Needing parenting advice

They got too used to being spoiled. Stand firm and as long as they’re properly taken care of don’t worry about the extra stuff. Go to the park, library, free activities in your area.


When kids cuss around me I explain the ancient rule to them- kids only cuss around other kids and adults pretend not to know that kids cuss around other kids. Kids aren’t supposed to cuss around adults cause it’s just not how it’s done :person_shrugging: It’s the way it’s always been and always will be. And if adults hear kids cussing we have to punish them because that’s how it’s always been :person_shrugging:
Find free stuff to do on your area. Playing at the park (and play with them), finding cool rocks out at a river, nature trails (trying to find cool leaves and rocks, identifying trees and flowers, looking for wild life and discussing, make a scavenger hunt, play cards or a board game together, throw a handful of pennies in the yard and tell them the person who finds the most gets to stay up 15 minutes past bedtime, go to the local library and pick out some books or movies to watch at home, there are a lot of free interesting things to do.


How are you a single sahm? Are you rich or if you have a secret let everyone know


They’re learning the words somewhere. Either someone you have around them or somewhere they picked them up. You might have raised them, but they learn it somehow. Tv, social media, school, relatives, people you have around. Either someone has treated them that way or they have seen someone behave that way towards another person.

sit them both down and explain to them in their words that at this moment we cant get afford extra special treats as we just dont have the money for it, but when things gets better we may be able to get something special, as a stay at home single mum you must be able to budget great allready with what little you would get and yes the kids will act up like your saying as they are still trying to get their own way and break you down, stay strong you are the parent and if it means with their behaviour that the tv gets turned off , their special toys get taken away and time out so be it


I’m trying to understand the situation, maybe your a working SAHM, maybe they’re home schooled?
Anyways, they are use to the materials instead of the love they need from mom…
Maybe set some boundaries, if they want to go do something for the day then they need to start acting like little humans, help around the house… talk to them about how your feeling at an age appropriate level.
Use the things you have been giving them as a reward for good behavior.


Be consistent. When they talk like that or act up they have to sit in a quiet spot for 5 minutes. If they get up more minutes. Boys don’t like being still or doing stuff. You have to be firm and following through. 5 and 6 it’s time to put your parent foot down. They need you to explain why and be consistent. You don’t do this now you will never have respect for you.


Hi, I know this is anonymous post but if you’d like to just have someone to talk to please message me!. My daughter’s are 12 and 10 and I remember having the same feeling as I was asta at home mom when they were both small. It’s tough. That was me not being a single mom. I can only imagine. I’m here for you to chat or just lending an ear for anything. Please don’t be shy and message me. I would love to be a long distance friend :two_hearts:


Focus on you now that they are both in school. Find a better paying job to ease your money worries. That doesn’t mean just so you can spoil them more but you’ll see how much better life is and how much happier you will be when everyone can eat well and Needs are easily met. Then there is extra leftover for fast food & outings.

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When my kids were young we would find things to do that were free or almost free. We would also do volunteer work. It was amazing how much they loved it!!! As adults they now do it with their children


Where did a 5 and 6 year old hear swear words if not at home?


How about you get a job :thinking:


Trapped and depressed. Give aide, training and find even part time work
If possible counseling as a family


Pop butts and time out in room with no tv on or anything. At 5 and 6 they should be in school. Are you homeschooling? It would help them to be able to play with kids throughout the week. Have to be learning swear words from someone. Tell them those words are not nice words and should stop saying them or will be punished. Things are expensive. Buy less toys and take them more places. No toys unless bdays or holidays.Take them outaide to play…to park…whatever. Build a fort,cook popcorn,and have movie time. Kids bond more with parents through experiences…not toys. They enjoy ANYTHING you do with them. Park is free…building a fort is free…watching a movie together is free…taking a walk outside is free. Picking flowers is free. Coloring or painting or crafting together is cheap if go to Dollar Tree,etc. If want money and to do good for others,then could do a surrogacy for a good bit of money. Carry a baby for someone else. Lots of shots involved,but it is worth it to give someone else their family…Or start an at home business. Babysit or house cleaning or petsitting from home…Could do Instacart or other side jobs.


I’m a fulltime mother that works part-time. It works get a job at Coles when the littles are at school work casual like me to make ends meet. Life is hard and regardless if you think it’s fair or not it’s happening to you right now. The simple answer is get those babies in school. Do not let them speak to you like that get a job and everything will work out ONE STEP at a time. You got this it’s hard on all us


Stop. Do you love and care for your children?? Of course you do. So stop putting yourself down !!! Also stop spoiling them !!!

I’m interested in knowing how you are a sahm single mom… I’m a working single mom and can’t afford anything…


So why not get a job ??? Wonder where that money is actually coming from? :thinking: Why not get a job better yourself and your kids life. file for child support. Take away toys if kids misbehave.

Yikes. “Smacking” doesn’t work even as a last resort.

We hit rough roads in our lifetime, it is just up to us on how we pave those roads smoothly. Tell your kids that there are times you may hit these rough roads and you temporarily may not do things you used to do … Now, I wouldn’t keep spoiling them as that can make their attitudes sound entitled, but yea.

The advice giving for discipline is the wrong way to go about it … opposite of what they need … how was you raised? Your giving your kids everything but what they need … a MOM and LOVE… buying things is material and not being present with their mental,emotional and physical needs. Your replacing that which results in why you feel like crap cause you can’t afford to give that and now you started them out like that … you are going to have to have a set down one by one and explain things on their level what love is vs things being bought … Work from home jobs are hiring like crazy and hope this helps

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I don’t how you feel that a 5 & 6 year old are ungrateful when they don’t even truly know how to wipe their own butts yet. Smacking them would NEVER be the answer in any situation and I feel the derogatory remarks toward you I either learned behavior or you have let the disrespectful shit go for to long now they now that not matter what they say or do they will win in the end and at 5 & 6 I don’t feel spending lots of money on them is the answer either. I feel like they know your buying their love because you have been absent some where else in their lives and they know that because of that they will get what they want also. They have no discipline and no respect. Try taking eveyrhing they own except their clothes. I would even take away any kind of extra snack and show them how other kids are treat and what other kids have and that when they start showing you respect and speaking to you like they have some sense or they won’t get their things back.

How far away are you from her room? She may be insisting on sleeping in the living room to be close to you.

My oldest kept claiming there were snakes in his room. I gave him a flashlight. He’d shine it on whatever he thought was snakes. Once he realized there weren’t actual snakes in his room the problem was solved. It took a few days.

My younger 2 slept on chairs in the living room for several months while I slept on the couch. They were afraid of sleeping alone. My daughter in particular was difficult to get to sleep so I did anything just to get some sleep. Eventually they just went to sleep in their rooms.

As for the nightmares. Their imaginations are developing at this age. It could be just that. Or she could be reliving something happening to her. Get her dolls that represent people around her. Family members, people at daycare etc. Let her play with them. A camera would help. She may not replay certain things around you. That may reveal something that is scary to her. They use this in child counseling, preschools etc.

Remember it’s just a stage. It’ll be gone before you know it.