Needing a middle name idea for Wren

Hi! My husband and I are expecting a little girl, and we both like the name Wren - but we are stuck on a middle name… what middle name do you ladies like with Wren?

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Wren Marie, wren louise

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Wren Star or Wren Sunshine

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Wren Elizabeth or wren Ophelia

Wren rose
Wren Diane
Wren Mae
Wren Lee

Wren Taylor Elizabeth

Wren Sophia, wren Victoria

Omg I’m 35 weeks and naming my little girl Wren Kimberle

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Wren Elizabeth or Wren Violet

Wren Grace
Wren Leah
Wren Camille

Wren Rose
Wren Taylor
Wren Marie

I wish these had last names cuz I like
Wren Joane
(Jo- n not jo-an)

Wren Lark
Wren Jubilee

Thought Wren was a boy’s name. Having said that, Wren Elise or Elyse


Wren Willow, Wren Nieve, Wren Dayly. Wren Lillian. Wren Natalya. Wren Joy. Wren Amelia. Wren Elyse.
Wren Rose.

Wren would be a good middle name.

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My son’s name is Wren Alexander. Wren is an amazing gender neutral name and I have no middle name ideas except alexandria lol but good first name choice and good luck!

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Wren Lee or Leigh. Love the first name you have picked though!


Wren Elyse or Wren Celeste

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Heres some more, I love helping with names! Wren Judith. Wren Elle. Wren Fay. Wren Sloan. Wren Sabine. Wren Simone. Wren Juliet.

Wren Scarlett, Wren Bexley, Wren Colette, Wren Noelle, Wren Paisley, Wren Paityn, Wren Sydney, Wren Jolene, Wren Helena

Wren Nichole, wren Allison,

Lee or leigh def go with wren ( my name is courtney lee rynne ( pronouned wren) lol can vouch :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: they would just be the opposite


Wren Leigh.
Wren Kay.
Wren Lou.

If it didn’t have to be just Wren, you could go with Wrenley. It might be a little bit easier for you guys to come up with a middle name.

Wren Rose
Wren Lilly
Wren Alexis
Wren Ava
Wren Sara
Wren Megan
Wren Skylar
Wren Taylor

I think Wren Alexis is really pretty. :two_hearts:

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Wren Marie and Wren Alise sounds like it flows pretty well.

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Is there any women’s names in either side of your family you’d like to honor? First or middle names. You could do Wrenley for the first name (as another commenter mentioned) and it might sound a little better with other middle names. Obviously up to you but I think looking through past women generations on both sides would come up with a great middle name!

Our daughters name is Rhenley Gianna :slightly_smiling_face: I picked Gianna because of Kobe Bryant’s daughter that passed away with him in the helicopter crash. When I saw her picture and beautiful smile over and over on tv, I just knew that would be my daughters middle name. We call her Gigi for short as well.

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Wren Leigh wren Leah wren marie

My granddaughter has my middle name Dianna

Wren Bailey
Wren Lee
Wren Olivia

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How about no middle name at all?

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Elizabeth or Jacqueline

Wren Bella/ Wren Brittani or Wren Whitney

What is the Surname? That makes a difference


Just make sure you say it quickly (and angrily) to make sure it rolls off the tongue when the child gets in trouble


I second “Leigh”. That sounds soo cute. Love “Wren” too by the way.


I third “Leigh” :raising_hand_woman:

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Wren Annalise
Wren London
Wren Pilar
Wren Octavia
Wren Soraya
Wren Everly

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I like Alice or Ashley, maybe Alissa… Allison… Something starting with A lol

I like Leigh too! I have a Daisy Leigh. Wren Brielle is pretty too.

Wren Leigh. I vote for that.

Someone suggested Elizabeth. That’s very pretty and when you need to get after her when she’s older…“Wren Elizabeth” would get her attention!


Wren (tiny little bird with a loud voice) :grinning: Wren Melody

Wren Jolie
Wren Danielle
Wren Rose
Wren Shannon
Wren Renee
Wren Aurora

Ill give you a lesson. Grandma

My niece is Delaney Wren. Love the name :heart:

Wren Capri
Wren Sterling
Wren Skye
Wren Raine

I kind of like Mable… old school but still I like it

wren laken…wren jadye…

Rebecca Elizabeth Wren!

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How bout wren as middle name Summer Wren

Joy , lee, Elle, eve.

Wren Lane
Wren Mykel
Wren Joell

Wren Marie or Wren Skye

Wren Ella
Wren Brooks
Wren Caite
Wren Ash

I have a friend whose daughters name is Wrenly Grace!

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Wren… Elizabeth, alyssa, Alexa, Alexandra

Shéa (Pronounced like “Shay”)

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Friends sister just named her daughter Wren Marie.

Olivia, Ashley, Elizabeth, Alexandria

Wren Olivia, Wren Elizabeth, Wren Avery

We have a Wren Oakley! :heart: :bird:



Wren Leanna
Wren Isabelle
Wren Christine
Wren Loise (pronounced loo-eez)
Wren Eloise (my daughters middle name but it fits lol)
Wren Dorothy

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Elizabeth, rayne, marie

Wren nicole
Wren jasmin
Wren rose
Wren isabella
Wren jameslynn
Wren sophia

Whatever you decide I recommend No Ann/Anne or Marie for the child’s sake. :laughing: Way to overused, I know/hear of so many Ann’s and Marie’s middles names :woman_facepalming:t3:


Wren Lorraine
Wren Leigh
Wren Byrd
Wren Marie
Wren Skye

We’d last name to be sure. It’s all about the sounds and syllables

Wren Kaylee
Wren Alexi
Wren Chloe
Wren Belle

Wren Elizabeth is super cute​:woman_shrugging:t3::smiling_face: all depends on the last name tho!

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Wren Arora
Wren ann-marie

Wren Kingsley
Wren Willow

Wren Gayle,Wren Raye

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My niece is Delaney Wren. Love the name!!

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Wren Lorelai, Wren Oliva, Wren Alexandra

I just saw the name Wrenlyn. I thought it was beautiful.

How about Serenity wren,

Why do ppl think you must have a middle name? How about try a first name that isn’t a fad…



What i don’t understand is why on gods green earth would you ask strangers what to name your child

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Wren means little bird. Find a adjective that you like to describe little bird (beautiful for example). Find it in a different language. Alainn means beautiful in Irish. Example Wren Alainn (beautiful little bird)


Isis-rose… I love when middle name are hyphenated. Mine is to, maybe that’s why I like it but anyway this is pretty

Wren Marie/ Wren celine

Wren Ayah
Wren Hope
Wren Lily
Wren Drew

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Wren Amber
Wren Emery
Wren Ambree
Wren Eliza
Wren Allison
Wren Lou’anne

Wren Time, wren Passion

Btw I think Wren is a great unique name! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wren is one syllable so a 2+ syllable middle name is best… and that doesn’t start/sound with R or N (the end of the first name will blend into the middle name). Certain E’s are sketchy too.


Good luck! :heart:


Wren Leia (lay-ah)
Wren Amarie (long a- marie)

Wren élise (uh-lease)

Wren Paisley
Wren Rachel
Wren Winter
Wren Laura
Wren Leah

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What’s your last name?

How do you pronounce it?? Wren like when but pronounce the R?

Since Wren is such a beautiful unique name, I think it sounds best with a simple classic name. Maybe like

Wren Marie
Wren Ann

I loved Elizabeth for my Payton. But spelled Alizabeth!

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I always loved Meadow but wont get to use it unfortunately.
I think it sounds lovely with Wren but I also agree that a more classic name would suit as well