Needing advice about traveling

Moms who have traveled with their young ones I need advice. I have an almost 4 year old and a 1.5yr old. My mom wants to travel with my husband and our 2 kids to San Diego. It’s about 7hrs from where we live. I think it would be a lot of fun but I am worried about having my 1.5yr old in the car for that long. He isn’t the biggest fan of the car and when he’s mad EVERYONE knows lol. My mom offered to fly there with him and we would drive. I don’t know if that would be better or not. Any tips on long car rides for babies who don’t like the car? Or are we better off having her fly with him?

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Fly. It’ll be worth it. You should all fly.

Definitely fly. It’s a shorter time period. My son was 2 when he first flew and he did very well. Lots of snacks and toys to keep him busy. (Most airlines let you pass through snacks and drinks for kiddos. And/or she can use a stroller up til the gate butttt you do have to close it up through TSA) Also I let him run around the airport to tire him out before boarding. A great idea is letting him run on those walking pads. He slept most of the flight.

I would drive at night so baby can sleep through it ! I my baby is 2 and he’s been on 3 ,10 hour road trips and one 17 hour trip , I would just try not to take any naps the day before let em run around so when they do get in the car they fall right asleep. That’s what worked for us ,But if u can fly i wouldn’t mind that either :slight_smile: safe travels and have fun