My toddler is crying for no reason: Help!

My son is almost 2yrs old and recently hes hit the screaming crying phase for no reason he wants to be held but you cant touch him he wants attention but don’t look at him type stuff I’m at my wits end!! People are saying to let him cry it out some are saying to pop his mouth (i don’t) I try to coddle him they tell me he’ll be spoiled and not too I’m being told so many different things that I don’t know what to do…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My toddler is crying for no reason: Help!

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I definitely wouldn’t hit him in his mouth ? What is that going to solve?! That’s definitely not meeting his needs! Jesus


Are you able to move him to a dark and quiet room when he reaches that point? If so, I would stay with him while he calms down, then calmly try to talk through it with him. He doesn’t have the words to express how he’s feeling yet, so he needs your help identifying and naming them. Talk through what was happening when he started feeling that way.


He’s possibly over stimulated and doesn’t know how to control his emotions or relay it to you. Get down to his level and simply say when you get done I will be here to talk to you and see if I can help. Ignore the behavior and do not show anger or being upset with him unless he is being harmful to himself or others. It will eventually pass.

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You can never spoil a child with love or hugs talk to your GP for help with him


He’s 2. This is why it’s called the terrible 2s. Move him to a safe place and let him scream and cry and tell him when he’s calm down he can come out. He’s definitely doesn’t know how to regulate his emotions yet since he’s almost 2. Don’t yell don’t hit etc just talk calmly to him.

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Also, he may be going through a growth spurt and having growing pains and isn’t able to tell you exactly what hurts.


Try to stay calm. Don’t yell or get stressed, get on his level n talk to him kindly. Try to give him choices. I tell my 2 yr old he can come talk and sit w mommy or he can stay and cry. Usually 1 or 2 mins later he gets up n sits w me and I talk calmly to him and hold him. Even though he doesn’t get his way he still calms down. But I know All kids are very different. My daughter had to be left alone to cry it out bc nothing I did would help. 2 and 3 is hard, I promise it gets better though. Just love him and calmly talk to him. Best of luck mama


I just tell my son when he’s ready mama is here for a hug. And I sit on the floor till he is ready for a hug.


Ignore him when he starts. Just go on about your business as if he isn’t even there until he stops. That is a form of negative reinforcement that tends to really speak to toddlers, mine anyway. They REALLY want attention sometimes, even negative attention I believe. So I won’t even give them that. It is a phase and it will pass. Try not to sweat it mama.


I will never understand why people think popping a toddler in the mouth is a good solution for crying… You want them to STOP crying. I’m not sure what kind of advice to give though, unfortunately it’s a phase that many toddlers go through.


My son’s 2 and I feel you. I sit with him and wait it out if distractions etc don’t work. Encouraging words. My son won’t cuddle during a tantrum he gets worse. It’s frustrating but it will pass.


Definitely don’t smack a child for crying when they can’t articulate their thoughts/feelings and put it into words. Try taking him somewhere quiet so he can calm down and then try to figure out what he needs


He could be cutting his 2-year molars possibly? My grandson is almost two and has been screaming and crying and whiny for a couple of months now off and on some days for absolutely no reason and then it dawned on me that he was almost two and that he might be cutting his molars so I gave him some Tylenol and I got some baby orajel and some freezies for him to chew on to help with the teething it helps a lot some days but it didn’t solve all the problems with the whining and crying for no reason but it helped a lot. I don’t do time outs in my house I have what I call a calming corner it’s got his favorite blanket pillow stuffed animal a couple of books a star shower light and that is where we go and sit when we are unhappy and can’t stop crying and fussing I usually sit with him but not always kind of depends on him. But if you haven’t thought about the possibility of him cutting his two-year molars I would consider that and maybe try to do something to help with teething my grandson’s not quite 2 yet but he’s already cutting his molars


Sit down not to close but, not far away and tell him when he is ready he can come in for a hug.

He can’t communicate he needs and is dealing with big emotions. Screaming and crying helps kids get out their frustration, sadness, overstimulation and helps the body calm down (similar to when a teenager yells out ‘I hate you’ or screams into your pillow, it has the same calming effect).

His brain is also going into flight or fight. If you yell at him it would take him longer to ‘calm’ because his brain is telling him that he isn’t safe. If you remind him that he is safe and you are there the quicker the flight/fight response will go away as his brain reads that he is safe and there is no danger.


Don’t hit a child especially ones who’s struggling with something. You can ignore but within reason and you aren’t going to spoil him? Having him know that his mother will be there for him when he’s NOT ok isn’t going to spoil him. It’s a good thing. I don’t remember my kids doing that but everyone is different. So deep breaths and do your best and if he’s not eating or sleeping get him to the doctor. Good luck!

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Every child is different and needs different things. At 2 a child can’t properly tell you what bothers them, they just know something is bothering them. Sometimes I take my son into a dark room with only the fan blowing if he’s really upset because he might need the quiet time to decompress. I’ve held him and rocked him. Try rubbing his back and shoulders if he will let you to help him re-center himself. Talk in gentle tones and tell him you know he’s mad and sad and you are here for him. I hope things get better for you.

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It actually can all be normal at this age. He’s only been on this earth 2 yrs and doesn’t know how to verbalize what he wants/needs. Could be pain, could be frustration, could be overtired, or it could be just a phase. If you’ve ruled out normal things like pain, hunger, thirst, etc. Sometimes they don’t even know what they want. It’s hard but it will pass. 3 months ago my son wanted me to carry him everywhere, how he says, I walk and refuses to even want to hold my hand lol this age their emotions are all over the place anyways. Just take time out for yourself. It won’t last forever.

