Need help getting rid of lice

Mamas please help I’ve been dealing on and off with lice with my daughter and I can’t seem to get rid of them long term. Any ideas or processes that have worked for you? I was treating her every week for a month and then I did one final treatment and found no lice or nits. But now she has nits and one lice was found. I am constantly washing our bedding I normally wash the bedding every week anyway but I’m just at a loss and my daughter is beyond tired of me messing with her hair lol I’m hoping now she’s out of school that’ll help but who knows lol thanks for any advice you guys have


Are you treating the stuff animals ( bag them for two weeks). Also does she go to friends house or relatives, they may also have them, ( found out the babysitter also had them).
Lice can be a nightmare and take weeks to get rid of ! Everyone here has wonderful ideas , my go to was tea tree oil mixed in shampoo as a preventative measure!

Maybe you need to treat furniture and everyone’s clothes by encasing them in plastic and then hot air (dryer for clothes), maybe some kind of protective spray after. Also, who is your daughter picking them up from?

Has she been in the car? You gotta treat the car seat too

We go to a professional in Portland Maine but depending what town you live in it may be under another name but they do some heat treatment and go through with a comb and get the remainder out and put some serum on your hair. It’s pricey but SO worth it and insurance pays for a portion of it. Takes about an hour of time. It’s literally so much easier than picking them out yourself. After that make sure to use peppermint extract diluted with water every single day it’ll keep them away

I used to be the “lice lady,” at my daughters school. I’ve picked more kids heads than I can even remember, lol. The thing is, if you leave just one nit behind, your child will be reinfested all over again. It is tedious work.
I don’t know how many parents told me their child couldn’t have lice because they put tea tree oil in the shampoo. Doesn’t work. After you have shampooed with a lice shampoo, go through it with vinegar and a nit comb then do it by hand. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes, as well. Once that is done, saturate the scalp in olive oil or any cooking oil you have on hand and then cover with a shower cap and leave overnight, that should suffocate them. Wash out the next day and any remaining bugs should just wash out. Nits may be lower on hair but remove All nits.
Bag stuffed animals for a few days to a week and/or run them through a cycle in the dryer. Wash clothes, hats, bedding, etc. Vacuum furniture and mattress. Find out if any of her friends have the same problem, could be coming from elsewhere. Be sure to let her know not to share hats, coats, brushes or combs. As the weather gets nice we use to find the kids would take their jackets off in the schoolyard and leave them all together in a pile, quick way to pick up lice. Hope this helps. Best of luck :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:

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The only thing that worked for us was to go to Lice Lifters. They’re professionals and got rid of them the first time. We haven’t had a problem since. Wash EVERYTHING in super hot water.

You pretty much need to go thru by hand and pick all the nits (eggs) out… that’s the only way I was able to get them all out… and keep them out. I go thru their head for 3 or 4 days after too just to make sure I didn’t miss any… it’s very easy to do and it only takes one of those to hatch to start that back up… hope these tips help

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Spray everything then bag it, treat her hair then put coconut oil mix with tea tree oil and get the nits out. Leave that in her hair over night. After seven days I the bags take out soft items and put it in the dryer on sanitize. The use Fairy Tails leave in conditioner to prevent her from getting it up again. The lady my metal sprial combs work the best


My daughters school gave me this treatment it’s like a lotion and I haven’t had a problem since

Treat your car!

Bag up all stuffies and dolls for a couple days or put them in the dryer.

Make sure anything in the dryer is at like 130° or more for at least 5 minutes.

Do NOT use heat (straight iron, dryer) they just speed up the hatching process.

The vaccum is your friend… oh! and treat the carpet. Basically treat all the furniture.

Make sure her hair is in a pony tail or braids everyday for a while… in case she is close quarters with a friend or on the bus… or school.(Younger kids can’t seem to not be all over each other).

Treat the school bag/ back pack!
Let the school know so they can keep an eye on other kids scratching!

I put teatree oil in a spay bottle and spay down her back pack daily *and jackets/sweatshirts

You can put tea tree in the shampoo / conditioner as well…

Use mousse or hairspray, lice like CLEAN hair… Don’t wash everyday! Every other day at least. (Not shower but wash the hair)

When treating the hair make sure you do LITTLE sections… like an inch or less start at the scalp and go to the tips… clean the comb often… keep the combs and stuff in a bag… boil when done.



I used to do olive oil. It’s non toxic, the hair is really soft, and it suffocates the lice

CAR SEAT!! Make sure you vacuum the car seat ! 99% of parents forget and that’s where it is usually lingering !

All toys in backs all furniture needs to be treated as well as your self regardless ! Also this stuff is wonders my oldest school had a lice outbreak few years back my mom found this and omg this is gold

Dr can rx treatment. Mine brought it home twice this year and I have Locs :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::sob:

I bag all bedding, stuffies, pillows. New hairbrushes and treat two weeks apart and then upkeep with tea tree oil in conditioner and leave ins

I was treating my daughter and after a few times realized the comb was to wide for her hair. I had to order on with spirals down the teeth of the comb. Boom. Gone. It wasn’t getting the eggs!


