Natural ways to go into labor?

Do you think there are some natural ways to “help” go into labor?


I tried EVERYTHING to go into labor because my hips were literally dislocating and the only thing that worked was doing the thing that gets you pregnant. Did that and my water broke 5 hours later!

I walked my daughter. 5 hours! Got done walking and my contractions had started, went to dinner, got home took a bath since they weren’t close together yet, 6am I went to the hospital and had her by 2pm in the afternoon.

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Walk, pineapple, sex, going for a bumpy drive, squats, curb walking,
What worked for me was slowly sliding off the couch saying a give up trying :laughing: he came at 41 weeks needed a c section because he turned sideways literally last min

my ob said raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, & dates are really good ! she also said yoga ball, s e x with making sure you o and he cms too !

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Lots of walking and a fast ride in low car on a bumpy road :joy:

Long walk and then some bedroom action

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Sex. Does work. Well aslong as baby is ready.

I had a bath in clara sage oil and went into labour the next morning.

I ate a spicy curry, vacuumed on my hands and knees to push baby down into position and had a bath with sary clage oil in, (you can get the bubble baths with it in it safely softens the cervix) with both my kids and went into labour within 2 days

Raspberry leaf tea and perineal massage.