Needing book recommendations for a single parent

Any recommendations on single mom parenting books? To give a little background as to what I’m looking for, I’m a single 23yr old mom to a 6yr old boy with an absent father. I’m struggling to discipline correctly, keeping patience and explaining things in a way a 6yr old can comprehend. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got a good kid, he’s just got an attitude, and I struggle breaking that.


I’m a single mother of a 6 year old boy myself. I’ve found videos of super nanny or jo frost on YouTube very helpful!

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I’ve also taken free parenting classes that were offered in my community, that the local county offered. It cover’s discipline.

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“Parenting with Love and Logic” I think theres an online course that goes with it also!

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Amazon search single moms raising boys books

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Teaching Your children how to mind Without losing yours

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Bringing up Boys by Dr James Dobson

Sounds to me you’re doing fine. He’ll grow outta that attitude especially when he sees the amount of love & patience you give him everyday. I raised two on my own & I spoke to them like I would speak to anyone. Kids are smarter than some would think.

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Also with a lack of a father being present, he it sounds like there might be aime unresolved grief with regards to his dad not being present. There is a book called Chuldren and Grief. Check the Grief Recivery Method website for articles and books available.

They love and logic online. Also see if there is a strengthening families program in your community. There are lots of great resources out there.

I have two girls. Their dad died of cancer when they were 4 & 8. It is difficult being both the disciplinarian and the trusted safe, soft place. I found the kids really needed clear boundaries and structure. I also found they were not too young to understand how their behaviors impacted me and our overall happiness. It was not always easy, but looking back, it was totally worth the investment.

Try conscious discipline online

I was a single mom for 8 years with a boy. I will say seeing a family counselor that saw us both helped immensely. Also, The Strong Willed Child by Dr Dobson and Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline are great reads. I would say the best thing for him was sports to help get energy out and have a male role model. He is 15 now and we are super close.

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Can you get him in a big brother situation? Or if you have male family who can step up here and there to have talks with him. there is no book. No child is the same and no book will help you with all the different ways to parent. He is a boy and boys need a man. I know amazing boys who turned into men with single moms, but there’s something boys get from male figures, even a grandfather would be great.

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I can’t offer a book but I can seriously state whatever happens take a deep breath and respond and not react. One thing both of you need to learn with each other is if you have to take a minute then you have to take a minute so that you don’t hurt each other with words and reactions

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There’s a devotional book called Every Single Day, geared for single moms. I found this very helpful when I had my little boy- it’s not overly preachy, but speaks to every day issues with single parenting. It’s a great way to start your day.

Ask his school if they can provide you with a behavioral therapist. That way, any advice would be tailored specifically to your needs. Insurance will cover it.


I became a single mom at 27 with a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. They are now 49 and 46 and wonderful parents themselves. The Bible, prayer, patience, and love were my guide.

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Best method is distraction and giving child two choices that puts it in his hands. They usually don’t want either but that is a firm either or

I didn’t do any books but I found that my son’s pediatrician and day care providers were super helpful! Chin up mama, you got this!

No good books on that but I once took a class called love and logic. It’s a parenting like class. It was so good info. Maybe they still have it somewhere outthere.

A general good book easy to read “ how to talk so kids will listen, how to listen so kids will talk”

I cannot remember the author’s name but there is a book called the strong-willed Child… you might look into reading on that one

Dr James dobson book parenting the strong willed child


He might need his attitude for the bullies that come along in life maybe he needs adjusting , not busting.

As a mom of 3 attitude driven (now adult) children…my advice to you is redirection. The attitude is a sign not only of intelligence but of confidence. Hes secure knowing you wont abandon him. Being male hes not going to respond as easily to words, verbal commands, verbal direction/correction. After he’s had his say give him time to cool off after a casual watch your tone warning give him a project to build…home depot has kits for kids little birdhouses etc. It worked well for my 2 sons. Not so much on my daughter. She chose baking as an outlet

I have been a single mom since my son was six. (He’s thirty four) I know how difficult it can be. The best advice that I can give you is to be like a tennis ball, firm but slightly flexible. Set the boundaries and the consequences and allow him to make some decisions and choices.

That’s easy!! Parenting with love and logic!! I’ve been in the field of early Childhood for 30 years! This book is the best their is!! Kids learn to be accountable for their own choices and actions. It works! I’ve done it in my classroom of 20, 4 and 5 year olds for at least 20 years and my own three their whole lives!

Bringing up
Boys by Dr James Dobson

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You dont need book to learn how be parent.


1-2-3 Magic by Thomas Phelan.

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Magic 1,2,3 works well . It is book and DVDs

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Check ou “Conscious Discipline” training.

Read the Bible, follow the words there, take him to church, find a strong male in that church to bond with him. Pray

Bringing up boys by Dr. James Dobson

1 2 3 Magic by Thomas Phelan. He address how to start a behavior such homework time and how to stop unwelcome behaviors.

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the best discipline is ur atittude, u always have to be in control of yourself, not “in control” of him. he is a 6 year old child that is already going thru enough and is trying to understand that. my youngest one is the one with the toughest character, but i never yell, never get frustrated in front of him, and absolutely no acting on impulse. i am always in control of my self and when i know i can’t be i tell him, “give me about 5 min ill b rite back so we can talk” and i go do something else or go pray for patience. if they percieve u are stressed they will become more stressed. so show him what to do. instruct him, teach him with words and ur actions. there is no need for punishment. AND LOTS OF PATIENCE! I MEAN LOTS OF IT! its very hard sometimes, but u are raising a little human that doesn’t know what to do and how to act and that has to deal with feelings he doesn’t know yet. give him hugs, kisses, “i understand” “you’re the best” i’m proud of you" you can do this" try again ill help you if u can’t," etc. no silent treatments, no yelling, absolutely no corporal punishment, no threats… etc. i read somewhere “when ur child is acting out ignore their actions but not the child” he needs a secure world rite now. his atittude is his reaction to what he’s going thru. he needs to know he is entitled to his feelings, its his right, and that all his feelings are ok and valid, but that he always has to know how to keep them under control, bcz the way he reacts to his feelings (his actions) are what’s gonna produce the good or bad outcomes. if he knows he can trust u he will and its ur job to teach him how to cope and react to his feelings. if ur violent, impulsive, or inpatient thats what he’s gonna learn and he will fear you. living fear is a horrible thing…u got this momma! i did it alone with 4, only with God’s help. u can do this too! God bless you!

The Bible. People today hate it, blaspheme the God who inspired it and even though they’re alive, they give more credibility to chaos and disproved evolution than to him. But since he’s the one that created you, your son and family, you should read Ephesians 5 and 6. Deuteronomy 6:6,7, Proverbs 1 and countless others. You can dm me for more information. Hope this can help. No human has the power to help more than the one who created you.

Is it possible he has a medical condition that prevents him from doing what you want him to do? Id suggest a conversation with his pediatrician. They are there to help you with struggles like this whether it’s something medical or need of counseling or just to suggest different ways to parent to help your child at the stage in life they’re at…

I highly recommend 1-2-3 Magic by Thomas Phelan. My girls are older and I can still hold up 1 finger and they know to stop what they are doing.

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