Need advice about my childs anger issues

I need advice concerning of my 5 year old son’s anger issues. It’s starting to get a bit alarming.


Talk to your doctor this can be common with undiagnosed adhd or autism


Idk about his eating habits but double check his diet. There are some dyes that make children crazy and irrational.


There’s not enough information here to give advice. What is he angry at? Does he have a reason to be angry? What does it look like when he is angry? How do you respond when he’s angry?

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What does his therapist say

Counseling and see a naturopath dr

Talk to him. Go down to his level and find out what’s going on

Lack of corporal punishment has caused anger problems, ADHD and disrespectful kids. Prove me wrong. People say spanking CAUSES problems. Bull crap. It prevents these problems.


First thing is always look at how the people around your kids process anger. It could be learned. Then go from there

An acquaintance of mine had custody of her 7 and 4 year old grandsons. They are both the most disrespectful foul mouth children o have ever been around. She has s always making excuses for their behavior in front of them. The mother told me that she doctor shops and wants any doctor to diagnose them with sensory or autism issues. No doctor would do it . She wants ssi checks for them . She figures the more these boys act out the better her chances are to have them diagnosed! Cps has been involved but does nothing. The mother is just as bad as the grandmother. These boys are monsters ! I feel so bad for them. I had to end my relationship with the grandmother because of it all. With your case I have no clue because there isn’t enough info.

Teach him about how to regulate his emotions

Why are misbehaved kids also get diagnosed with Autism or ahad

Put him in sports it’s his testosterone so rechannel that energy into something he can enjoy.

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Lmao at the comments who say a 5 year old needs a therapist.

It can more likely be adhd odd or some type of autism. My son has adhd and odd depression and anxiety. I’d tell ya it’s difficult thing for a child to have, especially when they can’t control there emotions. Just Like with an adult. My son was diagnosed at 5 but I knew he had something going on when he was younger than 5 years old. My son is on meds and it seems to help him. There are stimulates and non stimulate meds. Depends on where your located. Some don’t diagnose till they are older. Where I am from they diagnosed my son at 5y old.

Have him tested for Celiac……it can cause behavioral issues.

First and foremost take him to pediatrician to rule out anything there first.
If nothing is wrong there then you need to seek out a therapist who specializes in child therapy. Ask them about play therapy which is what is usually recommended for that age range.
You also didn’t give much information like has something happened that could have triggered these anger issues? I’m sorry but kids that young don’t understand emotions not even close and won’t understand them until age 8/9 years old. He’s 5 years old so something has triggered him to be this angry and that is where you need to focus to try and figure it out. Once you get clarity on what is causing him to have such a big emotion than you can help him cope.

My daughter only found out she has autism and ADHD in her late thirties. Autism was something boys got, not girls, when she was little. She was a terror as a child. Her tantrums were meltdowns, she was overwhelmed and in distress, but it was seen as deliberate bad behaviour by a spoilt child and I was encouraged to smack her by health professionals and teachers to ‘snap her out of it’. I went on to take parenting classes and they helped so much I went on to teach them for 8 years. As a beaten child myself, I was, and am, ashamed that I hit my small child when she was most in need of a cuddle.