I’m so torn on what to do for my baby girl’s 2nd birthday with COVID and all. Any ideas? I think she’s too young to comprehend a drive-by birthday- I don’t feel it’s completely safe to have a party at home or in a rented space and also feel others that would be invited wouldn’t come. I don’t want it to be just another day. Ideas we could do as a family to celebrate her or things I could rent for a small group of the immediate family to enjoy would be appreciated!
We did ours at home with decoration, presents, cake, and all. Only us who live here were allowed and the rest of them got pictures/video! I asked if they’d like to send presents, to ship them here so we can sanitize beforehand and wrap for them!
My daughter turned 2 in June and we done her a little tea party she loved it
We stopped with parties and started doing something as a family the last couple of years. We rent a motel with a pool and arcade, have dinner and just party as a family
We did an evite birthday for my one year old last month.
If you go to evite.com they have free virtual parties (can invite as many guests and stay connected as long as you want”. We invited friends and family to “connect” with us as we sang happy birthday, watched him eat his cake. We asked those who wanted to give him a gift to send it before the party so we could open it for those who wanted to see that too.
It wasn’t how I pictured spending his first birthday but it was acknowledged and we made the best of it
Give her lots of balloons, cake and ice cream. She doesn’t care who come. Keep her/him safe and enjoy her day.
At 2 years old, she isn’t really going to know much different. I would just buy a small cake and some ice cream and a few gifts and limit the invited guests. To keep things safe, ask the adults and older children to wear a mask. Maybe buy a bucket of chicken and sides from KFC and keep it simple.
We did a drive by in Aug. He is very fond of trash tracks. The comp.in our town sent a truck. Let him get up in it he got to blow the horn. Different people drove by.It turned out real good.
Pre-covid (5 years ago) we didn’t even have a party. We did birthday presents in the morning with lots of fun tissue paper to pull apart, cupcakes and balloons. Maybe make her favorite food for her meals and have a couple special treats. If you want to include family ask them to make a one minute video each that you can show her throughout the day. Then you can save them for her to look at when she’s older.