eats…he is picky and thats ok. At least he likes eggplant. Thats awesome. Lol.

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