Needing baby name ideas, suggestions>

Fan Question


Hi guys!! Mom of one four (going on five) year old here, and expecting my second son in August. The father of my four year old is in his life but my second son’s Dad is not in the picture…I came home one day and all of his stuff was gone…haven’t seen him since.
I’m having a bit of difficulty naming this boy.
I really love the name Osiris because it’s different and I love different names - plus, it goes well with my last name which is different - Auth. (AWTH, like author)
I’m getting a lot of backlash saying it sounds like a female name…but I’m just tired of looking at this point. It’s already hard enough trying to find something that goes well with Auth. I have literally no one to ask, my mom passed a few years ago and my dad isn’t in my life…plus, I moved to a completely different state two months ago so I have completely no friends.
I need help guys!!!
I need a DIFFERENT name for my boy that sounds good with the last name Auth :sob::sob::sob::sob:

A tired and frustrated single pregnant momma