Needing advice about water birth

I would like to hear other moms opinions on water birth! I’ve read pros and cons but I just want to know their stories. I’m due in December and I’m really considering it.


I’ve never had a water birth, but I have gave birth twice all natural and I would get in the shower and use the shower head to massage where the contractions were and it was so much help!

I was planning on a water birth with my 2nd child. When I went into labour in the birth suite, the mid-wife on duty at the time wasn’t qualified in water births so I had to make do with a few warm showers instead. I wasn’t even allowed to sit in the bath with a small amount of water. Perhaps the only way you can guarantee a water birth is arranging a doula at home. Do what makes you feel most comfortable…sometimes the birth plan doesn’t go to plan but as long as mum and bub are healthy, that’s all that matters.

DO IT!!! I always dreamed of a water birth at home! My friend Nicole can probably give you tons of reasons to birth at home/ a water birth! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Loved mine. It helped with the pain so much and was a beautiful experience

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Make sure your insurance covers it.

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I’ve had one on land, induced/Epi. And 2 in water. Prefer water. It’s an amazing experience. Definitely make sure you prepare well, educate yourself and get a good support system in place with people who will cheer you on. Also get a doula.

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I was so hopeful about mine but I was really let down. I wasn’t allowed into the water until 7 centimeters but once I was in the water it real did help with contractions! They wouldn’t let me birth her in water bc I kept losing consciousness from exhaustion and pain and length of labor. I had her on my back in a bed just like I never wanted :c I pushed for 5 hours bc my body refused to progress. I wish I would have gone to a hosptial.


Id be happy to answer any questions

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I absolutely loved giving birth in my tub at home, with a midwife. It was an amazing experience. I also did not tear at all. :raised_hands:t3:

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I worked in OB for 17 years… I personally think water births are the way to go… Babies go from one warm wet environment to another. It is very calming for them and not so scary. Mamas also tend not to tear. The water is relaxing and you can move freely. My water baby is 18 years old. Go for it!!

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The warm water in the tub absolutely helped my contraction pain! I signed consent for a water birth but unfortunately the birthing center didn’t have a good pad for under my knees so I ended up on the bed.

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Best natural pain relief ever. Had all 4 natural births with all my children, water birth is by far the best

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In the UK they dont let you use a water pool if your bmi is too high

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I really wanted to but my last 2 that i was considering it with the labor and delivery went way too quick to be able to do it

I tried it with my home birth, but I had the urge to push during every contraction from like 7 cm on and the water made it worse! It was HEAVEN before the contraction though. I’m due again in December and won’t be bothering with all the work it entails just to not be able to use it.

I HATED it. I tried it with my first but ended up giving birth standing up over the toilet lol. Had to do it with my second and i would never recommend it. Everyone is different so just try it if you can.

I loved both of my water births. So much nicer than a bed birth