My toddler is constantly taking her diaper off...advice?

I need help, my two year old is constantly ripping her diapers off causing a complete MESS every time. Yes….We’re working on potty training but in the mean time what do we do? It’s becoming to much & overwhelming she’s getting herself undressed and taking her diaper off, we’ve tripped button onesies but she’s pulling the diaper off threw the sides… draw string pants… zipper up PJ’s… it’s just becoming overwhelming, we’re cleaning up pee & poop multiple times a day. Never mind having to bath her when she desides to cover herself in poop. HELP!!!


Pull ups or regular underwear. :blue_heart:

Try pull ups for a two year old, or either the pampers swaddlers that are made for movers! That’s what we had to go to for our 15 month old.

Try regular panties,if you don’t want to go this route try putting the zip up pj’s on backwards so they can’t unzip it

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Put the diapers on backwards so it’s harder to pull off. Put her in regular underwear with menstrual pads. Make her clean up her messes & wash her underwear.


We put one piece pj’s on backwards so they can’t be unzipped, also, duct tape on the diapers.


Does this mean the kiddo is getting ready to potty train? My kid has started taking off hers but she doesn’t pee in the potty chair when I put her on it. Just waits until she goes in her diaper and randomly takes it off

Try putting the nappy on backwards and tying it up at her back so she won’t be able to open the tapes, her onesies put them on with the zipper at the back.

I also agree, pull ups or underwear. Take her to the bathroom every hour or less


She’s ready. From now on real panties. Maybe at night a pull up. If you take her to the potty chair frequently she’ll learn quickly.

Bib coverall with the kind of clasp she should not be able to undo.

She doesn’t want the diaper so it needs to go. Put her in undies and take her to bathroom every 30 mins.

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She’s probably ready for poopin on the potty. Like a big girl! LOL

Dungarees worked for my daughter. The ones with metal attachments to hold the straps, not buttons.

If she’s potty training just stop using the diapers. Let her be nakey

sounds like a sign of potty training readiness. dedicate a certain time of day for hrs where your able to watch her and stay on too of watching her food and drink intake time it out and guide her to the potty. say it’s time for a potty break and don’t ask her.
explain it’s part of being a big girl and now she’s growing to be one let’s do potty breaks. it can be helpful to do mirror method- you go at the same time ahow and explain whatever your doing at that moment you can pause and come back to. she can also bring w her a toy or book.

she probably doesn’t like the feeling of having waste on her, I’d totally utilize that for potty training

We used backwards zip up pajamas. My little one was doing this right before she turned 2. She just stopped doing it. She still will play in her poop from time to time if we don’t notice it. We were also very stern with her every time she took her diaper off. We expressed that it was not ok and caused big mess.

One piece sleeper on backwards, pin at top of zipper.