Needing advice on potty training

I am seeking some advice on potty training. My daughter does great at home with her diaper off, she will run right to the potty when she has to go. But when she has a diaper/pull up on she won’t tell me or go. Any tips on transitioning from this??

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Quit putting her in a diaper or pull up. Babe knows she can be lazy and just pee in it no problem. Eliminating the “lazy” option will make it so she knows she has to go to the potty or wet herself. As hard as it is and tiring cleaning up accidents, it kind of goes with potty training


Use real underwear. Thats what I had to do with my daughter and never looked back


If she’s OK at home don’t put pullups on. There’s not much worse than a bag full of wet pants or a soaking wet toddler when your out. Try training pants as a step before ordinary pants. They do hold a little urine but not nearly as much as pullups and not as bulky. If she’s having lots of accidents…give up and try again in a few months. There’s no point trying to rush her or stressing about it


Let her or him pick out the panties, make a big deal about keeping them clean and not peeing in them. If they have an accident just tell them it’s okay try again next time

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Ah ya that was my problem to I got 3 girl’s…
I put their pull up on them set a timer for every 20 minutes, to bring them into the bathroom togo potty. They’d sit on toilet and If they didn’t go, I would still praised them and clap and give them half a mini donut or part of a little something to eat even if it was just cheese they were happy. if they did go on the potty I would do the same and then give them a bigger snack or prize for going on toilet. It’s time consuming but within a few weeks they figured it out.

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Don’t put her in a diaper or pull-up, put panties on her. That way she will feel the wet and won’t like the feeling. She may have an accident or two but it won’t talked long before she catches on!

Take away pull ups all together even when your out and about that’s what I had to do with my daughter even at bed time went threw a stage where I was washing bedding alot but after about a week she was good to go I also had a little potty in her room too she was potty trained a little before three

She’s not ready. Wait until she is. When kids are ready, they just go and it’s effortless on your part. Pull-ups and diapers don’t stop kids from being ready or potty-learning when they are ready.

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Pull-ups are just like diapers. Get some big girl underwear.


Put her right in undies she might have accidents which is normal but just keep reminding her. Let her pick the undies out and everytime she goes on the potty make a big deal out of it


Stop putting her in pull-ups or diapers


Stop using pull ups. A tip I read after my kids were well into their teens, get a potty chair to keep in your vehicle, line it with a diaper for easy clean up.

stop using diapers/pull ups.