Can any boys moms help me out? How long did your boys have pee accidents? He keeps having pee accidents at school and now they are saying they want to put him in a pull up during the day and he hasn’t been in a pull up for a long time. He has an accident here and there at home but I’ve never thought about putting him back in a pull up. Idk if it’s a behavior disorder or something or if it’s normal??? We go talk to the doctor tomorrow to hopefully figure out a direction we can go with helping him. Idk I’m so so lost and I have no one to talk to about it. Ugh.
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A important factor how old is he?
My boys never had an accident at school. Is he in kindergarten, maybe he’s a little scared to ask to go
My two boys never had accidents after being potty trained. Every child is different though.
My son wasn’t fully potty trained at 4, and still had accidents at preschool. If he’s older, maybe the doctor can help. Mist boys get busy with an activity and just forget until it’s too late or they just don’t want to stop what they’re doing. Boys take longer for everything to mature.
How old? Mine didn’t have many pee accidents, mine were closer to 4 going on 5 until potty training. I would maybe take to Dr? Could have urinary tract infection or other things going on? Any other changes? Behavioral?