After each and every combing session go outside and use a blow dryer on her hair. Lice aren’t very physically strong so it blows them right out. Treat your car. Comb every 2 hours till you aren’t getting anything multiple times. Then do it a few times a day for a few weeks to be sure nothing remained that hatched. Use a prevention spray for awhile. For the actual lice treatment we like the nix one that is an oil. It makes combing a breeze and does wonders for getting rid of them

My daughter has extremely thick hair, and before we started home schooling she would get it alot. No amount of chemicals I’ve come across worked. OLIVE OIL WORKED!!! I put a good amount in her hair and the olive oil dissolves the exoskeleton of the louse. So yay you killed the bugs. Now move on to nits(eggs). You have to get you a good metal comb, not those plastic combs thay come with the lice treatment kits. A good strong metal one thay won’t bend easily, and go section by section. I used a head light to see really good. I wipe the dead bugs qnd eggs from he comb on a paper towel when done I burn that sucker lol. Once you’ve done that once wait a couple days and do it again. To get the oil out of hair. Wash with dawn dish soap really good. Then apply a good conditioner as the dawn wil stripe the oils. But so will the chemical treatments. But you gotta comb for what will seem like hours. While treating head wash all bedding, for spraying carpets or mattresses you can use alcohol. Alcohol will also dissolve the exoskeleton of the louse and eggs but it’s harsh on the scalp for little ones

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Lice don’t like tea tree oil. If you can use that around the house, that may work. I used a hair detangler that was infused with tea tree oil on my oldest for the longest time

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U also have to figure out who she keeps going around that may also have it!

When your child goes back to school,style her hair always off her shoulders,and spritz hairspray or perfume on her hair,(this was my pediatrician’s suggestion).Lice prefer plain clean hair.

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There is a spray called “licefree spray” you can buy you just spray it on let it dry and wash it out it smells like black licorice it kills live ones and eggs you don’t even have to comb out nits I mean I did anyway but it says you don’t have to just have everyone in house use the spray and wash ALL bed clothes, towels, and clothes at same time or bag up until you can. Get the rid spray for your couches and mattresses. Guaranteed to get rid of them

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Had this issue a long time ago and finally used the green rubbing alcohol dabbed in on their hair with a cotton ball let sit a few minutes then washed never had them again … now I probably wouldn’t do this on a real small child but above 4 or 5 should be fine also bag any soft stuffed animals or toys or extra blankets up in a trash bag for several days and throw bedding in the dryer on high every morning and vacuum furniture and bedding every day for a few days

Treat your car with the spray as well as all furniture & mattresses. Replace pillows, wash all bedding/throw pillows/etc in hot water with a squirt of the lice shampoo added in, steam clean any carpets with super hot water & lice shampoo added into cleaner tank, throw out all cloth hair accessories/hats, soak brushes in super hot water with lice shampoo-after they dry spray as well. Throw out hair ties. After treating and a really good combing out blowdry hair on high heat then wound up tightly into a bun. Make a spray solution with 1 part tea tree oil to 10 parts water & spray hair daily before bed to deter any live bugs from getting into hair, comb hair out with lice comb every morning for a week, then put into a tight bun & spray again with oil spray. Spray the car, furniture, carpets, etc every other day for a week.

Stop buying stuff off the shelf.
Call your pediatrician/GP and tell them you need shampoo called in for lice. Spinosoad kills EVERYTHING in one go and no need to wash everything, put stuff in the dryer on hot for a full cycle.

I used a shampoo called Vamoose. It worked pretty good. One treatment and the grandkids were back in school

I would slather lots of conditioner (I bought bottles of the cheap stuff as it was just to be able to slide comb through) in my daughters’ hair and comb through small sections using fine tooth comb (the ones that come in lice treatment) you can buy the electric ones too but don’t need to. I would do it every night until I found no bugs, then every other night for a couple weeks to be safe.

Mayonnaise and then put a plastic bag or a cap over it for about half an hour and then dilute vinegar with water and rinse it and then wash the hair you probably still have to use the tiny lice comb but it will kill the lights they’re bedding put in a hot dryer and he stuffed animals throw in the dryer

I’ve delt with it w my step daughters for years even the prescription stuff wouldn’t kill the. But this spray worked first time. And its all natural its like salt spray or something.

Mayo and tea tree oil! Then put a bag over her head for as long as she can handle it…the longer the better! The worst my girls had them we left the mayo on for 24 hrs. Run everything through a hot dryer in the meantime.

Bag stuff animails, clean you couch chairs all that also spray your car, ask doctor for prescription shampoo, clean beading spray your mattresses

Tea tree oil, 5-6 drops in each bottle of shampoo… also there is a spray called fairytale that is a preventative… once you get it all out make sure she blow drys her hair . And keep her hair up in pony tails or bun type styles… use hairspray while it’s up…

Tea tree oil or shampoo, they hate it.
First you may need to treat with prescription strength, tell your peds you tried everything else.

