Needing a different perspective

Can someone give me a different perspective ? So I’ve been w/ my boyfriend for about 3 years now . Today is my birthday and family and friends , even his mom has told me happy birthday and/or posted on my page . He called me about an hour and go and told me happy birthday or whatever (me and his work schedules are kind of different ) However I just feel like he can post and and comment or everyone else post’s and stuff on social media but whenever it come down to me I can’t get a simple happy birthday post or just something … like I understand social media isn’t a huge deal but at this point it just feels like he’s hiding me or something . Idk he’s never posted me nor our son we had last year . Like idk … I’ve talked to him about it and he’s just like “so you’re mad about social media “ “what’s the big deal “ comments like those


You sound like you’re 2. Grow up!!! My husband doesn’t even have social media. Just remember that years ago there wasn’t a thing called " social media ". You should be glad that he told you happy birthday over the phone. Not everything needs to be on FB.


I never posted my husband or boyfriends on social media. For the simple fact, I didn’t want folks in our business! Everyone is different. As long as everything is good in real life that’s all that matters. I also never posted on my husband page or boyfriend’s page. I’d rather live in real life than social media. And any guy I have been with, I told not to post me. I’m a private person, people don’t need to know my business. I think your “other perspective” needs to be you asking yourself why posting on social media is more valuable to you than real life.


You have issues !! How old are you? There’s nothing wrong with keeping your personal life private


He doesn’t want you. You’re convenient sex but nothing more. A man who’s with a woman for 3 years and haven’t married her never will furthermore he’s looking for a wife you’re a fill in til he finds her. You can try and prove me wrong and waste another 3 years when time shows you I’m right. Move on and find your husband he’s not it. He doesn’t even want or respect you

I’d especially be careful about posting anything about your child.

Nope get over yourself. Your giving self esteem issues and I don’t even know you but your better than that. You sound super young…. So I’m being nice. Grow up. Learn that keeping your private life private is actually the best thing to do.

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Depending on how social media (Facebook specifically) is used would dictate if I had a problem. Mine is family and friends only, private, and set up for people out of state to still see how we r doing n such. If his is the same way and he still isn’t mentioning you at all? That’s suspicious as hell. If he has rando people on there or doesn’t really use it? I wouldn’t expect him to mention anything about me or our kid. The one caveat to all of that is if he has women on there that he’s tried to or has dated before and he’s not mentioning being in a committed relationship or hiding he just had a baby, I would bust his ass for hiding shit. There’s a reason a man doesn’t mention a wife and kid and it’s never because he’s worried about privacy…

I very rarely post happy days on fb and when I do decide to it’s usually for the kids or my deceased dad

I made a post for my son’s birthday and he informed me Mom’s shouldn’t tell their children happy birthday on social media. He had a point. Who is the post for? He told you happy birthday. You wanted him to tell the world.

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Not everyone is a big social media person my boyfriend isn’t a social media person I am so it’s ok no big deal

Don’t listen to anybody telling you it’s nonsense you have every right to be upset darling xxx oh and I hope you have a wonderful birthday xoxox