Having an IEP does not mean they are on the spectrum. Things other than autism will put a child on the “spectrum”. If you want your child evaluated then have her doctor do it, or have her doctor refer you to someone. The school will fill out a checklist for the doctor but they can’t diagnose autism or adhd themselves.
How can u say for sure she isn’t ?? It’s a very wide spectrum . U may not see what others are seeing . I would get an evaluation for sure . Also u can have an IEP for many reasons .
I was where you are. I was disheartened they wanted to put my son on an IEP thinking the same thing. I went ahead with it and I can see my son improving so much in his speech and his physical therapy. It’s hard, it kind of hits your pride, but all the services he is receiving are free and his pediatrician highly recommend we partake in it. I would see what exactly they want to work on your child with, if it’s speech, OT and all I’d at least let them do a proper evaluation and they can have a meeting with you and talk about the kind of extra learning they want your child to have. All of my sons specialists are so wonderful. It’ll really benefit your child in the end. Trust me, my husband and I had doubts as you are and we were a little scared, but we know this will help his speech because we know he struggles at times and this will help him prep for kindergarten. Just also know that she can stop the IEP and not be in the classes anymore if they see improvement, they’ll do another evaluation and your child will have had that little extra bit of help she just might need. Best of luck mama!
IEP doesn’t mean Autism. My son has ADHD and ODD (and social problems) but is very intelligent, he has skipped a grade, but he has an IEP in place to help him if he needs to calm down, if he needs to go to the quiet room, if he needs to go for a walk to calm down or get out anxiety /hyper energy. Etc etc.
An IEP can be for many things.
Have any and all testing done independent and get a parent advocate to go with you to the IEP meeting…don’t be afraid to speak up and disagree with what they say…after all they have her only a few hours a day.
Stick to your guns unless you have proof that states otherwise
IEP stands for individual education program…its renewed yearly and parents and teachers collaborate together how best to help the child…as they get older (high school) they begin to help them transition to living on their own and getting a job. It really is a great service, and it doesn’t have to label a child for needing the specialized help.
If they suggest that, insist on a complete pediatric neurological evaluation by a pediatric neurologist. DON’T let the school push you around.
Okay. IEP can be soecialized to her needs. When I was in HS they made it to here if I need to calm down from a panic attack or just being pissed I can call my case manager, and didn’t take advantage of it.
Go let her be reevaluated and try to say to test for behavioral and not autistic
Having an IEP is a blessing. She doesn’t need to be labeled or know that she is being labeled. She will get extra help. There is no downside to an IEP. She’s having trouble learning because of her behaviour, i just went through the same thing with my son. The school sounds like they’re just trying to help her succeed. She will have a lot of extra resources to help her with her learning. I wouldn’t reject this offer. It’s very difficult for kids to get an IEP, and if they’re offering, take it. I did and my son is doing SOOO much better in school! He’s in grade 2 and he is not autistic or anywhere on the spectrum. He has impulse issues and ADHD.
If they feel she might benefit from extra help with a diagnosis than that is what’s best for your child. My step son is autistic! I know you don’t mean anything by stating you know she isn’t but don’t be afraid of a label you don’t fully understand. The autism spectrum is just that a spectrum very fluid and any additional resources should be warmly accepted and appreciated because if you deny her that the only person you are hurting is your own child! Autism looks very different in girls than boys. Autism diagnoses isn’t a bad thing at all! It’s a blessing!
What is wrong with an IEP ? My autistic son is going to have one I have our first meeting april 14th. It’s to help the child all around so at school they can succeed & honestly I think it’s great. As for you thinking she’s not on the spectrum, maybe get her reevaluated by a professional just in case so you can know forsure. Nothing is wrong with an IEP or a child on the spectrum.
1st off DO NOT DO A ZOOM MEETING!!! Find a person (foster parents, social worker, a law degree if some sort or a parent that has gone through it) that knows the ins & outs of your school district, state laws & federal laws about education! You can have them with you, you can delegate, let them ask questions on your behalf. It was a life saver for me. An IEP is better for your child then a 504! You always have the right to decline to sign any paperwork. However let them teat her, she may have some underlings issues. On the spectrum can mean alot if different things.
Don’t sign anything without having someone else check it. You have the right to final decision when it comes to your child
The school IEP will not put a diagnosis on anything. They can’t. They provide testing to make sure your child is provided the education they need. They can recommend to have an outside evil stink, but they will not label you child. If you have the right team in place at the school, they want what is best for your child. My child is in 3rd and we have had to fight for him to be tested, but it is finally coming out that he probably has a learning disability and something, probably dysgraphia. Now that the school is on board, they truly what want is best for him and have OT testing for fine motor skills happening, and a wide array of other testing. Outside of school, we have a therapist and his pediatrician working also to figure out what he needs.
You’re not a trained physician or a licenced PhD.
If your daughter needs the help don’t be against it. Your just hindering her education.