Any other newly potty trained 2 year old afraid to use any potty but home’s potty? My daughter is making us bring her home to potty every time she needs to go, it’s not a huge issue for us living in a small town, but at times it’s inconvenient since she goes a lot. She’s had a few accidents with us not being quick enough to take her home too. I know it’ll be an adjustment getting her to relieve herself whenever & where ever we are, but I want her to feel comfortable as long as one of us parents is with her. She’s just not there yet. She normally goes in her potty training toilet but she’ll go in the regular toilet when I ask her to. Just not anywhere but home right now
Take the training potty with you
You just have to be firm and require it. We have this a lot in preschool. We just don’t accept no. Maybe take her first thing when you go in anyplace.
It might be the loud noise or the toilet is bigger. That’s how our youngest was. I had to squat and hold her while she was on toilet holding her ears. It took a long time to figure out that was the issue. She is now 6 and still gets scared if it’s really loud but she will go as long as I’m with her or big sister
Had the same problem, we used a portable seat that would fit in my purse or we had the portable potty seat with the disposable bags for the car depending on the situation. Didn’t take too long until our son was comfortable using public restrooms.
Carry a potty with you that way it’s something he’s used too
Get a small porta potty and keep in your vehicle
She will get there. Have you tried a potty seat that goes on the regular toilet?
I just brought that with me if we went anywhere.
They have portable potty seats. Either ones that you keep in your vehicle with bags to discard, or, ones that can fold up and go with you to set on top of other toilets. They fold small enough to fit in a diaper bag/back pack.
Geezo 2 year old! Maybe pop nappies on outside for a few more months… she maybe just feels anxious
Just be patient,she’s only 2,don’t pressure her,try to have her go before outings,tell her before hand that there won’t be any coming home while out,bring extra clothes, and some pullups, accidents are always going to happen part of the process,patience patience
Take a small portable one with you that she also uses at home.
Some children are simply more sensitive to personal issues than others… Don’t shame her - accommodate her
I used a potty seat with a trash bag in my car for this, my daughter was afraid of the restrooms because the toilets tend to be louder was only a few weeks then I got a foldable potty seat for in public that fit in my purse or bag
My granddaughter has a potty in her car where ever she goes! Her children tell her when they have to go and it’s out to the hatchback. Of course this will change as they get older but it works now! The potty is cleaned after every use.
Potty seat that goes on a regular toilet. So it’s still her potty she’s using.
Mine was only scared of the automatic toilets… and how loud ANY public toilet is… we would cover the sensor with TP so it wouldn’t go off until we were ready… and then didn’t flush until she could cover her ears.
Man I was so glad when she got over that!!
I would only use a potty to “train” once they get the hang of it, slowly introduce big toilet with a child seat. Telling them it’s safe. I even sit on it and show them.
Take the little potty away and get a child toilet seat for the big toilet. Then buy a little step to be able to easily climb up for them.
Once they fill confident enough they should use any big toilet.
“It would be a bit terrifying climbing on a huge toilet with a giant hole, feeling like you are going to full in. “Home of course would fill safer.
Some children though do prefer to only use their home toilet. - but they will get there.
My daughter was scared of the loud sounds most automatic ones make and took her till 1st grade to get use to using any public ones…
Take a training potty and put an open diaper in a grocery bag,. lining the bowl of the potty. Kinda like putting a trash bag in a kitchen trash can. Then you can pull it and toss it. Then take extra eip
Leave in trunk when not using it. Pack wipes/tp for your little one.
My son was like that but it was because of the loud sound of the toilets flushing
Kid is just not actually fully ready or trained, yet. It’s simple. Using Pull- ups in the car and for outings for several months after training is started is recommended. Yes, they can feel being wet. No, they won’t regress. And it saves you both the stress that comes with accidents.
I’ve never known a child to regress when using underwear or pull-ups at home then pull- ups in the vehicle. Mine never had accidents, yet we used pull-ups in the vehicle for about year after potty-learning day and night, just in case.
Seriously? The pre school teacher saying be firm? Don’t take no. Are you kidding me. Shes freaking 2. You’re lucky shes trained at all. Most kids these days are still in pull ups at 4/5 years old ALL DAY LONG. Not just night time.
I had a mother with a 6 year old in my store with a diaper on.
Like give her a break. She’s a baby still.
Ease her into it. Have her sit on your lap on the toilet or let her watch you go
My granddaughter hated public toilets. Mainly because of auto flush feature. I think at 14 she has finally accepted them.
If you’re going to accommodate her every time, she will continue to control your schedule and every outing. This might be helpful, but she will have to learn to use public restrooms. I also used to carry old socks so I could put them on the toilet seat for my kiddo. She may be afraid of falling in. Practice sitting on public toilets seats when she doesn’t even have to go. Get her used to it. Good luck!