A lot of the times parents will treat the lice on the body and bedding, but forget about the bedroom & house as a whole. Any stuffed animals, blankets, couch pillows, toys with fabrics, clothes- EVERYTHING that she’s worn or been around while infected needs to be washed on a hot water cycle and dried on high heat for at least twenty minutes to kill any eggs or left over lice that happened to get transferred. Siblings, playrooms, bedrooms etc. Vacuum, steam mop - the whole gambit. Otherwise, even after you’ve cleaned and treated their hair, they grab their favorite stuffy and lay on it once and then bam- you are right back to square one.

Add Tea-Tree-oil to you shampoo, along with the treatments to remove them. Keep adding the Tea-Tree-oil to you shampoo(3-5 drops per bottle of shampoo) the lice do not like the Tea-Tree-oil and they will stay away.

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Vamouse works wonders!!! The smell stays on your hair for a few days but that’s the only downfall. It works!!! Good luck mama

Tea tree oil shampoo after they are gone , mayo an cayenne pepper over night in shower cap

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Google a Head Lice clinic near you. I’ve had to take my girls before but they were amazing there.

Put all stuff not washable in plastic bag for 10 days.(toys, hair ties, bookbags, etc) find out where the source is and try to keep her from that child.

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Homeschooling haven’t had lice since they started constantly having to treat b4… even went to the doctor and got prescription treatment…

Ask her doctor for a prescription shampoo

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Wash bedding daily, use condition and fine tooth comb daily, I also vacuumed the mattress and carpets everyday

Mom put rubbing alcohol in our hair.

Take a whole jar of mayonnaise and put it all over her head , then wrap it in plastic wrap let her sleep with it on there…next day wash her hair several times…will take a few washes to get out the oil but every living lice will die…then comb out all the nits…will be easy to get out from the mayo.wash her bedding , combs and brushes.and any stuffed animals.

Vinegar will loosen the nuts so they are easy to comb out

Teatree shampoo and conditioner helps

Any kind of oil will suffocate the lice. Apply it to hair and cover with a plastic bag. I have left it on for an hour or longer. Shampoo with Dawn dish soap to lift the oil. This sounds archaic but really works. I DIDN’T WANT TO USE HARSH CHEMICALS ON MY KIDS. Laundry should be washed in hot water, any soft thing (pillows, stuffed animals) can go in the dryer to kill anything live.

Dawn. Wash her hair in Dawn. Comb, Dawn, comb, rinse. If needed again, add dawn and wrap her head in plastic wrap for 30 mins. Then comb and rinse.
Her bedding and pillows should have plastic covers. Store bedding in a air tight space, for 7-10 days. I suggest the begs. All stuffed animals, anything waiting to be washed should go in black trash bags. In sunlight. It’ll kill any eggs.
They make tea tree oil sprays that are good for daily use.
When washing, HOT water. Add dawn and arm n hammer. Wash twice. HOT water. I cluded in that laundry should be everything washable. Book bags, sweaters, jackets, shirts, etc. Throw out all hair items that aren’t plastic. Treat brushes/combs/clips/etc with Dawn and a 30 min soak every few days, in HOT water, until gone. Including shoes. Fleas and lice can, and will, lay eggs everywhere. Bleach itself doesn’t always work so I advise the powders for carpets.
Her car seat, your car, any car she’s in should be treated and cleaned. Keep windows up, park in the sun. Heat will kill the eggs. Vacuum every couple of days.
Someone at school has it and until she’s not around them, this may be a process. :pensive:

Add tea tree oil to the shampoo! Works wonders

They tell you to leave the treatment in for WAYYYY less time than you’re supposed to. My best friend and I struggled with this so hard this last year and finally consulted the pediatrician who suggested to leave it on for a couple hours with a shower cap then rinse then shampoo with tea tree oil. There’s also a Ladybug brand that has a prevention spray that works wonders💖

Drench hair in olive oil put shower cap on over night for a few nights and they’ll disappear. Still do the regular cleaning of home and bed linen once.

You have to get every single nit out or you’ll never be rid of it. Use your fingers to pull out the nits if you have to.

The “all about lice” place near me told me to coat every strand of hair in Cetaphil lotion (the original) and then blow dry until the hair is beyond dry then comb em out w a lice comb. The Cetaphil basically shrink wraps all the lice n eggs so it doesn’t reinfect cuz they’re all shrink wrapped. I haven’t had to do it myself but I did have my best friend try it cuz her daughter couldn’t get rid of them n she said the Cetaphil worked and her daughter finally got rid of them for good!!!

Do heads bedding and bag or wash and dry all stuffed animals then we bombed the entire house stripped beds everything covered tv and electronics and set off bombs through the whole house then came home vacuumed everything then shampooing carpets and haven’t had them since my daughter has light hair and to her ass it was a nightmare to deal with for 3 months finally I did the above and been a year without anything plus we wash weekly with a pretreatment and tree tea oil mixed with her favorite shampoo

Mayo all over the head cover with cap for overnight 8 to 12 hrs. And add tea tree oil to the shampoo after

You have to vacuum all the furniture and carpets and baseboards. Dry pillows 45 min. Bag stuffed animals anything stuffed for at least 2 weeks. It is way more than doing hair and bedding to get rid of them for good. Check the cdc website on lice removal. Tells you what all to do…