Any advice on how to potty train a very stubborn child. She is three and refuses to use the potty.
my five year old asd son is very stubborn, i bought a toy for his all his pull ups( as he got the toy if he gave up his pull up) and it been a week and no pull ups. And its not bn be easy. If its it’s the switching part add just sitting on the potty before bed with stickers for reward.
Look in to the “potty watch” on Amazon! As 30, 60, 90 min timer. Lights up and plays music to encourage them to use the potty. Loved the one i had. Also help me remember take the kids to try.
My 2 and half year old looks at the watch and says not yet in… just a min. LOL
Put her in panties, not diapers, not pull ups. Take to the bathroom right after she wakes up, and every hour. If she doesn’t go, take her 20-30 minutes later. Praise her for going to the potty, don’t scold her for accidents, just remind her to tell you next time, clean her up, and put on new panties. After 3-5 days she should be fully potty trained. The first day is the hardest, then she’ll see you aren’t giving up, stay positive and so will she.
Following. My 4 yr old son will pee in the potty but refuses to poop in the potty. I’ve tried everything!
She will catch on just keep trying. It takes some kids longer to adjust.
Following because my 4 yo is still struggling.
3 year olds are smart. Just tell her that she can’t go to big girl school in a diaper. If you have to do songs and rewards it’s to early unless the child is a boy.
Our daughter loves Sonic the Hedgehog but they only make them in boys undies… so she got boy undies. No more diapers. She also likes her privacy. I leave her on the potty and she lets me know when she’s done. Good luck.
My daughter, who is EXTREMELY stubborn, refused to sit on the potty or wear underwear so I honestly didn’t force it too much. Ended up letting her run around the house naked for a day and, I swear to you, she was potty trained by the end of that day. This was a few weeks ago, and she turned 3 in March. Only one accident since.
We did naked from waist down for 3 days. Mine was potty trained by day 3. She asked for a diaper, i told her no to go in her potty. She had special toys she could only play with on the potty. She also got new DVDs and got to watch a little if she put potty in the potty
Stickers helped big time with our son if he went potty he got a sticker and we clapped and said good job big boy
I put a “treasure box” in bathroom every time she went she got a prize .
Kept her naked beginning Friday by Sunday she was trained
Naked for a few days and some reverse psychology…told her only to pee in the potty because only big girls poop on the potty…she doesn’t like being told what not to do
I had 2 potties, one in living room and one in bathroom… To help her in case she couldn’t make it to the 1st one.
Give her a reward for going potty like a snack-size candy bar or something
I used expo markers and let them sit backwards on the toliet and draw. They only got to use them when trying to use bathroom. If they got bored I added stickers.
Dont use pulls, make potty charts, let her pick out undies, makeup silly potty songs Elmo potty movie and books
Bribery works wonders
Take your time mine is 5 and still having issues
We used bribe … mini m and m’s… 1 for number 1 and 2 for number two…
My youngest boy and his dad spent all weekend in the bathroom. He was potty trained after that. I couldnt spent that much time in the bathroom with him, as I have another boy who also needed me. But his dad was remarried and could.
Just put the potty out and leave it to her buy some knickers with her fave show on whatever she likes ie peppa pig or whatever she is in to hope this helps x
Model the behavior you want, even if it’s just sitting on the toilet for a while while the kiddo tries
Does telling her that babies go potty in their diapers work? I know my son HATES to be called a baby
My daughter is ADHD/ASD and she didn’t fully train until she was 4.5. She wouldn’t sit on the potty for any period of time. She was afraid of pooping in it. She’s 11 and we still have to argue about wiping. We used pull ups for a couple years, and tried treats and charts and all of it. She full on just used the potty when she was good and ready. Not sure anything we did really made any difference at all. She walked when she was good and ready, too, despite our interventions. She pretty much has always set her own timeline.
I say encourage potty use, before going anywhere, after breakfast and lunch, first thing in the AM. Offer treats if she tries to go, and more treats if she actually goes (m&m’s, mini marshmallows etc). Use the pull ups. And then wait for her to take over. She won’t be untrained forever.
Keep reminding yourself of that.
Don’t put pull ups on at all! Use underwear. I used a timer while potty training and banana chips as a reward with a sticker sheet. Once they filled the sticker sheet for the week with 4 or more a day they got to go get a prize from the store. That seemed to really help.
My oldest also didn’t want to poop on the potty… until I finally made him clean himself up and he didn’t do it any more. He only had to clean himself up 3 times before he decided to use the potty.
Should’ve done it at terrible two
Maybe, just maybe… SHE’S NOT READY
Make her wear it on her Noggin, she’s obviously a Shit for Brains
When they poop in their pamts make them clean the under wear,a few times they will go in the toilet
Its about figuring out what incentive works best… My oldest did great with temp tattoos while my youngest wanted to vacuum- only big boys get to vacuum- use that as a reward for sitting on the potty and just make it routine to try every hour or so. Hope that helps
my pedeatician said …dont worry a healthy child will not stay in diapers / pullups .try mnms .they taught my niece her colors while being …trained
We did the Kinderjoy candy that came with a toy. Called it “poop” candy. Worked great
I put it on the calendar. You aren’t going to wear nappies after this day. 6 days hence. Look at the calendar every day then on the day…that’s it. Take a change of clothes everywhere you go. 2 or 3 accidents which you minimize, say very little about, just whip the wet stuff off and carry on cheerfully. Give it a try. Might work for you. I did it between 2 and 2.5 years. Trick is, keep it pleasant and act like no nappies is a government decision not yours. Just a neutral fact.
Take away all diapers and pull ups… having hot pee run down your legs isn’t the best feeling… they’ll want to use the potty
Have you tried putting her on a schedule?