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Some children are very sensitive to sounds, touch, foods. My son was diagnosed as ADHD. Later In life he said I am Aspergers! He is very intelligent…takes care of himself… works…but does not need many friends…just books…I would say…just love him…be calm…hold him a lot if that is what he needs…

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So many reasons. It is ok to take a time out yourself. It won’t last long, yet seems forever.


Is he getting teeth in maybe? Terrible 2s are crazy…maybe give him something cold see if that helps or maybe start doing time out till he calms down…good luck momma

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Ohh I know this phase all too well. My daughter does it! It’s so frustrating! What we do is give her her space. We let her know we are here when she’s ready but we don’t cater to her (if that makes sense?) every now and then we will check to see if she wants what she didn’t 5 seconds ago but if still freaks we leave her. Usually after 10 mins she’ll calm and want what she didn’t lol. We don’t coddle but we most certainly don’t ignore her til she’s done. I personally feel guilty and can’t just let them cry it out especially when they look so sad and heart broken

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If he’s crying, there’s a reason. Figure out what it is, and help him through it.

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We bought a weighted blanket and when my daughter did this we would get that blanket and sit with her holding her and talking through it. It has helped her tremendously. Hang in there momma you are doing great

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There is always a reason. Talk to his doctor about sensory issues.

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I’d try to do a ‘zen’ atmosphere for a while. He’s growing or going through a phase. play chill music or lofi, lower the lights, add sensory things around, change the atmosphere until you find something that helps both you and him.

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Don’t reward behavior that you don’t want to see continue. Let your child know that when they are done screaming, you are ready to talk then go on about your business. That always at least calmed all 4 of my kids down.

Try putting him in a bath with a few toys! Sometimes they are just tired and the water awakens them.

My grandson didn’t want to be touched when he was having a growth spurt. My daughter would put teething toys in the freezer and when she gave him one she asked if he had an ouchie, told him to put it where it hurts. It helped him calm down

Just let him have his fit and walk away, tell him when he’s done he can join you

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Just hold your baby and tell him it will be alright. That’s all he needs. Reassurance.

i raised 3 sons 3 daughters yes 6 in 9 yrs I learned that. a lot of there behavior is wanting attention walk away No attention they soon find out it doesn’t pay to act that way go to a separate room.

When my son did that I put him in his bed an let him cry till he took a nap

Just remove him from the environment and go someplace where he can calm and quiet down. Then try to figure out what it is he needs.

I wouldn’t do it too often, but bubble baths with a popsicle?

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Give him a favorite snack maybe… when my daughter did this her blood sugar was low. Once I realized that we got on a better eating scheduled and it helped soooo much.

Try reading to him… Amazon has a lot for toddlers dealing with this.

Just ignore him…I did this to all my 7 son’s. He’ll live…

Swaddle him. I know you’ll probably need a twin comforter but it sounds like over stimulation and that helped my nephew tremendously

Check for 2 year molars coming in

I ignore it and within 15-30 seconds he stops lol.


Get an evaluation for autism and EDS

Hold and nurture ur baby ,reassure him all is ok

You cant spoil a child with love.
You dont smack a child who is struggling with emotions…he hasn’t a clue why he’s crying so smacking solves nothing.
Try to wrap him in a blanket or build a blanket fort and climb in with him if he wont let you snuggle.
Stay calm and speak quietly … yelling won’t help.
Try to figure out his triggers if you can so that you can quieten him before he gets to the screaming stage…keeping a diary will help you figure out what was happening/ what he was eating /drinking before he started .

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It sounds like he is over stimulated.I would close the curtains,turn some soft music on and turn down the lights.When my 14yo son gets like this,I have to remove him from the loud noises,and let him calm down.


Are you sure he isn’t getting his molars. That would start random bouts of screaming.
Otherwise it’s frustrating I promise he will get
Over it. Honestly walk away from it. Tell him when he can tell you what he wants nicely
You’ll be over there and then you can read. Book or color etc.
honestly sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t usually it a combination of all types. Because depending on the situation you have to react differently. That’s your job to determine the seriousness and hopefull laugh at the rediculousness when it happens.
Hugs hugs.
Also you will be tempted to smack em. It won’t make any difference. It’ll
Just make them test you more.
Motherhood is hard
Counting to ten is hard
Breathing can be hard
Laughing when you should cry. Is priceless :green_heart:

Mine did this. Make sure has a full sippy and send him to his room to go to bed until calms down. Time out in bedroom until calm helps a lot. If tv is on…make sure volume is down and it isnt loud.

He’s two, so whoever is telling you to pop his mouth you should probably just cut out completely, or pop them in the mouth for giving such stupid advice. 
He could be overstimulated. He could be frustrated because he’s trying to communicate and not sure how. At that age I did a lot of asking my daughter to show me what she wants. If she got overstimulated, sometimes I would scoop her up and take her somewhere quiet and talk real soft. And then sometimes you just Gotta leave them alone. Just like adults they need time to just work it out .

Welcome to motherhood, lol

He doesn’t understand why it’s happening either, be kind and try to be patient. He’ll outgrow this

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Remove him from the situation and sit with him and talk to him gently. Very calm and quiet.

Can we start “popping people in the mouth” when they suggest hitting your child? Thanks.


Do what comes natural to you! Not everyone else!

It’s actually very common behavior, they cry for everything and for nothing, you should have a “ designated “ place where he can cry ( when he is crying for not reason) and stay there until he is done crying, do not give him too much attention because he will keep doing it.

When my daughter was little I used to tell her that if she continued crying for not reason I will give her a reason to cry :rofl::rofl: she stopped immediately and was out of that phase quick thanks God

Walk away when he does that or you will raise a whinny monster child. Serious!

Pop his mouth? Why the fuck would you hit a child on the mouth let alone a baby or even hit a child at all

Poor boy. Something is wrong