Needing dinner ideas

I need ideas for what to make for dinner. Been running around to various doctor appointments all day. Need something actually quick.

My go too is always pasta. Ready in 15mins
Maybe add a bag salad

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Hot dogs and fries, hamburger helper, grilled cheese with tomato soup, tv-dinners, frozen pizza, homemade subs, Carroll Shelby chili kit, chicken nuggets or strips with macaroni and cheese, egg salad sandwiches, tuna sandwiches. Most of these are unhealthy but once in a while wonā€™t hurt.

I have to go looking for tile, flooring, vanities, sinks, etc. Iā€™m not cooking.

Tacosā€¦spaghettiā€¦hamburger helper

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Pick up a rotisserie chicken from Walmart. You can either slice it for chicken sandwiches, dice it for chicken salad, or eat it straight off the bone.