My toddler is constantly hungry

I need some advice…so my 3 year old is always saying she is hungry and this will be after she just ate like last night I gave them the deep dish personal pizza she ate the entire thing and not even 5 mins later said she was hungry is this normal or could it be something else. If you have any recipes to offer that your children like it be great she’s so picky.


Kid is growing. Add some veggies and fruits to their diet. Will give them the vitamins they need to grow.

Sounds like a growth spurt! When my son was that age he was always hungry, even after just eating a meal. I got to where I’d have little, healthy snacks on hand

Add yogurt fruit veg. It is normal. Gets worse when teens lol. Eat all in sight.

More protien ,Pizza is mainly carbs which burns off within 30 minutes a toddlers metabolism is extremely fast so it’ll be a quicker burn time, eggs,meats/seafood ,chicken and rice is good, lentils and beans,Broccoli, peanut butter on apple slices. Worming incase that’s the problem and it’s taking the nutrients from food off her , kids listen to their bodies if it’s missing nutrients it’ll keep asking for food.
You could pack mini containers (a cup worth at a time) with a mix of protien packed foods and freeze like ready meals grab one out when she asks heat and eat.


Growth spurt. My now 6 yr old still does this. Will eat her body weight if feels like and other days like normal. I try and sneak in more protein (meats, cheeses, PB) and nutrient dense filling foods and lord knows filler foods(tortillas, breads etc). I make chocolate zucchini protein muffins and protein banana breads that she likes. I essentially go out of my way to make the filling nutrient food for her so help curb it. Not usually hard until she starts requesting berries :melting_face:

Always hungry? Better then never hungry. At that age my son could eat an entire Roma or jacks thin crust pizza by himself. He has always ate like a football player. Still does and he is 11 but he is constantly moving and very very active

She need a whole dinner potatoes fish spaghetti like fulfilling food cornbread stew


Probably a growth spurt. Balance meals with a protein, starch and veg. Foods with higher fiber will make her feel fuller longer. Carbs break down quickly into sugar and don’t keep you full for long.

Kids are growing they need to eat it’s no big deal mine’s 8 years old and he’s going through a crazy phase right now

Protein for sure, and add fruit and veggies as a topper. Usually after meals offer some veggies or fruits, perhaps some yogurt.

She could be going through a growth spurt. They can be bottomless pits during a growth spurt.

Pizza is not a meal, more of a snack. Offer vegetables and fruit, with a good source of protein. For example: baked chicken, a side of rice, fresh green beans and a bread roll.

Vitamin deficiencies. Start making her eat a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables before getting the carbs. Add eggs to her diet too

Sounds like she’s growing

What does the pediatrician say?

More protein and offer fruit and veggies when she says she is hungry agin.

Eggs, more protein, low-fat cheese, yogurt , apples, oranges, grapes, carrots.

She may not be able to differentiate the feelings in her stomach yet. She may think any time she feels something in her stomach it means hunger, instead of recognizing the feeling of full or need to “go”

Add more to her plant. A salad & fruit. Give milk with dinner and a glass of water after dinner.