My toddler is constantly crying at my feet: Advice?

Does anyone elses 1 year old wine and cry at your feet all day long !? Is this normal? Im loosing my patience :frowning:

Mine does this constantly! I’m also hoping it’s a phase :crossed_fingers:t3::sweat_smile:

It is normal. At that age babies are learning that they are their own person and it’s scary for them. It’s just “a phase” find little ways for them to entertain themselves. It is time to teach independence! :two_hearts:

My almost 4 year old still does it :roll_eyes:

Put them in a safe space and take a breather. Also is it possible you’re pregnant? My son got whiny and clingy when I got pregnant with my daughter.

It’s normal. I highly recommend baby Wearing. I did that the 1st 2 years with my middle son. Why honestly just stop what I’m doing and just go hang out with baby because everything else can wait.